December Wrestling Thread | Rest In Peace Brodie Lee | Happy New Year | JOTM Bruce Mitchell

So they were building up Aleister and giving him a push just to turn him heel tonight?
Are we supposed to care for KO or feel pity for him? He brings nothing to the table
WCW Nitro

Savage vs. Kurasawa
Am I missing something that Col. Parker is managing Kurasawa? That’s just an odd pairing all together. Great build for Kurasawa... looked extreme strong from jump. Bischoff did something I liked, mentioned Hawks arm breaking in Japan. Giving existence to wrestlers outside of WCW. Could really open up someone’s story line. The hell is a back leg round kick? No selling the foot after kicking the post was a waste of a spot. Good way to finish the match, made Kurasawa look strong and Randy got a lucky win.

DOD Interview
Holy ****... I just don't even know. Yeti is in some ice berg. Thanos Sullivan hanging from the top. Why is Hogan that animal? Just weird, appreciate them really going for it though. They did hat they could to sell it.

Slim Jim commercial
Fun seeing these, was interesting to hear Bischoff talk about how they added these and go away with adding more product placement.

Hogan Interview
Hogan sold the Yeti. All this yelling between Giant and Hogan sucks brother. Brother. Brother. Everyone knows what a man with black gloves and a black rag can do... that was a line. The bad guy hulk hogan reference... I don't get this promo. His promos have been bad since we started this, this one isn't any better. Cutting promos on Luger, Sting, and co. Ok... you're going to wrestle the evil DOD, but then cut a promo on the faces. No good.

Benoit/Malenko vs. Eddie Guerro/Mr. JL
And then Alex Wright hobbles down... what connection does he have with the team? Then Bischoff cuts a promo on Mr. JL's goofy name. Followed by Mongo mentioning it might stand for Junior League... well done. God he sucks. Bischoff has really butchered the play by play. Really bad and making up moves and names. "That would have been a double fine in football" - Mongo. Cuts to a fight in the back with Norton and Shark........... I guess we really needed to cut away for that. Malenko with the follow up clothesline in the corner is so nice. Good way to come out of break. We are now taking away from this match again to talk about Hogan... I've spoken about it before. More of the same. The match itself was entertaining... but it didn't make any sense. What was the point? And then Pillman DDTs Eddie... what? Confusing match as it was, might as well add to it.

Harlem Heat vs. Sting/Luger
HH just a million dollar tag team walking out. Sting is letting the black come through the bleach blonde. Weird to see, along with having red/yellow paint and tights. Probably should have switched that up, aesthetics. All these guys in the ring, still taking about DOD and a block of ice. The Yeti... incredible. A Tag Team to build, Luger, and Sting to talk about and they choose to talk about this again. Sherri with the Polaroids :lol: , random but at least it's sticking to the random Col. Parker love story. Then back to the ice block... fantastic. Decent match, but a weird ending.

DOD run in
Still love that Giant choke slam. Doug Dillinger with a club!! The Yeti popped out... what a cluster. Good build to Sunday but so much goofy stuff.
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