DC vs. Marvel

Oh man, DC is doing their thing right now when it comes to Animation.
Although I'm not the biggest fan of the art, I look forward to their releases most of the time.
It doesn't hurt that the movies usually comes out on CN about a month or so after the release.

I'm looking forward to "Batman/Superman: Public Enemies" though.
Originally Posted by RFX45

Oh man, DC is doing their thing right now when it comes to Animation.
Although I'm not the biggest fan of the art, I look forward to their releases most of the time.
It doesn't hurt that the movies usually comes out on CN about a month or so after the release.

I'm looking forward to "Batman/Superman: Public Enemies" though.
Is the Public Enemies plot based off the story arc from Superman/Batman comics? I know I've read it, just can't remember what it wasabout.
^^ Yes, it is based of that exact story arc. It isn't one of the best written out there but I enjoyed the series a lot.
I just read the synopsis off of wiki and its all clear now.

They should of messed with the "With a Vengeance" story arc, imo.
Nah, Supergirl from Krypton would have been much better than that one.
I mean come on now, Supes killing 100 Doomsdays with one eye beam, Bats deals with Darkseid.
Again, not the best out there and not deep at all but it would make a good animation I think.

Overall though, there would be other arcs that I rather they put out.
lets also discuss action figures as well........ imo DC>marvel
marvel doesn't have a good line up Legends is wack!
DC with their DCU's they're pretty sick... sculpted by the 4 Horsemen

anyone here collect..................
I wish I could collect sculpts but I have a hard time paying a good amount to be displayed and gather dust.
Maybe when I'm older and could appreciate it more.

Figure-wise, I think they are about the same but DC Direct does seem better.
If you look at the old classic Marvel figures/sculpts though, oh man!
Originally Posted by Spidermachine916

lets also discuss action figures as well........ imo DC>marvel
marvel doesn't have a good line up Legends is wack!
DC with their DCU's they're pretty sick... sculpted by the 4 Horsemen

anyone here collect..................
we'll Marvel Legends are done, so DC wins by default. I need to pick up a set of DCUC wave 8.
Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

DC = Dumb Comics, well except for Batman and a few others.

Thats better! Marvel was and will always kill DC! Exhibit A) #1 Superhero Spider-Man!
Originally Posted by Spidermachine916

ok lets talk movies........i'll try to remember what marvel has:

spiderman 1 2 3
X men 1 2 3
Fantastic Four 1 2
Reboot Hulk
Reboot Punisher
Iron Man
.........i guess i can add Wolverine
I wanna mention Nick Fury: agent of SHIELD and Captain America........but don't know if marvel had any say in those

Now for DC (i know i'm going to leave movies out....just add if i forget any
Batman Begins
Batman Forever
Batman & Robin
Superman 1 2 3 and 4?

Superman Returns
.........that's it that's all i can remember.

in my opinion: just the way that marvel has been treating their characters in movies...........i got to say DC>Marvel
they just didn't give respect to their own characters.
with the exception of Reboot Hulk/Punisher, and Iron Man
i'm a spidey fan and i personally 1 and 3 2 was just ehhh, xmen 123 was just garbage. ghostrider, elektra, and daredevil.......trash FF1>FF2 and from the spoilers that i heard about wolverine.........seems it's going to dissapoint as well

now the only good ones DC put out was Tim Burtons Batman and Christopher Nolans Batman 1 and 2
, superman.....i don't know about the rest of yall but i'm pretty much sick of Lex Luthor....... i wanna see Doomsday
. I've seen watchmen, from what i hear they basically ripped the pages out of the comic and turned it into a movie
that's where marvel fails....but nonetheless i'm not a fan so i was like "it's ok" but it was appreciated.

So i'll say it again just to be clear, DC>Marvel

Your opinion is bias. The only good DC movie was The Dark Knight. On paper Marvel movies murder the box office and kill DC.

