DEFAULT...Student Loans

No it gets you out of default, everyone is just full of excuses

I work in the industry most people deflauting do it by choice and not because they can't make payments
I mean, can you at least imagine how it might be difficult to muster up the will to work for 6 months straight (assuming you make $200,000 and have zero expenses) to get out of default? maybe even the most noble americans would consider giving up? 
why do you assume we don't have debt?

I'm planning to go to law school, so yeah pal, I'll debt, a lot of it.

Don't see me sitting here blaming others.
yeah let me know how that goes. or let's see how your views change in three years. i assume you don't have debt because you have no idea what you're talking about. 

It amazes me how some kids get in debt over $100K for some random degree or worse they get the degree say like in nursing and the person male or female turns around after their done with school and got their degree and realize that they went to school for the wrong degree and they say "man nursing is a dirty job and I'm just not cut out to do this type of job". Then they go back to school for a different degree or a masters degree and dig themselves further more in debt.

Again trust me I've seen that scenario play out a bunch of times with family members or friends I know.

People who go for business degrees you see & hear the sad stories of people get frustrated and realize they just don't have what it takes to get that degree or an MBA and you see these people end up being retail store managers at places like footlocker or end up being used car sales people.
i don't disagree, they are moronic decisions that NO lender would extend $ to... only when backed by the federal gov. and when it is guaranteed to survive bankruptcy. i mean it is so messed up on so many different levels. but it is what it is. 
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i mean you can choose to ignore my second post. but it isn't just an "us or them" - out of debt working folk v. students who are too lazy to own up to their debts. there's one other player involved and it's so big that you can't hurl individualized insults at it. actually it is the "backwards *** country" that you speak of. so i guess you can. 

Well there you go. Hey bro, I'm sick of this place too.

We live in a nation that thrives on its military industrial complex. It's the lifeblood for so many people in this country.

From engineers to military grunts, so many people rely on the military industry to make ends meet.

And the tax payer is left paying for it all.

I've been salty, I don't want to pay for any wars, never did.

I want my money going towards education and infrastructure.

But if I can't have it my way, then I'm not willing to pay MORE so EVERYONE can be happy.

**** all that.

If our nation wants to continue with the exorbitant military expenditures then that's what it is. Don't turn around and then ask for MOAR MOAR MOAR, for people to get their higher education on.

Be mad at the top 1%, the folks who own oil companies and military hardware/software companies. Be mad at those dudes in bed with the politicians, don't be mad at the middle class being fed up with opening their wallets to pay for it all.

Middle class has shrunk significantly as it is, we don't need to be further marginalized.
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Well there you go. Hey bro, I'm sick of this place too.

We live in a nation that thrives on its military industrial complex. It's the lifeblood for so many people in this country.

From engineers to military grunts, so many people rely on the military industry to make ends meet.

And the tax payer is left paying for it all.

I've been salty, I don't want to pay for any wars, never did.

I want my money going towards education and infrastructure.

But if I can't have it my way, then I'm not going to pay MORE so EVERYONE can be happy.

**** all that.
Are you okay with taking less? Cause that's what will happen to your social security + kids education, etc. 

You'll be paying more or you'll be taking less. Us normal folk get the **** end of the stick. I've been at work since 3 AM no joke. 
I mean, can you at least imagine how it might be difficult to muster up the will to work for 6 months straight (assuming you make $200,000 and have zero expenses) to get out of default? maybe even the most noble americans would consider giving up? 

What the hell are you talking about?

Getting out of default is making 6 monthly payments not paying off your entire balance

$10k on s standard repayment is like $100 a month
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yeah let me know how that goes. or let's see how your views change in three years. i assume you don't have debt because you have no idea what you're talking about. 

I don't know what I'm talking about because I don't share your sentiment.

Okay bro.

G'luck with that BS.
What the hell are you talking about?

