DC vs. Marvel

That article was written by preadolescent with no knowledge of Superman's characterization.

Superman doesn't act with restraint? All he ever does is act with restraint because if he doesn't he could kill everyone around him. He can't justbarrel in through the window like Batman does because doing so brings the whole building down on hostages. No he doesn't have to worry about his ownsafety, he has to worry about everyone else's.

Hasn't earned the right to moralize us? He spent the first years of his life really believing he was found on the Kents' doorsteps, until he wentthrough puberty he didn't know he was an alien or that he had access to all these powers. Clark Kent is the real identity and its the morals andteachings he was brought up with are the ones that drive him to this day and he lives them through and through. In What's So Funny About Truth, Justice and the American Way? he was beaten down and demoralized, made to see everyone around himwho counted on him die in the most horrible ways and he still rose above the baser urges to kill. He's the realdeal, only the most cynical wouldn't see that.

You know why you had Superman fighting world hunger? Because this is a man who goes through life every single day questioning himself asking if he should domore. In All Star Superman when he's faced with his own mortality he all but goes into a panic because his own body is going to stop him fromhelping people and he feels like a failure. So what does do? He spends the rest of the year loving all the people he's ever loved and making sure thatworld could survive without him. He even gave his worst enemy a chance to redeem himself because he knows that everyone is worth fighting for.

And where the hell do you people get the idea that Superman is an idiot from? He's a scientist's son, he spends his days as a reporter, up until a fewmonths ago he was the only one on the planet who understood Kryptonian technology. Even Luthor knows Superman is much more than a barrel chested strongman.
Originally Posted by TennHouse2

Originally Posted by jimmybeanz

ok dc stans fans,

after batman and superman, what else you got? nothing. that's what. no other compelling heroes.
and like my man kingjamesveh said, the cats are too heroey - meaning too damn goody goody.

marvel has NUMEROUS compelling characters (notice that i started with the villians first - villians ftw):
dr. doom
incredible hulk
doctor strange
franklin richards

you want to know what's going on with these guys.

if you really think DC only has Superman and Batman you should quit posting now
DC doesn't even think that DC has a lot of compelling characters. If they did,they'd be trying to put out more movies that don't star Bats or Supes to get that superhero money. And don't mention Constantine or Watchmen,cause both of those sucked.

check and checkmate
Originally Posted by jimmybeanz

DC doesn't even think that DC has a lot of compelling characters. If they did, they'd be trying to put out more movies that don't star Bats or Supes to get that superhero money. And don't mention Constantine or Watchmen, cause both of those sucked.

check and checkmate
That's a silly argument, DC has nothing to do with the making of its movies.

Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

No. Superman is a selfish prick who only wants to the see the people around him miserable.
Somewhere Brainiac 5 is trying quantify how wrong that statement is and how dumb you are for making it. Its gonna take him some time. If youreally believe that then I honestly feel sorry for you because not even Warren Ellis and Alan Moore speak so low of Superman; you must really have a problemwith someone who stands for hope.
Originally Posted by jimmybeanz

Originally Posted by TennHouse2

Originally Posted by jimmybeanz

ok dc stans fans,

after batman and superman, what else you got? nothing. that's what. no other compelling heroes.
and like my man kingjamesveh said, the cats are too heroey - meaning too damn goody goody.

marvel has NUMEROUS compelling characters (notice that i started with the villians first - villians ftw):
dr. doom
incredible hulk
doctor strange
franklin richards

you want to know what's going on with these guys.

if you really think DC only has Superman and Batman you should quit posting now
DC doesn't even think that DC has a lot of compelling characters. If they did, they'd be trying to put out more movies that don't star Bats or Supes to get that superhero money. And don't mention Constantine or Watchmen, cause both of those sucked.

check and checkmate

Valid points right there... DC isn't interesting because they do not make more movie... That really says something about Fantastic 4, Elektra, Daredevil,Punisher, Hulk, X-Men movies. Those were all great and opened my eyes at how great and much more itneresting Marvel characters really is! Every point from hereon out is worthless now that that statement had been said, log off now everyone!
And where the hell do you people get the idea that Superman is an idiot from? He's a scientist's son, he spends his days as a reporter, up until a few months ago he was the only one on the planet who understood Kryptonian technology. Even Luthor knows Superman is much more than a barrel chested strongman.

