DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

James Marsden also in the discussion for the role of Hal.

My man teddy :lol:

Well he was given no love back in the day as Cyclops, it would be interesting. You think they go bigger in terms of star power for Hal though
Eh, outside of Batffleck they went with relative nobodies for every hero.

They've used better known actors for supporting characters and villains.

Knowing Hollywood, they'll most likely cast Armie Hammer for Hal.

totally random but I was under the impression that dude was gay for some reason. Like ever since Social Network I could have swore he was a openly gay actor that always played straight roles. The I see him at Globes with his wife and I was like I dunno man dude still lying himself.

I don't know about him as a actor though beyond social network is he really that good a actor? Lone Ranger bombed and he barely been in anything else.

I wasn't thinking he was gay but Social Network really had me thinking he had a twin :lol: :smh:

He's definitely part of that crop of actors that can't cut it as leading men. I don't dislike Armie though.

I will never take Big Tuna seriously as a action star. I think he's a great actor, but Tuna? Nah I'm cool bro
I look forward to see how he does in that Jack Ryan series to more thoroughly ***** his action star potential.

It's like knowing he wasn't ready to be Captain Americagave him the bug to pursue this.

Black (extremely dark blue?) Suit Superman for JL?

Snyder's favorite color.

I get they wanted a hero of color then why not go with Jon Stewart. Everyone coming from fans if the cartoon would have gone wild at that.

Atleast it's not #avengerssowhite
Cuz John's needed his pet favorite Hal. They really thought they were doing it rebooting their comics and retconning Cyborg of all black heroes in there :lol: It's just the ongoing problem with DC comics and their lack of high profile black heroes or even pushing them to prominence. The list is just short.

I'm guessing the Avengers jab is a '10 reference cuz as of right now that team got more black heroes than DC can feasibly have and that's just 2 :smh: The MCU definitely has their own problems but as of last year they've made major improvements.
Before New 52 they had a Justice League of America run that had Vixen and Black Lightning on the team. J'onn J'onzz has been portrayed as black. Jason Rusch Firestorm. And if they reintegrated Milestone, you have Icon and Rocket. I don't have any problem with two Lanterns on the squad either to add John. They have 2 on the Rebirth roster right now. Or Mister Terrific... But I'd rather not. :lol:
They're just getting around to acknowledging that Black Lightning is a DC character. Son been ghost and that's due to DC's treatment of the creator and legal disputes. That's a whole other topic. Suffice it to say that's been settled, now he's getting a tv show on FOX and I expect a comic soon. Obviously too late to be called a main founding JL member and if he ever gets a movie it'll have to fit that dark DCEU world so it won't be anything like what the tv show is gonna be or previous comics and that won't be until after 2022.

Vixen is the one they should've been promoting like crazy. Person of color and a female and when we get down to it a badass character that doesn't get enough shine. Would've made the JL less of a sausage fest for WW. Who knows what DC been doing or thinking since the New52. I recall a web series and some appearances in comics.

My original thing was to make J'onnz human identity a black man. Smallville even foresaw this but then I think Snyder or somebody involved basically said there isn't going to be a MM movie and he's not even a part of thi DC movie universe. Sure that can change but it hasn't so far and the later it takes the longer it'll actually happen. Goal should be trying to have properties like that well established but hey I know they fumbling to get their movies to be good in a shared universe.

Firestorm gets treated like c-list even now with a tv show. Plus he is 2 ppl not one usually looking like a white guy.

DC doesn't and never owned Milestone. They had distribution rights and those guys gave the okay to merge the two for a while but since DC never owned it they never put in the effort to tap that potential. Which is why Static has been wasted for 2 decades. The guys running it have their own plans to produce stuff in several mediums. Doesn't seem like they'll be back in DC any time soon let alone a movie but I hope I'm wrong just to see Icon get a solo movie for his story to be told and then wash got-no-choice-but-to-snap-a-neck Superman.

Ever since Mister Terrific has been a black man editors seem to have no use for him in the main DC universe he's always shunted off to Earth-2 for some reason. The last real exposure that character had was on the JL cartoon. Mind you he's suppose to be in the top 5 of smartest ppl on DC's Earth but maybe that's changed.
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The JLA run with Black Lightning and Vixen was a pretty long run. They gave shine to guys like Red Tornado and Black Canary too.

The JLA: Vixen Rebirth one shot from a week or two ago was the best of the three issues so far. Plus the Jamal Campbell art is amazing. Hopefully DC lets her get some major shine in 2017.
The main point is that there are numerous other options to Cyborg for a spot on the JLA, in the DCEU, and DC dropped the ball. They're still dropping it by not giving these other characters more shine anyways, across multiple forms of entertainment. Seeing as Jason Todd existed in the DCEU (Though, as always, he died and, as always, he didn't die well) i'm hoping that, with the character's immense popularity and the rebirth of the show, someone connected to the films brings Young Justice Aqualad into things.

