
Originally Posted by TJ Detweiler

Originally Posted by dalilboy

Originally Posted by hpscots0906

Originally Posted by djbj6t9

I just downloaded all 7 seasons. Such a great show.

i think you need to pm me
me 2

edit: Nvm I found it
still waitin for the pm please sir... now that I know 2 people can provide...
This is like one of my favorite shows of all-time. They need to play some reruns on some Disney Channel or something because I need to catch these for whenI'm bored this summer
Originally Posted by KingoftheCourt23

True story, Topanga is in my math class this semester. Me and my boys saw her first day and said dayum that chick looks exactly like Topanga, we called her fat Topanga cus she got a lil meat to her bones. Anyways, come to find out it really is her and heres a pic of the role sheet with her name on it. Her boyfriend is in the class also and hes a total douche. Hes got a mortal combat dragon tattoo on his leg and wheres muscles shirts like no tomorrow. I would get a pic of her but im not on that stan type level ya dig. Shes tiny in person though...
Your professor spelled her middle name wrong...?
I prefer it before Cory and Shawn's relationship got "weird". I love hte really early episodes, and when Cory and TOpanga first kissed when hishair was on some wild %%%.
The one where Cory tries to perm his nappy hair you mean?

Originally Posted by jay kickz till i die

having all 7 season ftw! i would love for all 7 to come out for me to cop in a box set. disney, make it happen...

With Disney? Never gonna happen, they're lazy with the DVDs. I believe a new distributor has the rights though...thankfully.
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