1. Being a scientist's son, doesn't make Supes a scientist nor does it make him intelligent.

2. Are you implying that just because he is reporter, he is supposed to be intelligent? I dont buy it. Scientist? Detective? Sure. Reporter just doesn'tscream "Im a smart guy."

3. The only person in the planet who understands Kryptonian technology is.... a Kryptonian.

4. Yes Luthor knows he is more than just brawns, but he also knows that he's got him in intelligence dept.

While Superman is no idiot, he is not a "Brains-first" kind of hero.
Originally Posted by MrTracerBullet

1. Being a scientist's son, doesn't make Supes a scientist nor does it make him intelligent.

2. Are you implying that just because he is reporter, he is supposed to be intelligent? I dont buy it. Scientist? Detective? Sure. Reporter just doesn't scream "Im a smart guy."

3. The only person in the planet who understands Kryptonian technology is.... a Kryptonian.
The Els were an entirely family of scientists that were so for generations because they belonged to that caste, intelligence is in his blood.
You understand a reporter does basically the exact same thing a detective does (work angles, makes connections, look for clues in the words and body languageof a subject), so how would being a detective mean your smarter than a reporter when you're both developing and utilizing the same intuitive skills?
He taught himself how to work all that by himself he reconstructed a dead language and built up the Fortress of Solitude to house it. And he did this allbefore he was 35.
Originally Posted by Falcon4567

That article was written by preadolescent with no knowledge of Superman's characterization.

Superman doesn't act with restraint? All he ever does is act with restraint because if he doesn't he could kill everyone around him. He can't just barrel in through the window like Batman does because doing so brings the whole building down on hostages. No he doesn't have to worry about his own safety, he has to worry about everyone else's.

Hasn't earned the right to moralize us? He spent the first years of his life really believing he was found on the Kents' doorsteps, until he went through puberty he didn't know he was an alien or that he had access to all these powers. Clark Kent is the real identity and its the morals and teachings he was brought up with are the ones that drive him to this day and he lives them through and through. In What's So Funny About Truth, Justice and the American Way? he was beaten down and demoralized, made to see everyone around him who counted on him die in the most horrible ways and he still rose above the baser urges to kill. He's the real deal, only the most cynical wouldn't see that.

You know why you had Superman fighting world hunger? Because this is a man who goes through life every single day questioning himself asking if he should do more. In All Star Superman when he's faced with his own mortality he all but goes into a panic because his own body is going to stop him from helping people and he feels like a failure. So what does do? He spends the rest of the year loving all the people he's ever loved and making sure that world could survive without him. He even gave his worst enemy a chance to redeem himself because he knows that everyone is worth fighting for.

And where the hell do you people get the idea that Superman is an idiot from? He's a scientist's son, he spends his days as a reporter, up until a few months ago he was the only one on the planet who understood Kryptonian technology. Even Luthor knows Superman is much more than a barrel chested strongman.
1. Everybody and their mom's who reads comic's knows that Superman acts with restraint...thats why Superman sucks cuz they made him out tobe so strong so while in the comics they can downplay his powers and have somebody like Gorilla Grodd build something to immobalize Supes everyone and theirmom's knows he will eventually break out unharmed by the end of the issue.

2. ALOT OF MAJOR COMIC BOOK CHARCTERS HAVE BEEN BROKEN DOWN AND STILL RISE ABOVE IT, THATS WHY THEIR CALLED HEROES. Superman isn't special because he doesit in an oh so special way in your eyes like the rising from ashes of a phoenix.