The JLA run with Black Lightning and Vixen was a pretty long run. They gave shine to guys like Red Tornado and Black Canary too.

The JLA: Vixen Rebirth one shot from a week or two ago was the best of the three issues so far. Plus the Jamal Campbell art is amazing. Hopefully DC lets her get some major shine in 2017.

Speaking of comic runs, Geoff Johns JSA run did feature Mr. Terrific. While he was, understandably, not the main character or anything it consistently portrayed him as being competent and intelligent. That run did a good job with a lot of lesser known characters in my opinion.
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They gonna bring him back for SS 2? I hope so, dude is talented Fury, End of Watch, Harsh Times.

If Wonder Woman can do SS box office they will be happy.
I wouldn't want him back. There was literally nothing good about that movie. GL status cbm for me.
That's all good but SS is trash I agree.

I lied to myself for awhile to like it but it's god awful.. the bs Ayer pulled with joker is unforgivable.

And the dancing enchantress :rofl:
Enchantress hula dancing is easily the most offensive aspect of that film. People seem to have brushed that off when it came out.
The Hollywood Reporter, in their initial report on Thursday, revealed that they believed Henry Gayden (Earth to Echo) had been assigned scriptwriting duties and on Friday, Gayden himself confirmed the news on his own personal Twitter account.

Eric @annericelover

@HenryGayden just read you are writing the Shazam film, can you deny or confirm this?

Henry Gayden @HenryGayden

@annericelover Confirmed and loving what's to come... :smile:
12:10 AM - 20 Jan 2017
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it's good in a sense that there is finally a confirmed writer, meaning the film is actually moving forward
The JLA run with Black Lightning and Vixen was a pretty long run. They gave shine to guys like Red Tornado and Black Canary too.

The JLA: Vixen Rebirth one shot from a week or two ago was the best of the three issues so far. Plus the Jamal Campbell art is amazing. Hopefully DC lets her get some major shine in 2017.
The main JL team and JLA are two different things.

I'm talking about JL cuz that's what's being made is a JL movie.

JLA usually is the b squad. The one time the JL team had more than 3 black heroes on it all them racist comic fans came out to discriminate against McDuffie, a black creator. Then DC cancelled the book.

Enchantress hula dancing is easily the most offensive aspect of that film. People seem to have brushed that off when it came out.
A friend told me that SS took every little thing that was bad in GotG and what could've went wrong in GotG and did it in SS :lol: Then magnifled it ×10 :lol:
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The JLA run with Black Lightning and Vixen was a pretty long run. They gave shine to guys like Red Tornado and Black Canary too.

The JLA: Vixen Rebirth one shot from a week or two ago was the best of the three issues so far. Plus the Jamal Campbell art is amazing. Hopefully DC lets her get some major shine in 2017.
The main JL team and JLA are two different things.

I'm talking about JL cuz what's being made is a JL movie.

JLA usually is the b squad. The one time the JL team had more than 3 black heroes on it all them racist comic fans came out to discriminate against McDuffie, a black creator. Then DC cancelled the book.

The Justice League of America run was the A squad. It was the team with Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Flash, etc. It wasn't one of those situations like JLI or a JLA team led by Stargirl with guys like Vibe, Katana, and Green Arrow, it was the Real Deal Holyfield and ran all the way until New 52.
Armie Hammer on Green Lantern Report: ‘First I’ve Heard of It’ (Video)

Armie Hammer took time out from talking about his Sundance movie “Call Me by Your Name” to address the report that he is on a shortlist of actors who DC Entertainment is considering for the role of Hal Jordan in “Green Lantern Corps.”

“I saw the reporting too,” Hammer told TheWrap during an interview in Park City, Utah. “That’s the first I’ve heard of it,” added the actor, whose broken arm was in a brace. (And no, his cast isn’t housing any hidden secrets on the matter.)
I think that's what he's supposed to say. If he said something like, "no comment" then it would just add to it.

Geoff Johns, Deathstroke, and DC people started following him on Twitter around the same time. Then we hear about GLC moving aggressively. Then there's a shortlist. It just seems too coincidental. :nerd:
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I think people are reading the shortlist news incorrectly, it was a list DC has an interest on, not who they have offered or talked to.

So there is a chance he hasn't heard anything whether because he isn't on the top of the list to contact or their preferred actors or DC just simply hasn't contacted anyone yet.

Plus even though he was "barely" followed on twitter, Armie is probably the one that has the casting choice for GL the longest. I mean dude was already Batman in the scrapped JL movie so i don't think connection to him and DC will eve end. :lol:
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I think people are reading the shortlist news incorrectly, it was a list DC has an interest on, not who they have offered or talked to.

So there is a chance he hasn't heard anything whether because he isn't on the top of the list to contact or their preferred actors or DC just simply hasn't contacted anyone yet.

That's a good point.
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