DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

Ok, im definitely gonna have to watch MOS again. But didnt they show Lex in the movie? So they are gonna just change the actor who plays him because now hes a main villain (even tho if you knew anything about Superman you would have known this going in).

I mean obviously its not unheard of to change an actor between superhero movies (Don Cheadle taking over in Iron Man). But I feel like thats just sloppy planning by the director unless they were anticipating the movie to flop and not have to follow up with a sequel.
No he wasn't in the movie. Just little Easter eggs sprinkled in the movie (Lexcorp logo on buildings and trucks.) But definitely see it again for the Wayne Tech logo on the satellite, Booster Gold's comic book company on a building, and I believe they mention STAR labs as well.
Yea, I actually caught all that in the movie when I watched it in the theater. I could have sworn they showed him at one point. But I must have been mistaken. All good then. I definitely dont mind Cranston at all. Just been something Ive been wondering since the rumors started since I thought they showed him at one point. Since I know he was definitely mentioned.
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Ben affleck as the new Batman was a very unexpected choice, but not a bad one.

If this was 10 years ago , I definitely would have said hell no. However, this is not the same actor that played in Gigli and Daredevil.

He has become a much better and matured actor and even a great director (Gone Baby Gone,The Town, Argo)

The reaction to Heath Ledger being the Joker was even worse than this, and it turned out well.

Hopefully, Warner Bros. knows what they're doing.
I think Batman was only included due to the mixed reaction which was more negative than positive that Man of Steel got. Superman should have had his own trilogy.

That would be extremely nearsighted on their part if that's the reason. It's not like Batman Begins was out of this world in comparison to MOS. It needed to develop into what it became and they're not even giving Superman that chance.
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But son doesn't want to be a comic book fan making comments like this.

Nope. Still not a comic fan. You said so yourself. Don't see how my hatred for deadpool makes me a comic fan
No I'm just saying you made a real snobbish and elitist comment just now but claim you don't want to even be associated with that label :lol: You sound worse than the label you don't want anything to do with saying **** like that. Talking about read a "real" X-comic :lol:

Even hating Deadpool doesn't make sense. He isn't that relevant, important, or prevalent to even hate.
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Lol you took my "snobbish" comment seriously?


Next time I will put sarcasm tags just for you okay?

The most popular character in the marvel universe is not relevant? Now I know you are trying too hard just to argue. Somehow he is relevant enough to be in one of my favorite x-books, and one of the most popular x-comics in recent history. Troll harder.
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I just read it as is and laughed about it since it was coming from you.

But cool I won't take you seriously.

:lol: @ Deadpool being the most popular character in the MU. Please stop talking about things you don't know anything about. Say that statement out loud and ask yourself if you believe it. Then again you're not a comic book fan so I wouldn't expect you to know or make something close to an accurate statement.

You right I'm not gonna take you seriously. Guess that post you forgot the sarcasm tags again.
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Deadpool & Wolverine are. Its why they throw those two as well as Iron Man in every comic.

There is no denying it. Troll harder

And you keep throwing in that I am not a comic fan like it is supposed to offend me. Ive already said i dont want to be associated with people like that.
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Deadpool & Wolverine are. Its why they throw those two as well as Iron Man in every comic.

There is no denying it. Troll harder

And you keep throwing in that I am not a comic fan like it is supposed to offend me. Ive already said i dont want to be associated with people like that.
What's your definition of "popular"?
All im saying is too soon and VOTE no on Affleck.. Pretty ridiculous to end Dark Knight like that in hopes of a robin and a return.. I think they could have made more money with a solo superman trilog.. 1 or 2 more Dark Knight storylines then a Flash and Justice League.. However I guess Batman will supposedly be teaching Superman how to be a hero in this one so that in a weird way sounds entertaining and older batman with grey hair to me sounds about right.. If it was a grey haired older Bale :wow: 
What's your definition of "popular"?
In this context I mean sells comics,. Not who is the most recognizable. Throw Deadpool or Wolverine in a comic. Instant best seller. There are a lot of more recognizable characters in the marvel universe that don't sell comics like Deadpool.

Super Mario is probably the most recognizable video game character but few of his recent games come close to doing CoD numbers. Yet people who have never picked up a game in their life would recognize Mario way before they could name what shooter you are playing.

EDIT: Also before you try to put me on blast know that the two best selling mario games came with the system at one (as well as other games in the top 20) point and those sales count
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Deadpool comics sell nowhere near the best at Marvel currently. They never really have. You're just saying things to say them at this point.

Deadpool sells well but not better than the top 2 X books, or Spider-Man, or Avengers. Neither does any team book Deadpool is in.

Wolverine sells decent enough and has a solid consistency but his book isn't in the top either.

These things are really quite easy to look up.

Saying Deadpool is Marvel's most popular character and saying you're basing it off of sales is a falsehood.

Saying that Deadpool is a best seller or any team he gets thrown on is a best seller IS AN EGREGIOUS LIE.

But please keep calling me a troll, talk about things you know nothing about, and then tell me how you're not a comic book fan while making generalized statements not based on anything in reality.
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I didnt say he sells best. I said him and wolverine being in a comic helps sell the comic more than other characters.
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No you said Deadpool is Marvel's most popular character. You then said he's basing the popularity off sales. He isn't.

Go ahead and push the goal posts back though. Deadpool isn't even usually in Marvel's top 10.