3. Superman should be asking himself if he could do more, they made him out to be god he should be doing everything. That and he stays acting like a simp,he's given lex chances over and over again and it's always ended up with lex trying to screw him again and again hence why I said Superman has thelamest villans.

4. Superman is not an idiot, just a simping emotional masochist. Would Clark Kent have found out Batman's secret identity without using the x-rayvision...sure, when Batman would have told him...which would have probably been never.
He would have found it out the way he found it out the first time, by changing into their outfits together in dark room on cruise ship.

And the point was the the article claimed Superman was one dimensional and the no writer had ever imbued him with humanity when that's clearly not thecase. Even Gaiman has done that.

Zik, I'd say the Rouges are much more interesting than any Marvel villain. Marvel villains suffer from a lot of the BOOM :hands on hips: I'm thevillain! thing that you all accuse DC heroes of doing, which is why the Hood was created because Vaughn felt that he would be a Marvel villain who thought likea Marvel hero was supposed to.
DC never did it for me much, I don't even like Batman thatmuch if he isn't being written by the right writer. I miss Batman Animated series though, shhh was classic.

After reading some arguments. It just hit me how much better their villains are. Technically Marvel could have Spider-Man die and not miss a beat by replacinghim with a villain like Venom for awhile(which they've basically done comic book wise). The villains are sooo in depth with it. Doom, Hyperstorm,Apocalypse. Not to mention how interesting the Inhumans, Celestials, etc.
The Els were an entirely family of scientists that were so for generations because they belonged to that caste, intelligence is in his blood.
You understand a reporter does basically the exact same thing a detective does (work angles, makes connections, look for clues in the words and body language of a subject), so how would being a detective mean your smarter than a reporter when you're both developing and utilizing the same intuitive skills?
He taught himself how to work all that by himself he reconstructed a dead language and built up the Fortress of Solitude to house it. And he did this all before he was 35.

Sure, Supes may have the mental capacity of his scientific family but that does not mean he uses it to its full capacity in the same way that Bruce Wayne does.

A reporter, does not do the exact same thing a detective does. Reporters observe and communicate the information they gathered. Traditionally, they are notpiecing together a puzzle to solve (unless it is an exposé).

A Kryptonian learning and understanding aspects his past and history doesnt impress me as a supreme intellect.

Like I said, Supes is no dope, but he's no Bats either.
But in all seriousness, You rebuttal to that article is pretty weak.

Being the son of a scientist and reporting news = Being highly-intelligent?

Now Batman, That's highly-intelligent. Thank God for his secret stash that details how to kill all of these super-powered beings like Clark if he everneeds to.

And Superman has no right to moralize us. He is not an authority. That's the problem. It's been explored in books like Red Superman and DKR. He'sbasically a gov't puppet. And let's say the gov't is corrupt...Clark is corrupt by proxy and is nothing more than a tool to be used.

We could go on and on, But the article is very valid. And you trying to attack the person who wrote it (How do you even know he's preadolescent?
) because you didn't agree with what was being said proves it's validityeven more.
Since when does Superman work for the government? Right now the government is trying to kill him and its done so many times before. Luthor was the Presidentand he didn't roll over to his demands. Superman isn't an authority but his criticism was that he didn't have his own opinions and was just animmigrant who was acting as a mouthpeice for the status quo when really he was raised to actually believe all the things he espouses and it isn't a showbecause he actually lives them as well. In Red Son he actually was an authority and that was a problem because even when he's being his mostpedantic Superman is ultimately trying to show people that there's always another way not just give them a top down directive on how to live their life.Busiek wrote a story about how a woman started praying to Superman and it freaked him out because he would never want to be the ultimate authority but thatrecognizes people do expect him to be forces him to be a better person.