Getting out of default is making 6 monthly payments not paying off your entire balance
Yeah I don't know, I've never defaulted. I imagine it's the overdue payments + interest accrual? Sorry misread.
Started paying back about $100 a month.

Today I got a letter from salie mae and I got scared like I forgot to pay or something.
alright buddy - that's basically why i think you have no idea what a lot of debt is. not the 50 bucks you owe your friend 

I took my time after HS, saved up.

Didn't rush right into a college education.

Paying my undergrad off in cash.

You salty my g?
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ok $10k at 6.8 percent is.... 680. so at $100 a month, you'll be paying back the interest and you'll end up paying off $600 in a year. rinse and repeat for what...25 years? 

now how many students take out only $10k? and interest starts running right away right? you just don't have to pay it until half a year after you graduate or something?

10 years is standard repayment

Most defaulters never got their degree but that's always someone else's fault

There a legit cases which I see and think suck for that person but most people default willingly, it's a joke
10 years is standard repayment

Most defaulters never got their degree but that's always someone else's fault

There a legit cases which I see and think suck for that person but most people default willingly, it's a joke
right but they can't DEFAULT. instead they just can't pay anymore and keep ducking (like a little *****, admittedly) the collectors. but that also means some dumb college grad can't get married, can't own a house, can't own a car, can't have a family. i  mean.... it's a real bad consequence that isn't given enough attention or apathy. 
Are you okay with taking less? Cause that's what will happen to your social security + kids education, etc. 

You'll be paying more or you'll be taking less. Us normal folk get the **** end of the stick. I've been at work since 3 AM no joke. 


I'm in the same situation. My line of work career wise the past 5 years has been tough. I've been working contract IT jobs for less money compared to what I was making 10 years ago with ZERO benefits.

Now this next company which is a well known fortune 500 company is going to give me full benefits: medical, dental, 401K, 3 weeks paid vacation, 11 paid holidays, sick paid time off, life insurance, a company car that they will swap out every 2 years or I have first dibs to buy it cheap, and they pay for all gas, car insurance & maintenance. I also got unlimited miles on the car for both work related travel & personal travel.But yeah the sacrifices I'm going to make is take a pay cut from what I was making at my last job & I'm going to have relocate from my hometown to further up north in central CA.

I've weighed both the pros & cons and have accepted the pay cut mainly because of the job benefits.

A lot of companies now here in US big corporations or small start up companies very rarely now are willing to give any benefits and usually outsource and contract jobs out to temp agencies to fill job positions.
haha  yeah i'm worked up about it cause it's a sad situation. and to be honest, i'm not in that boat because i spent an extra year in undergrad and hated paying for school enough to research how to minimize debt for grad school. and i got lucky again in being employed. 

i'm not dumb enough to think everyone got off as easy. and we can post up sad gifs but it'll be a lot more real when it eventually trickles down to you. assuming you aren't some hedgefund billionaire 

sheesh I wish I was a hedgefund billionaire.

Who'd need college with that kind of money?


But I went to a private school initially, decided that school wasn't for me and left with 20K in debt. Had a partial scholarship which mitigated some of the blow, if not for that I would've owed more.

Moved to AZ, worked for a few years, eventually went to CC, saved up, paid off debt.

Maybe because I moved it forced me to slow down. I couldn't qualify for in-state residency at ASU since I'm from NY. It forced me to take my time and get my money up.

Maybe more kids should go to CC out of High School, a lot cheaper that way. Again a lot of kids want to follow their peers, run off to out of state universities in cool cities, live that college life with complete disregard of the financial implications down the road.
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right but they can't DEFAULT. instead they just can't pay anymore and keep ducking (like a little *****, admittedly) the collectors. but that also means some dumb college grad can't get married, can't own a house, can't own a car, can't have a family. i  mean.... it's a real bad consequence that isn't given enough attention or apathy. 

You have 3 years of forbearance or can apply for economic hardship

But it's easier to just ignore it then feel you should be cleared of any debt
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