Derrick Rose Is Overrated

For those of you who have only seen that video up there, it was 1000x better in normal speed than it was in slow mo. Just filthy.
Originally Posted by Kal Ripped Ken

this has potential to be the most dug up thread of S&T

from pg 1
Please just Lock this thread up.. It just shows how people like the jump the gun early. Talm bout Jennings > Rose..
Last 26 games Bulls 13-13
21.8 Pts
6.4 Assists
4 Rebounds
48% Field Goals

Jennings will have his time, but let's not get carried away.
Aaron Brooks
wasn't this thread made when he was injured?
my boy Rose, you know its a night when hes showing emotion
Originally Posted by memphisboi55

Originally Posted by S4L3

Should be an All-Star reserve...

Iverson damn sho' shouldn't be near a All Star game.

Honestly that should mean more to the players, I mean don't get me wrong they all want to start and its love for the fans to vote you in, but to be picked by the coaching staff as someone who deserves to be there off of your play would mean more to me than a popularity contest. Which is what this fan voting is.
He was thinking of Kenny smith on that dunk

Overrated? Not to me he's just really EXPLOSIVE
rose is balling now. i can't front, won't front.

i never doubted his ability, but dude wasn't balling early on. not like he was supposed to.

maybe it was the coaching change.

but i still stick to the statement that he isn't a top 5 pg (like dudes say he is) yet.

and aaron brooks is still having a good season.
Originally Posted by Addict4Sneakers

rose is balling now. i can't front, won't front.

i never doubted his ability, but dude wasn't balling early on. not like he was supposed to.

maybe it was the coaching change.

but i still stick to the statement that he isn't a top 5 pg (like dudes say he is) yet.

and aaron brooks is still having a good season.
what coaching change? vinny aint gone...
how about he was injured like we were saying throughout the entire thread, it never was a secret but ya'll were saying we were "protecting our fav player". watch  and read things and damn near every analyst mentions about his strained tendon in the beginning of the season and you can tell he's fully healthy now.

and i agree iono why everyone is selling aaron brooks short (no pun). he's having a dynamite season for the rockets
Originally Posted by Addict4Sneakers

and aaron brooks is still having a good season.

Noone said that Aaron wasn't having a great season but you all were quick to claim he was head and shoulders better than Pooh which was a flat out ludicris statement.  Not to take away from what He's doing for the Rockets because he is playing phenomenal for what they need him to do, but you honestly can't compare the two imo personal opinion.  The Rockets are a team, a sum of parts and he's one of its best parts, meanwhile its required of Pooh to carry the Bulls night in and night out.  Totally different positions of pressure and If he isn't a top 5 pg right now, he's right on the door step.
Rose had an ankle injury and was unable to condition because they wanted to get him healthy for the season. That is why he was playing at a less than good pace. It wasn't hard to see. Guy is getting into shape and his jumper is looking so much better. His explosiveness is back and I think the 2nd half of the season is going to be a very good one. The schedule gets a lot easier and he should be prime to lead the Bulls into the playoffs.
27 and 6 in a Bulls win over the Spurs, at San Antonio...mhmmmm, he's over -rated alright. Oh, and he was under the weather.

Can we please delete this thread? There have been far more useful posts that have lasted less.
Originally Posted by amel223

Or we can just let this thread die instead of diggin it up lol

Nope, I can't let that happen. It's not a case the OP being wrong. The guy disrespected Rose and us Chicago fans, and for that, I will unleash verbal reminders until 2012.
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