DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

Rumors of Under the Red Hood being the solo Bats film right? Would be awesome, especially to see the joker do Jason dirty.

It's pretty wild, was checking out hot toys the other day and joker has a tattoo on his right bicep of a dead robin with an arrow through it.

Thought it was pretty bada**

There was an egg about Harley killing robin in the movie..

I missed it, what was it?
10 mins?

You lyin.

But if true, I'll wait til it hits TNT
The trailers made it seem like he was more important than he actually was. When you see the movie you'll understand his role. He should have got a tiny bit more screen time, but oh well....I didn't like his portrayal anyway but a lot of people did.
The Batman solo is supposed to be an original story that may take small elements of older Batman arcs. It's supposed to have multiple villains and it's rumored to feature Batman in Arkham Asylum a fair amount. RFX probably posted the article a while ago in here.

Deadshot will be back for sure. Will's portrayal was subtle compared to his other roles. You know it's Will Smith, but you kind of forget and you see him only as Deadshot in the film. He did a really good job. Plus they recreated the Secret Six #15 cover in SS. It looked DOPE AS ****. They even gave John Ostrander a shout out in an easter egg.

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I really enjoyed Jai Courtney actually.

And I hate him in everything, did they imply he had prior run ins with the flash?

I feel like they should have really hyped up Joker's initial introduction.. it kind of just happened and sped through. I hated the editing in the first 10-15 mins of the movie.
For all the folks who have seen it, can you at least understand why the negative RT critic score that it has?

I happen to have enjoyed BvS. But I understand why most folks didn't.

I really can, especially comparing it to an actual consensus good film and assault on arkham. They had a nice blueprint from that and went so far off course. Plus I think folks are tired of mediocre to mixed reviews from DC, so it's sort of a heads up that their limit on being ok at best is coming to a head, it's time for them to knock one out the park. There were also the flat jokes, bad editing, forced family feel without properly fleshing out the stories, overuse of the pop songs, overuse of bad cb movie cliches. This tone should have been closer to Bourne than Avengers. That said, I had fun until the final act.

Sounds like this movie was one way and then after unscheduled reshoots they went for another way and then the two ways never really meshed.
Regarding Robin easter egg
When they did the character profiles, I remember seeing something about Robin in Harley's file.
Went on reddit and someone confirmed "Accomplice to the murder of Robin" 
Forget that damn reviewer hype, Suicide Squad was GOOD!

I'm still in a bit of a sleep haze plus and argument with the GF detracted BUT, i still give this a mild 8 until a second viewing.

I need to go back and read through y'alls posts but this hit all the right notes as an intro comic book movie should. This is a step in the right direction for DC.

So much to say.

Heath Ledger is still GOAT Joker however Leto's performance was good. He took a little of Jack, a little of HEath and his own spin on it.

Amanda Waller is cold AF.

And ugh i hate rumors. I don't understand the secrecy about Clint Eastwood's role he ended up being just Joe Soldier. No wade Wilson.

ONLY issue so far is the fact like most movies too many good scenes given away in trailers/tv spots.

But overall, SS was very very good. It would have topped BvS for me but the Ultimate Edition made BvS so much better.
NT (specifically folks in this thread) lied to me about BvS initially too.. I'm going give it a week or 2 before this thread sucks me in
Someone in this thread said MBJ should play Jason Todd and I scoffed at the idea but in hindsight it could make a whole lot of sense

I've been waiting for "MBJ should be..." comments to start. They should just make a Nutty Professor 4 so we can have MBJ be every character at a dinner table to satisfy everybody. :lol:
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Movie was good.

Don't understand why reviewers keep hating

whatever, has no effect on my decisions anyway.

have a great weekend everyone.
I wasn't a fan of the editing of joker on the first few minutes either. They flew by quick.

Did they not show joker saying " I can't wait to show you my toys"

Also surprised no one has called Joker a simp. :lol:
it's also a thread which had 4 votes on the movie being bad on the polls before anyone here even actually saw it :lol:


You seen it yet RFX? Thoughts if you have?


movie was ok

lots of dumb and wtf moments in the movie too

really makes me wonder about WB editing team now...

don't think it deserves the 28% RT score though

overall I liked it, I don't agree with the decisions made on the film but really the movie would have probably be higher on RT if editing was better but Ayer stands by his cut of the film so I am not even sure who truly is to blame...

In an interview with Collider, Ayer stood behind his work, despite the critical slamming it received, saying that the flow of the film was more important than the inclusion of certain scenes. “But this cut of the movie is my cut, there’s no sort of parallel universe version of the movie, the released movie is my cut. And that’s one of the toughest things about writing, shooting, and directing a film, is you end up with these orphans and you [frick]ing love them and you think they’d be amazing scenes and do these amazing things but the film is a dictatorship," Ayer said, laughing. "[It's] not a democracy, and just because something’s cool and charismatic doesn’t mean it gets to survive in the final cut. The flow of the movie is the highest master.”

Ayer went on to explain the multi-layered editing process, insinuating the some people just don't understand the way it works. "I think there’s a misunderstanding about filmmaking where you can somehow have this crystal ball and understand exactly how everything is going to work together and assemble together. It’s always a moving target as you try and distill and condense down to the best movie. And this thing was a beast, we had over a million and a half feet of footage, with an ensemble movie, 7 plus major characters that we have to introduce, a very complex story that is not your normal linear story and you’re introducing the audience to a whole new world, plus it just has my sort of sickness as a filmmaker in it, my vibe and attitude. So it just took a lot of work to find the movie, the movie was always there and even in the early cuts we knew we had something, we knew it was going to work, but to get it there…wow."
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I got most of my work done this morning and will probably be coasting after lunch.. i'll see how I feel later and what my buddies got planned for night or if they're happy hour-in or something right after work

or i'll be healthy and go for a run with my dog
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