de la soul :: performing tomorrow @ 10p @ 1223

Show was live!

They brought out Dres and he rocked his two Black Sheep joints. Made the crowd get low for the "Engine, engine" part.

This was my first time seeing De La and they killed it. I think the set was like 45 minutes long and they did an excellent job of mixing the old with the new.The last joint was fan's choice and they ended up doing 'Saturday.' A few people were asking for 'Itsoweezy,' but it didn't happen.

And apparently Trugoy lives down in the DMV.
9th and De La killed it...I def had to change shoes because of the strict no sneaker policy at the door...but once I got in I saw sneakers everywhere. I'llnever go back to 1223 unless a show like this comes along and even then I might think twice about it. The fliers said doors at 8:30, then doorman says 9pm. Thetime that doors actually opened: 9:45. I hope 9th has another True School party planned for the DMV soon.
9th spun at this joint last night. cold crushed it...

he will be another tru skool party for sure @ LIV.
Maaaaaaaaan, I went to this show. Stood in line 4 an hour, then got denied @ the door for havin sneaks on. When OBVIOUSLY jawn @ the door let like 4 pplahead of me wit sneakers on in. She told me "$20". I'm like, "It's De La Soul, NOT Sade' or Prince.". I bounced.
^I was more upset with the chick. It was a free concert [with flyer...which I had]. My beef was the money was goin to ol girl's pocket. If it was"$20 to see De La", woulda been no problem. But whateva.
welcome to the Mad Power Unit Hustle....

Dom's girls got that door on LOCK.
Got you YL! lol

MPU was shady on the passes, but I choose not to expect much when folks throw "FREE" around like water at the beach.
MPU has been shady on passes forever...your safest bet with attended one of their parties is to print out any and everything you can that has to do with theparty....because they will say one pass, but then they hit you with "oh no its not that one, its the email message" or "no you have to have thetext"....LOL! they act really funny style, and try and hit heads as the night goes on....smh
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