Watchmen- CRAP
Superman Returns- CRAP
etc etc
Originally Posted by AirThompson

Originally Posted by Spidermachine916

ok lets talk movies........i'll try to remember what marvel has:

spiderman 1 2 3
X men 1 2 3
Fantastic Four 1 2
Reboot Hulk
Reboot Punisher
Iron Man
.........i guess i can add Wolverine
I wanna mention Nick Fury: agent of SHIELD and Captain America........but don't know if marvel had any say in those

Now for DC (i know i'm going to leave movies out....just add if i forget any
Batman Begins
Batman Forever
Batman & Robin
Superman 1 2 3 and 4?

Superman Returns
.........that's it that's all i can remember.

in my opinion: just the way that marvel has been treating their characters in movies...........i got to say DC>Marvel
they just didn't give respect to their own characters.
with the exception of Reboot Hulk/Punisher, and Iron Man
i'm a spidey fan and i personally 1 and 3 2 was just ehhh, xmen 123 was just garbage. ghostrider, elektra, and daredevil.......trash FF1>FF2 and from the spoilers that i heard about wolverine.........seems it's going to dissapoint as well

now the only good ones DC put out was Tim Burtons Batman and Christopher Nolans Batman 1 and 2
, superman.....i don't know about the rest of yall but i'm pretty much sick of Lex Luthor....... i wanna see Doomsday
. I've seen watchmen, from what i hear they basically ripped the pages out of the comic and turned it into a movie
that's where marvel fails....but nonetheless i'm not a fan so i was like "it's ok" but it was appreciated.

So i'll say it again just to be clear, DC>Marvel

Your opinion is bias. The only good DC movie was The Dark Knight. On paper Marvel movies murder the box office and kill DC.

Watchmen- CRAP
Superman Returns- CRAP
etc etc

You sure it didn't just fly over your head? Word to Delta airlines.

Most people who have dismissed either the graphic novel or movie as crap simply did not comprehend what they were seeing. They looked at the movie on thesurface and did not dive deeper into the various themes and implications. Few comic books have done what Watchmen succeeded in doing.

I've read quite a few comics and seen most of the movies but at this point in my life could care less for superhero movies and comics. HOWEVER, afterseeing Watchmen I left the theater thinking while this was actually rather intelligent. You take away the superheroes, fighting, sex. etc and you look atwhat's actually being presented and you have a story that transcends anything else in the genre.
Originally Posted by AirThompson

Originally Posted by Spidermachine916

ok lets talk movies........i'll try to remember what marvel has:

spiderman 1 2 3
X men 1 2 3
Fantastic Four 1 2
Reboot Hulk
Reboot Punisher
Iron Man
.........i guess i can add Wolverine
I wanna mention Nick Fury: agent of SHIELD and Captain America........but don't know if marvel had any say in those

Now for DC (i know i'm going to leave movies out....just add if i forget any
Batman Begins
Batman Forever
Batman & Robin
Superman 1 2 3 and 4?

Superman Returns
.........that's it that's all i can remember.

in my opinion: just the way that marvel has been treating their characters in movies...........i got to say DC>Marvel
they just didn't give respect to their own characters.
with the exception of Reboot Hulk/Punisher, and Iron Man
i'm a spidey fan and i personally 1 and 3 2 was just ehhh, xmen 123 was just garbage. ghostrider, elektra, and daredevil.......trash FF1>FF2 and from the spoilers that i heard about wolverine.........seems it's going to dissapoint as well

now the only good ones DC put out was Tim Burtons Batman and Christopher Nolans Batman 1 and 2
, superman.....i don't know about the rest of yall but i'm pretty much sick of Lex Luthor....... i wanna see Doomsday
. I've seen watchmen, from what i hear they basically ripped the pages out of the comic and turned it into a movie
that's where marvel fails....but nonetheless i'm not a fan so i was like "it's ok" but it was appreciated.

So i'll say it again just to be clear, DC>Marvel

Your opinion is bias. The only good DC movie was The Dark Knight. On paper Marvel movies murder the box office and kill DC.

