did anyone cop a NKETLK tee shirt?

I know, I don't count. Still...

"teets21" showed me his...

As far as supporting, I'm buying on Friday. I am all down for the cause and keeping NT up and running.

Doubt if I'd ever wear it though.

Just a little too "I'm a better sneakerhead than you because I posts on NT" public display IMO.

On this site, that's cool doe. lol.

I'm just overly particular about the threads on my back; I'm still shocked I dig Lavan's line so much.

"Silky Johnson" signing off...........................................................
Just a little too "I'm a better sneakerhead than you because I posts on NT" public display IMO.
Some people may perceive it that way, which is understandable given that there is plenty of elitism within the hobby.

NT as a community has never been about the whole "i have it, you don't" nonsense. People ON NT have, sure, but NikeTalk has been about bringingpeople together. Before the Internet, you might have been one of four of five guys in your high school who were really into sneakers. With NT, you became amember of a global community. That's why we created it - not to "show off." We're not sending free shirts out to celebrities. We'renot advertising on I$$ (irony meters would explode.) It's just something we're doing for our members, who demanded it, and to help raise money forcharity.

For us, the shirt's not about being proud of your possessions, it's about being proud of your friends, yourcommunity, your extended "family." It's just a tip of the cap to fellow sneaker fans you may encounter in everyday life.

Some people are acting like guys are gonna come up to you and act like you're long list brothers because you have the same shirt on. I don't see thathappening, unless you're stuck in line together or something. What I do envision, though, is that you might be walking around somewhere, you'llnotice someone with the shirt on, and maybe it makes you smile inside for that brief moment of recognition. "Wow, we're everywhere."

It's the fundraising aspect of it that's the most exciting part of it to me personally. How many products are designed to capitalize on sneaker fans? Only a portion of them actually come from within the community and virtually none exist to BENEFIT the community. If this were to take off, we could donatethousands of additional dollars to charity. Viewing an ad doesn't even generate whole currency. Clicking barely does. We can't do scale like Nikewith livestrong bands, so we need to sell something with a larger margin. Apparel fits. So, that's really the goal behind it. It's disappointing tome that people would interpret it as something elitist. That's basically the antithesis of what we're trying to accomplish. Hopefully we can turnthat perception around.
I copped. Most likely will wear it to the gym... (The XXL fits like a XL though)
Damn EOH (4:17am)? Your baby must be keeping you up???
I've been there, homie...


Not yet. I have a good feeling I may win one from the NT B-Ball thing one of these months....
Dag... thought I'd see more yes's..... I wore mine home last week on the flight and got a couple of Points when changing planes in KC.... One TSA dudeasked who I was and I said Rockdeep...

He said who?

I repeated.

He said oh.. I hang in the Music Forum all the time.

Which I never do....

Still it was cool to see another NTer and let me know the community is so big..... even ex-Mods are unknown!!
Bought it, cut it, hooped in it .... if you guys make a white based shirt I will cop another.
if you don't know i'm on here i don't want you to know...last thing i need is some stranger trying to talk to me on the street about shoes iprobably don't even own...
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