DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

Honestly, people could conjure up any reason (valid or not) on why Bats goes in front of Supes, even if the director himself explains it but people will just call BS on it and will not understand and say it's a cop out.

So why even bother? :lol:

I'm just not feeling this Dark Knight Returns movie yet bruh. Maybe a trailer will do it for me. But I have worries. Can't get mad at some folks being worries. I want DC to succeed. I do. I don't think they're taking the right approach is all.

No trust me, I get the comprehension because I have those fears too but you just got to let them roll and if they flounder, then they do because at least they are trying.

I mean do you guys really prefer DC/WB goes back to one tv show on WB network and one movie every 3-4 years? And movies that do not connect to each other? They were going to make a JL film that was a week away from production and that was happening after Begin/before TDK and it has a different Batman and from a different universe.

Now you got Gotham, Constantine, Flash, Arrow, Dark JL, etc... on tv and yeah they do not connect yet but they have said that it is open and could connect eventually. Plus they didn't want to limit what the creators could do with the shows kind of like how Marvel is controlling so much from Antman and the director drops and many other says no (I mean people just sound ridiculous turning down Marvel these days, don't they?) so I can understand WBs point of view (some will call BS on this I am sure).

As for movies, again they have so many planned now along with 9 others that isn't announced yet.

I mean this is the world we are living in man! A comic book nerds fantasy coming true in the big screen. Batman & Superman are going to be on the same film, 75 years in the making! They have JL and other movies planned ahead. Same with Sony and Spidey, Venom, SIn6, etc... Fox and XMen, XFactor, Deadpool, F4, etc... Avengers, talking racoon and a fighting tree, Thanos!!!! THANOS!!!!

Why can't we all just enjoy them all? 10-20 years ago no one would ever guess this would happen and it was nothing but a wet dream. And now it's a reality! We should just be happy and glad.

One huge group hug?
DC hate is because I wouldnt even give DC 50/50 with its track record. That would be overestimating them. Marvel has 9/11 (cuz we know Guardians and Avengers will be great)

And I agree. Without Faora that movie goes from good to hardly enjoyable.
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No trust me, I get the comprehension because I have those fears too but you just got to let them roll and if they flounder, then they do because at least they are trying.

I mean do you guys really prefer DC/WB goes back to one tv show on WB network and one movie every 3-4 years? And movies that do not connect to each other? They were going to make a JL film that was a week away from production and that was happening after Begin/before TDK and it has a different Batman and from a different universe.

Now you got Gotham, Constantine, Flash, Arrow, Dark JL, etc... on tv and yeah they do not connect yet but they have said that it is open and could connect eventually. Plus they didn't want to limit what the creators could do with the shows kind of like how Marvel is controlling so much from Antman and the director drops and many other says no (I mean people just sound ridiculous turning down Marvel these days, don't they?) so I can understand WBs point of view (some will call BS on this I am sure).

As for movies, again they have so many planned now along with 9 others that isn't announced yet.

I mean this is the world we are living in man! A comic book nerds fantasy coming true in the big screen. Batman & Superman are going to be on the same film, 75 years in the making! They have JL and other movies planned ahead. Same with Sony and Spidey, Venom, SIn6, etc... Fox and XMen, XFactor, Deadpool, F4, etc... Avengers, talking racoon and a fighting tree, Thanos!!!! THANOS!!!!

Why can't we all just enjoy them all? 10-20 years ago no one would ever guess this would happen and it was nothing but a wet dream. And now it's a reality! We should just be happy and glad.

One huge group hug?
I mean where I coming from is different from the folks who are saying it's gonna be trash. Again for me, it all comes back to direction and some things just not making sense at the moment. But like I said, we'll see. I may end up truly liking it. And we can enjoy them all. There surprising hasn't been much marvel vs dc chatter compared to other places I go to.

No hug. Group fist bump?
Cuz it's not Marvell, obviously. :rolleyes

Avengers 2 has 72 roles announced already, all gravy.

3.5 in Bat v Supes, omgz omgz omgz....:lol:
It's not the same though. You can't compare Avengers 2 to w/e this is.

The MCU had the 4 movies to build up to Avengers. A2 is adding 3 more heroes to the already existing ones and reasonably speaking they could've added Falcon and War Machine and it wouldn't have been out of nowhere.

