
In other news, my brick will be at my house by the end of the week... Cant wait to get it :pimp: :pimp:

Did anyone else order a brick for the new stadium?
for our next game. i really hope/pray to stick with the ground and pound as well as short dump offs/screens.

for a "creative" minded roman is :smile:lol) i dont see anything
I'm ******g sick and tired of the play calling and this offense. I'd rather watch A. Smith throw checkdown after checkdown to Gore and LMJ than see this clueless offense go against an aggressive D that has no respect for our passing game.

At this point i'm just hoping we even make the playoffs
Its also pretty obvious whether we are going to run or pass depending on the formations. Im pretty sure we passed once or twice on 1st down yesterday so the Saints just stacked the box 1st down every possession. They need to change it up every now and then.
What's crazy to me, is as bad as the offense has played in recent weeks, we are a Vance McDonald drop and a Frank Gore drop away from being 8-2.

True but we were very fortunate to be in the game yesterday. Saints should have been up by 2 TDs.
ted ginn 'sucked' when he was here but hes making plays in carolina...:smh: perfect example of how our coordinaters dont know how to utilize their players to their strengths(current example: lamichael james).
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^^^ Came in here to say this... Never even gave him the chance to play consistently... Could've been the guy to stretch the field like we need
Again we lost to the better team, this time it was because we couldn't run the ball well enough to win and we made way to many mental mistakes to win the game.

Challanges. :smh: both were awful.
Kaep calling a TO when we were out.
Kaep running out of bounds on the last drive.
Osgood with the 15 yard flag on the punt.

Offense will continue to struggle till Kaep proves he can make big plays down the field.

If you told me before the game that the Saints would out rush us in yards and attempts I would have laughed at you.

O-line play was shaky during critical points when we really needed them to step it up.

Last week a couple people said that the problem wasn't that we needed another receiver, is it the #1 problem no but its up there near the top of the list.

Not sure if people realize but through 10 games all but 8 catches have been made to WR's not named Anquan Boldin ( Manningham has two of those)

Kaep needs help

More consistant play from the O-line
Someone besides VD or Boldin to make a play every once in while
Easier play calls at the line ( the calls have to be simplified cant tell you how many plays got called with 01 or 02 on the clock.
1st down plays have to be better (we aren't getting enough yards on first down to be able to sustain a decent drive thus leading to 3rd and long plays that aren't getting us 1st downs.

was listening to 95.7 the game today and I forget which analyst was talking but he said he rewatched the game and time and time again, there was no receiver getting separation (including VD). I think we can agree that kaep is making poor decisions in the pocket, but damn, can the dude get another person to throw to not wearing 81. there were some great third down passes that kaep was making to boldin that will go over looked because the loss, but if gore catches that pass in the flat and/or the brooks flag goes the other way, the narrative on kaep's "decision making" changes dramatically
Lot's of holding prevents people getting open. VD can manhandle people all day if he were allowed to, but flags would come raining down. Other teams are being allowed to grab his jersey.

I have to respect the niners for this. They aren't whining a whole lot. And any complaints made are made pretty tastefully, I think.

As we saw in last nights Panther's game, "home field advantage" is a real thing.

Godell is ok with more eyeballs and brains thinking about NFL, even if it is for gambling.
Lot's of holding prevents people getting open. VD can manhandle people all day if he were allowed to, but flags would come raining down. Other teams are being allowed to grab his jersey.

I have to respect the niners for this. They aren't whining a whole lot. And any complaints made are made pretty tastefully, I think.

As we saw in last nights Panther's game, "home field advantage" is a real thing.

Godell is ok with more eyeballs and brains thinking about NFL, even if it is for gambling.

I completely agree, there's a lot of holding going on, especially on two third down plays that Fox replayed during the saints' game. in watching the Seattle game, KW10 was getting thrown to the ground right off the snap and anquan was getting pummeled within and beyond 5 yards. unfortunately nothing is called, but this points to a need for us to get a big physical receiver in the offseason. unless baldwin does something miraculous and actually uses his size and speed, we gotta get another wr who can match up with stronger secondaries.
We cannot lose this week. I predicted to be 10-6 but not like this. Man, I think we blow one against Washington we might as well call it a season. Is Crab playing next week?
I just read that their reviewing Ahmad brooks hit on drew Brees. Unfreakingbelievable.

What a sissy league roger Goodell has turned the NFL into. I hate to say it but its becoming less and less benifical to be a defensive oriented team in the modern day NFL.

If your going to get penalized for playing defense then might as well make the 15 yard penalty worth it next time and hurt the guy since playing legit defense gets you penalized anyways.

If the Leonard Marshall hit on joe montana happened today, the weenie Goodell would probably ban leonard Marshall from the league.
***** football league is more like it. this isnt the sport i grew up watching, playing and loving. :smh:

preach ray

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I just gained a ton of respect for ray Lewis after that clip.


most insightful and eloquent response to the wussification of the nfl that I've heard. it's gonna be upsetting that the nfl and godell are gonna do everything in their powers to sweep this topic under the rug (especially the unequal enforcement of this rule favoring a few qbs) while crap stories like Richie incognito and Jonathan Martin make headlines for over two weeks.

what's even worse is if they fine brooks more than they fined clay matthews for his out of bounds hit on kaep
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