Saying adding Deadpool to a book makes the book sell better is no different than saying adding Iron Man, Hulk, Captain America, Thor, Spider-Man, Magneto, etc.
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I didnt say he sells best. I said him and wolverine being in a comic helps sell the comic more than other characters.

Is there proof of this? Genuinely curious.

As in if they put Deadpool in the F4 comic, that comic would sell less if it were Spiderman instead? Or Silver Surfer?
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Okay sure. Twist it how you want. Others know exactly what I mean.
You said Deadpool is Marvel's most popular character. You said that. There's nothing to twist. You said there was no denying it.

HE IS NOT. What you said was a lie. Untrue. Falsehood.

You can back track and claim other ppl know what you mean but it aint changing facts.

I didnt say he sells best. I said him and wolverine being in a comic helps sell the comic more than other characters.

Is there proof of this? Genuinely curious.

As in if they put Deadpool in the F4 comic, that comic would sell less if it were Spiderman instead? Or Silver Surfer?
That's just rampant speculation with nothing backing it. He couldn't post anything other than his opinion that'd support that claim.

Wolverine is a different matter though and we weren't originally talking about Wolverine.

There's many things that make Marvel books sell. Titling it Avengers or X-Men, adding Wolverine or Spider-Man, making it a key part of an event, etc. not really dealing with Deadpool.

Deadpool is in the same amount of books he was in last year and they weren't best sellers, most were Deadpool centric books and those were minis. It's usually his solo and a team book. The only gimmick that relates to increased sales and Deadpool is those Deadpool variant covers where they just impose a drawing of him on the OG cover a book.
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This is why I put comics down because nobody listens, they just bicker about mundane,trivial things that absolutely mean nothing....
Blotter I didn't take your statement as a diss, actually made me laugh but Deadpool is very popular but has more of a cult following like Cable....
This is about to turn into the OG Batman vs. Ironman thread with all these feelings, lol
This is why I put comics down because nobody listens, they just bicker about mundane,trivial things that absolutely mean nothing....
Blotter I didn't take your statement as a diss, actually made me laugh but Deadpool is very popular but has more of a cult following like Cable....
This is about to turn into the OG Batman vs. Ironman thread with all these feelings, lol
Aint about feelings on my side. I actually like Deadpool. Dude just says thing that are wrong and just keeps going with it no matter what. Before they were opinions so that was w/e, now he's just making stuff up. I'm wondering why he picked Deadpool. when most ppl know he has a cult following not some huge fanbase. Maybe he was just using the wrong words.

Aint no way this could've turned in to Iron Man vs. Batman. That's about an imaginary battle. Dude is clearly wrong in this case but hey I digress.
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That's just rampant speculation with nothing backing it. He couldn't post anything other than his opinion that'd support that claim.

Wolverine is a different matter though and we weren't originally talking about Wolverine.

There's many things that make Marvel books sell. Titling it Avengers or X-Men, adding Wolverine or Spider-Man, making it a key part of an event, etc. not really dealing with Deadpool.

Deadpool is in the same amount of books he was in last year and they weren't best sellers, most were Deadpool centric books and those were minis. It's usually his solo and a team book. The only gimmick that relates to increased sales and Deadpool is those Deadpool variant covers where they just impose a drawing of him on the OG cover a book.

That's what I figure, there are too many variables to consider when it comes to comic book sales.

Funny enough, reported earlier this month, Dark Knight Returns sales have gone way up after the announcement of this film. I believe the same case happened with Age of Ultron but not as big.

DC Comics is enjoying a major boost in sales of Frank Miller’s “Batman: The Dark Knight Returns” now that Zack Snyder has said he’s turning to the four-part miniseries and graphic novel as inspiration for his follow up to “Man of Steel,” which will feature the caped crusader facing off against Superman on the big screen during summer 2015.

The publisher said digital sales of the graphic novel surged 161% in July, compared to June, and set a single month sales record for a full-priced DC Entertainment eBook.

The print edition showed a similar increase, according to Bookscan.

“Superman: Unchained” #2 and “Batman” #22 also were the top two selling comicbooks in July, according to Diamond Comic Distributors, the largest comicbook distributor, while “Justice League” #22, that pits three Justice League teams against each other, was the fourth bestselling title during the month.

I think this is a very good sign that even if this film is just action-heavy w/o much depth, it'll still be a box office hit. It's just hard to see it flopping especially since MOS practically made all it's money back from merchandise and sponsors even before the film hit the theaters. If MoS sits at $650m before it opened in Japan (just opened this past weekend I think?), then this film could easily top that of the names of Superman & Batman alone.
No Superman movie will ever flop. It can get killed by critics but Superman is beloved by a lot of people and will see it in theaters regardless if his story has been told multiple times.
To be fair, Superman Returns isn't considered a hit, it is borderline a flop. $270m budget before marketing and only making $390m worldwide isn't exactly a hit they were hoping for. I read somewhere that the film has to make double it's budget to be considered a "hit". Of course it becomes more complicated as dig deeper into the budget and marketing and investors, then accounting the merchandise and product placements or sponsors, etc... but many would argue that SR was a flop.
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It's funny because no one that I actually know in person that saw MOS disliked it. Everyone, and I mean everyone liked it.

'Cept dozens of NTers that miss Christopher Reeves for some reason.

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