And nah it wasn't no 3.5 in this. Early rumors had the whole damn JL showing up for what was still being called the sequel to MOS :lol: Don't come with that revisionist history.
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Cuz it's not Marvell, obviously. :rolleyes

Avengers 2 has 72 roles announced already, all gravy.

3.5 in Bat v Supes, omgz omgz omgz....:lol:
It's not the same though. You can't compare Avengers 2 to w/e this is.

The MCU had the 4 movies to build up to Avengers. A2 is adding 3 more heroes to the already existing ones and reasonably speaking they could've added Falcon and War Machine and it wouldn't have been out of nowhere.

And nah it wasn't no 3.5 in this. Early rumors had the whole damn JL showing up for what was still being called the sequel to MOS :lol: Don't come with that revisionist history.

Early rumors.



Rumors dude.

I can't wait to see Cranston as Lex Luther. :pimp:

I am going to love Nic Cage as Superman. :smokin

Bale signing on for this is going to be EPPPPPPPPIIIIICCCCCC.

Oh, wait, that **** ain't happen? But, rumors. :lol:

You don't have any ******* idea who in this movie, and you already got it judged. And we all already know you're comin after this film two years from now, "but Clark wears glasses, ruined the film, Snyder..... :smh: "

It's whatever. Heaven forbid DC actually gives us what we all want, Bat and Supes onscreen, but cuz they didn't Marvelize it, its gonna suck, 2 years before it even comes out.

"I'm not a hater tho, not a hater, I'm bein fair..." :rolleyes
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Ongoing convo, he'll understand. :lol:

For clarification, he blames rumors on all the casting, like its confirmed there's a dozen characters in this film. I pointed out some famous rumors, that prove false.

Then I pointed out the baseless complaints like MOS got, ie not enough Daily Planet, glasses is not a real disguise, etc.

And finished with he, and others like him, will hate on this film for the next two years, but claim they aren't hating, just being real. :lol:
Cuz it's not Marvell, obviously. :rolleyes

Avengers 2 has 72 roles announced already, all gravy.

3.5 in Bat v Supes, omgz omgz omgz....:lol:
It's not the same though. You can't compare Avengers 2 to w/e this is.

The MCU had the 4 movies to build up to Avengers. A2 is adding 3 more heroes to the already existing ones and reasonably speaking they could've added Falcon and War Machine and it wouldn't have been out of nowhere.

And nah it wasn't no 3.5 in this. Early rumors had the whole damn JL showing up for what was still being called the sequel to MOS :lol: Don't come with that revisionist history.

Early rumors.



Rumors dude.

I can't wait to see Cranston as Lex Luther. :pimp:

I am going to love Nic Cage as Superman. :smokin

Bale signing on for this is going to be EPPPPPPPPIIIIICCCCCC.

Oh, wait, that **** ain't happen? But, rumors. :lol:

You don't have any ******* idea who in this movie, and you already got it judged. And we all already know you're comin after this film two years from now, "but Clark wears glasses, ruined the film, Snyder..... :smh: "

It's whatever. Heaven forbid DC actually gives us what we all want, Bat and Supes onscreen, but cuz they didn't Marvelize it, its gonna suck, 2 years before it even comes out.

"I'm not a hater tho, not a hater, I'm bein fair..." :rolleyes
Well that's what you're complaining about. Everybody's reactions to the early rumors. Who is still complaining about how many ppl are exactly in the movie? When we still don't how many heroes are actually in the movie? I mean just from a logistical standpoint your introducing brand new characters in one movie but hell ppl are still disappointed Cranston isn't Luthor. So don't try to compare it to Marvel who didn't do that. They actually bothered to have dudes show up in other places. ******* Hawkeye got a chance to shine in Thor.

So no you can't equate this to Marvel. Don't be mad when ppl complain or worry about how dumb a rumor sounds or how dumb something official seems.

That's another thing too, **** aint coming out for 2 years. They aint telling us much. Dudes are gonna still roll with their 1st impressions from what DC has already shown them. If MOS was great you'd probably see a more positive thread but it wasn't *kanye shrug*

I'll say it now though, while I'm not a hater I do want the movie to be good just for Battfleck but I have no reason to be fair after MOS. You're acting like DC is working on a clean slate. They've ****** up a lot the past decade. I didn't prejudge Green Lantern and they gave me trash. I didn't prejudge Returns and they gave me blander trash. For the most stuff the Bat stuff was great and that got to a point it might as well not be DC well until TDKR :smh: So they weren't going to get another chance with MOS with dudes like Snyder and Goyer and no surprise they gave me a movie where it only really excelled at one thing.
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The glasses as a disguise is stupid.
Ran out of reps again :

Ongoing convo, he'll understand. :lol:

For clarification, he blames rumors on all the casting, like its confirmed there's a dozen characters in this film. I pointed out some famous rumors, that prove false.