And I called him a preadolescent because he's espousing a sentiment that's usually couched in extraordinarily childish reasonings: Superman sucksbecause he's so powerful and he's always too good. As if power automatically dictates that one lording it over everyone. Its the attitude that lead usinto the Dark Age of comics that demanded everyone be a brooding sociopath with really dark and edgy backstories because that was some how "realer"than someone choosing to do good. All of you love Batman, how about the fact that he's basically the power fantasy of a scared little boy who went througha traumatic event?
Batman and DC...Rules all...check out the DC universe classics action figures..Characters i see on the figs that i never knew existed are out there in thecomics..and they are all pretty Cool..

In Marvel, the only dude i can really get down with is Wolvie of course...Daredevil is pretty cool too..
Y'all really arguing about fictional characters ? Really now ?

People have preferences .
Originally Posted by Falcon4567

Since when does Superman work for the government? Right now the government is trying to kill him and its done so many times before. Luthor was the President and he didn't roll over to his demands. Superman isn't an authority but his criticism was that he didn't have his own opinions and was just an immigrant who was acting as a mouthpeice for the status quo when really he was raised to actually believe all the things he espouses and it isn't a show because he actually lives them as well. In Red Son he actually was an authority and that was a problem because even when he's being his most pedantic Superman is ultimately trying to show people that there's always another way not just give them a top down directive on how to live their life. Busiek wrote a story about how a woman started praying to Superman and it freaked him out because he would never want to be the ultimate authority but that recognizes people do expect him to be forces him to be a better person.

And I called him a preadolescent because he's espousing a sentiment that's usually couched in extraordinarily childish reasonings: Superman sucks because he's so powerful and he's always too good. As if power automatically dictates that one lording it over everyone. Its the attitude that lead us into the Dark Age of comics that demanded everyone be a brooding sociopath with really dark and edgy backstories because that was some how "realer" than someone choosing to do good. All of you love Batman, how about the fact that he's basically the power fantasy of a scared little boy who went through a traumatic event?
lol, exactly! you guys seem to be really angered by the fact that Superman is too much of a "goody goody" ....surely this makes him theultimate hero?
I mean, I like my heroes to have "an edge" about them as much as the next man, but c'mon, this guy is basically saying that Superman is a lamehero because he is too .......HEROIC!!!
Originally Posted by RFX45

I find plenty of DC Characters interesting outside of Supes and Bats.

Flash (Hal Jordan, Kyle Rayner, Guy Gardner, John Stewart, Alan Scott, even Kilowog)
Green Lantern (Wally West, Barry Allen, Bart Allen, Jay Garrick)
Wonder Woman
Martian Manhunter
Superboy Prime
John Constantine
The Question
Swamp Thing
Green Arrow

Those are all just on the top of my head.

u sure about those???
Originally Posted by Falcon4567

Zik, I'd say the Rouges are much more interesting than any Marvel villain. Marvel villains suffer from a lot of the BOOM :hands on hips: I'm the villain! thing that you all accuse DC heroes of doing, which is why the Hood was created because Vaughn felt that he would be a Marvel villain who thought like a Marvel hero was supposed to.
Name those Marvel villains please. Every time I watch DC cartoons or read DC comics it's really cuz of the predictability or tameness of thevillain and the god-likeness of the DC hero. I don't have anything against DC, I actually really like it cuz they have some great stories but overallMarvel is superior. IMO the character of the Marvel villains are better than DC's.
C'mon Dr. Doom, the Mandarin, Zemo, Batroc the Leper, Osborne, MODOK, Apocalypse, Galactus et al are all overpontificating bastards. Its like to be a badguy in Marvel you have to get yourself a costume and then vomit purple prose. Either that or you're snarling in corner talking about how badass your areand how much you're gonna torture the hero. This all made sense in the Silver Age because Ditko, Kirby and Lee really liked heavy narration but while allthis was going on the Flash was fighting a bunch of heartless criminals who'd lucked into superweapons.
Originally Posted by AJ23ToKB24

Originally Posted by DakMode

Originally Posted by AJ23ToKB24

Easy choice: DC

Superman can single handedly beat ALL heroes and villains of Marvel.