Watchmen- CRAP
Superman Returns- CRAP
etc etc

Outside of Iron-Man and Spider-Man 1 & 2, the rest are crappy to decent at most.
Batman, Batman Returns, Batman Begins, TDK, V for Vendetta, Superman 1 & 2, Watchmen and Road to Perdition are all good to great movies.
After that list and if you still think Marvel movies are much better, then you msut be one of those who like Tyler Perry's Madea movies along with theEpic, Scary, Date Movie series, which in that case, your opinion just isn't valid.
Originally Posted by john23friend85

Originally Posted by Spidermachine916

lets also discuss action figures as well........ imo DC>marvel
marvel doesn't have a good line up Legends is wack!
DC with their DCU's they're pretty sick... sculpted by the 4 Horsemen

anyone here collect..................
we'll Marvel Legends are done, so DC wins by default. I need to pick up a set of DCUC wave 8.
ok... so here's the newer list of movies

spiderman 1 2 3
X men 1 2 3
Fantastic Four 1 2
Reboot Hulk
Reboot Punisher
Iron Man
Nick Fury: agent of SHIELD
Captain America

Batman Begins
Batman Forever
Batman & Robin
Superman 1 2 3 and 4?

Superman Returns
V for Vandetta

League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
Road to Perdition

The Spirit

I will say this.........marvel HAS been doing a good job on certain comic to movies adaptations, reboot Punisher andIron man
for punisher.....well, what you saw in the movie, he acts that very same way in comics example:
There is a Superman 4 movie, so do not doubt yourself. There is also 3 Blade movies.

Marvel has been improving their movies, when it is produced by Marvel themselves, ie: Iron-Man & Incredible Hulk.
It will all lead to an Avengers movie, which could be real good or real trash.
But I think Marvel's crappy movies out-weigh DC's.

I mean Daredevil, Elektra, Punisher, GhostRider and Hulk were just horrible.
X-Men series were decent at most and nothign really have ot be said about the Fantastic 4 series.
SM3 killed that series too.
I mean those are well known names and characters they messed up.
At least with DC, like the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Stardust and The Spirit aren't that well know and if they didn't say it is a comic book,people would just think it is a sci-fi movie.
Good lord some of yall are brittle when it comes to comic books.

For the record I had a pretty extensive comic book collection since I was 7 years old when I went to Golden Age comics in Seattle nearly every saturday formany years. Yes, my collection included both DC and Marvel comics so what I say to you about marvel being better overall comes from my experience. In the end Istopped buying Dc comics because I didn't like the direction the artwork went (yes thats why I read comics, I always though the story lines were corny)while marvel over time brought more heat, to me at least. I still have my collection at my mom's house and I still thumb through them from time to time.

Also for the record I don't care for any of the marvel movies.

Stan Lee FTW!
Originally Posted by john23friend85

Stan Lee is quite possibly the most overrated man every, he owes EVERYTHING to Steve Ditko and Jack Kirby.

^Truth, I love Stan Lee & he is a legend, no doubt, but it was Ditko & Kirby's artwork that really made a success out of the early Marvel days.At the time Ditko's art & costume design on Spidey was completely cutting edge & far more detailed to anything else that was happening in comics atthat time.

Wow! this thread still going?

As I said before Marvels movies are far superior to DCs, & that's before you even think of how much better Spider Man 1 would have been without 9/11!They had to cut out a scene that cost like $30 million because it had the Twin Towers in it! ...As for Superman returns? pshh, don't even get me started!

As far as action figures go, I would say it's a tie. Though Marvel's always seem to have more detail to me & are more faithful to the particularseries they are based on.

...but you know I love me some Superman figures
...I have about 120!I hope to get round to displaying the whole lot eventually!

Not strictly speaking "Action figures" but here's a couple of mine, since we were talking 'bout Lee & Ross a few pages back...

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