Then I pointed out the baseless complaints like MOS got, ie not enough Daily Planet, glasses is not a real disguise, etc.

And finished with he, and others like him, will hate on this film for the next two years, but claim they aren't hating, just being real. :lol:
No I don't. Nobody has brought up how many heroes will be in this movie as a complaint for a while. You just brought it up and that was early rumors when the whole damn JL was in a MOS sequel.

As of now this is a JL prequel movie with WW, Bats, and Supes. Apparently corny *** Cyborg is confirmed and there's unconfirmed rumors about Aquaman. Mind you when it started out this movie was coming out next year, now it's pushed back to 2 years. So all this really seems like is a slow roll out to confirm those early rumors. If by next year's comic con they're introducing movie Flash and Aquaman don't be mad when dudes get back to ******** on this movie even harder.

Yall better hope there's a movie teaser or something by then that's great. 2 dudes staring at each other won't work a 2nd time.

I mean there's rumors and then there's the actual stupid **** confirmed like Eisenberg as Luthor or Goyer being attached to this in anyway (which I now hear his script is being rewritten by the Argo guy). I haven't been in this thread until SDCC ramped up for you to say I'm hating on this. You know how I feel about MOS but this apparently should be different a bit right? So you shouldn't just combine the two.
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Rational thought and reasoning goes out the window, everyone has specific view on how things should unfold. Any deviation from the preconceived notion they had in their minds simply won't do.
At the end of the day we saw an amazing teaser, it was bone chilling (to me at least). If you are a comic book fan, I do not see how you cannot love that.

Yet all some could do is ***** and complain.
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Most are just fans of the movie, not fans of the comics or comics in general. Wouldnt be surprised if most comic cartoons have for fans than the actual comics.
I just don't understand why Superman can't get his own movie, it has to become a Justice League film.
I love Batman and he's my favorite hero, but let's be cereal here:
Only reason he beat Superman in The Dark Knight Returns is because of Green Arrow. Superman was severely weakened by the nuke and he was still laying the smackdown on Batman. If it weren't for the Kryptonite arrow, Batman would've gotten his *** whooped.

And he didn't do **** to him in Hush, either. All he did was knock him out of hypnotism by throwing Lois off a building.

He didn't do **** in Tower of Babel, either.
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I mean I just said we just had an great trailer and some still complains and it lasted an hour before another complaint is posted. :lol:

How can I not facepalm after that. :rofl:

But look, just read back a few pages, heck read the whole thread. It really is beating a deadhorse.

It isn't a JL film, it's practically a Worlds Finest at this point or at least until we get more details on who else will be the film.

An MoS sequel will come but this isn't a Superman franchise or a Batman franchise anymore, it's a DC franchise, a DC Universe just like Marvel Studios franchise is pretty much encompasses all their films.

If you love DC, you should love this move, a movie Batman and Superman together and after so many failed attempts.

Look, if I had my way I'd go different route, maybe follow Marvels ways and origin the hell out of everyone but I could see it the other way too, just like the animated films that focused on JL. At least we are getting a somewhat of a JL prequel than just a full blown JL film right away.

For the most part, this is still a Superman-centric film. Snyder has said as much that he will be dealing with the repercussions of the MoS events. Batman may just be that repercussion.
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I get it, but the fact that he didnt fly above the stratosphere before the fight to absorb sun and become a literal god is literally in the top 3 dumbest plotlines/holes I have ever heard. Of course we are excluding joke plotlines like anything to do with Deadpool or Squirrel Girl. They are going to need to come up with a decent story for why that is in the movie. People try to shrug this off like a tiny plothole too :lol:

Make a ridiculously overpowered character that has to be the most inconsistent character in any media ever just so a story with him can last more than 2 seconds then wonder why it is hated :smh: But last time I said "What if Batman brought kryptonite into the fight" Supes fanboys: "Superman can fly into kryptonite suns. Kryptonite does nothing to him. In [story arc] batman threw kryptonite at him and supes threw the kryptonite in space and still beat him single handedly. His sneeze has destroyed a universe, blah blah blah."
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