Heck, even Batman who is the super genius of all the superheroes can beat all the members of Marvel.


u extra trippin

I ain't trippin, you heard me kid.

sorry dude, dont get ur super panties in a twist
Originally Posted by Falcon4567

C'mon Dr. Doom, the Mandarin, Zemo, Batroc the Leper, Osborne, MODOK, Apocalypse, Galactus et al are all overpontificating bastards. Its like to be a bad guy in Marvel you have to get yourself a costume and then vomit purple prose. Either that or you're snarling in corner talking about how badass your are and how much you're gonna torture the hero. This all made sense in the Silver Age because Ditko, Kirby and Lee really liked heavy narration but while all this was going on the Flash was fighting a bunch of heartless criminals who'd lucked into superweapons.
Given the time the Mandarin was created and made for, it fit him. Apocalypse thinks himself a GOD, Doom's ego basically does the same.Galactus meh, his stories tragic/over the top. As for the rest as you say it made sense in the Silver Age, you'd be hard pressed to find the samemannerisms in those villains now. As for Flash and that lame shhh, No. I always felt dude had some of the weakest villains. His rogue gallery be looking likerejects from the other Justice League members.

If there was another crossover on a What If type steez of who's truly the best villain out of each. The Marvel villains would win off plot alone.
Originally Posted by AJ23ToKB24

Originally Posted by Spidermachine916

Originally Posted by AJ23ToKB24

Originally Posted by Spidermachine916

Originally Posted by AJ23ToKB24

Easy choice: DC

Superman can single handedly beat ALL heroes and villains of Marvel.

Heck, even Batman who is the super genius of all the superheroes can beat all the members of Marvel.

.............he can't even deal with his OWN villians i mean LEX LUTHOR!!! he's a freakin human!!! he doesn't have what it takes to do the job right!...and hands down Hulk or juggernaught could wup that sap from here to kingdom come! hulks got what 800+ ppl he's killed... he would have no problem killing superman..........and you say batmans super smart huh? is he smarter than brainiac? mr fantastic?
you're just a fanboy what do you know?
I can see your heartbeat is on the rise right now

Yes he is smarter than every Marvel member you name kid, and even your mom too!!!
yeah.... no one in both universes is smarter than a mere human
and about my heart... i'm passionate about comics.....you should take an interest in them too... don't just watch the movies and say: " hey i like that guy, from now on he's the best at everything... i'll go into discussions and just blurt out that he's better than everyone"

Alright, so you think Hulk can beat Superman just because he killed 800 plus people, well Superman can kill 800,000 people if he chooses to.

And I don't go and just watch the movies and say: " hey i like that guy, from now on he's the best at everything... i'll go into discussions and just blurt out that he's better than everyone".

You like Marvel and you have your reasons why they're better and I like DC and I have reasons why they're better.....you just quoted me because you were hurt at what I said about Marvel. That's just my opinion, don't take it too seriously.
THAT'S RIGHT! if he CHOOSES too! superman doesn't have the drive to beat Hulk! Seriously.........1vs1 in the middle of the city/ anywhere;who do you think would win? the guy that doesn't give a frack about pple's lives; or the guy trying to protect them? Hulk is based on rage it's assimple as that... i haven't seen a comic where superman even remotely tries to destroy earth... whereas hulk in WWH dude was just steppin and was crackinthe country! only reason he lost was saw the errors of his ways. basically he beat himself letting him get hit with that blast. He was beginning to unleash thetrue powers he had. Blinding Rage! and at that point you think superman would still try to kill him? he'll probably try to get him into a submission orsomething

oh and by the way.....you're no where NEAR getting me serious! i'm still typing with one hand
only thing that's getting me salty is that whole "mom" comment
here i am trying to discuss comics and stuff and you try to bring it to that level
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