
Originally Posted by SoHi 23

Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

Originally Posted by Zeus23

what does FTW mean?

Farm the wheat
smh, why are you messing with him
, [Dude from Celebrity-Fit-Club/Have Some Class/Dude from Celebrity-Fit-Club]

stop lyin yall. it's for the weiner

I'll be nice.. It means For the Win.
Originally Posted by mario23407

its is fixed, stern is making new orleans win because of the feel good story of katrina.

Stern would rather have the Celtics win then the Hornets.
How is it being fixed all it is is homecourt advantage which you kind of expect. If it were fixed it would easily be the Lakers vs. Celtics (it still may be).
Fact is that it's pretty common for the team down 0-2 to win big at home. They're at home, the other team gets lazy and doesn't play hard, and thehome team steps up and plays better.

Stern isn't fixing the playoffs.
Originally Posted by youngjordan23

Why exactly would David Stern want the Hawks who can't even sellout there first home playoff game at home in 10 years to beat the celtics are are the second most storied franchise in basketball history. If anything a sweep would be put in place to show how "Dominate" they are. Your theory just plain out sucks.
Do you really think stern gives a #%#+ about the legacy of a franchise? @!+** na.

more games played = more revenue for the leaugue. plain and simple
Originally Posted by mario23407

its is fixed, stern is making new orleans win because of the feel good story of katrina.
I think he has a point. This is the 3rd year straight Mavs are all of a sudden doing poorly in the post season. It has to be fixed.

Or maybe your team still choking on Dwyane Wade's.
How can anyone say the NBA is not fixed??? Tim Donaghy anyone???

Did you guys forget already??? It's only been a year man.
i also hope the Celtics don't win. But i dont think the playoffs are fixed in anyway
Watching Game 4 of Atlanta vs Boston, I am convinced that kidnappers took Garnett's children
hostage before the game or something. It was utterly ridiculous. The game went exactly as if
the Celtics were told not to play defense. Maybe Doc Rivers told them to keep the score down
for his point spread so he could cake himself up. Whatever the case,..just jesus christ...
I don't know, some of you believe in so many conspiracies; I believe that the playoffs are not being fixed; according to your theory, home court plays amajor factor in the series, even if you are the underdog. As most of the lower ranked teams have done so far, it 's hard winning both home games 3 and 4,except for the Hawks beating the Celtics
Originally Posted by bangtcg

there are just too many mouths involved in your theory. there is no way that nobody let out a peep.



and his former enforcer


- its like when one goes away, a new one takes his place
Stern usually doesn't start fixing games until the later rounds... unless LeBron or Wade is in trouble. But as a Hornets fan, I wouldn't worry if Iwere you... Stern wants to market Chris Paul, so expect some shenanigans aimed at helping the Hornets get past the Spurs.
This is such a ridiculous theory. Study some history of the NBA playoffs. What is happening now is just the ebb and flow of the game and NOTHING ELSE.

The Nuggets bounced the #1 seed Sonics in the first round in the 90s. Fixed or just a team with nothing to lose playing outstanding basketball in a series?

The conspiracy theories thrive on the premise that they don't have to prove anything. They just have to say "isn't this odd" and people thathave actually watched the game for 15 years have to inform you that this season isn't unlike any other season.

If you think some games are fixed, maybe you should try and make a case instead of just using circumstantial evidence and other nuances.
I think the NBA is trying to control the outcome of the games, in order to add suspense, increase series length, so more people start watching the NBA, esp. the playoffs, again.
I don't see how you can say that with the multiple series in the hotly contested west looking to be finished in 5 games or less. That'snot suspenseful.
What the hell is this guy talking about. No series in the west is even competitive right now. Matter of fact, only 2 series in the entire playoffs made itto 2-2.
Lebron gets all the calls and Gibson should have been suspened one game because he came off the bench.
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