December Wrestling Thread | Rest In Peace Brodie Lee | Happy New Year | JOTM Bruce Mitchell

Midnight Express, Rock n Roll Express, Orient Express, New Midnight Express, and Lex
Express. Wrasslin had a bunch of express.

don't forget the U.S. Express


Maaannnn, in all the yeas of us posting that gif I've, for some reason, never paid attention to Punk's legs..That right leg twitching and then his knees coming together (which makes him look like a 3 yr old that can't hold his pee anymore in a grocery store) has got me in tears!!!..I don't know why I've never noticed it before, but now I can't unsee it..
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4 of the 8 have passed away. This show was OK. The problem was it was pushed as a feature attraction when the network was new lol.


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