DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

Don't like the tats, but really, he'll be great.

I mean, seriously, the Joker is kind of a hard character to screw up. Romero, Nicholson, Hamill and Ledger have all owned the role.
Maybe he'll like, get his head smashed against a brick wall/ scraped across the pavement, and the damaged tattoo will be gone.

though I can't imagine the Joker sitting in the parlor getting those tats

Well, it's not like you have to get tattooed at a parlor. :lol:

I mean, can you imagine Heath Ledger Joker getting fitted for a custom Joker Suit?
So they tried to make this Joker a little younger and a little more "contemporary".

The tats are okay, I guess. For some reason, I really like the teeth.
Well the thing is the Joker always has suits on so it is in his personality and something he actually does. He is synonymous with it, the character itself, it's not just Ledgers version.
Have you guys eem seen Leto act!?....dude is incredible and I'm Fkin loving the way he looks! They managed to distanced themselves so far from Heaths joker and I think that's what I like most...Leto looks INSANE.

Bruh... You're a really good dude, but your opinion on these remakes is always the same. I wish I was as hyped as you, but I'm not feeling this look AT ALL.

Dude looks just like a stereotypical tumblr fashionista.

Not doubting his acting skills, I think he'll do great but I am not sure about the look. All other tattoos would have been fine (though I can't imagine the Joker sitting in the parlor getting those tats) but I am not digging the forehead tattoo.

Bigger pic...

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This x10000

It's awful. I can let the other tats slide, but "damaged" across the forehead ? Nah.

The Joker is already established as damaged, he doesn't need it written across his ******* forehead. And the rest of the tattoos are far too self-referential; they tell us nothing about the character we didn't already know.

-OK, how do we handle the Joker?
-We need him to be scary and he has to be able to be taken seriously, yet he has to be in makeup, wear bright colors and say stupid **** for the entire movie
-Make him a physically disfigured and chemically altered maniac with no self control at all
+ it worked well

-OK, we need a NEW Joker. So what do we do!?
-He has to match the style of the new Batman films, he can't just be a Nicholson rip-off and he still has to read as the joker to the audience
-make him a physically and presumably emotionally scarred, militant psychopath who inspires people to be as mad as he is, all with no solid backstory or explanation
+ it ******* WORKS

-OK, we have to have a recognizable character or two in this movie, so let's toss the Joker in there
-OK, how do we go about doing it though? We can't ever top Nicholson OR Ledger, but we need the audience to be behind him...
-Oh, **** it, let's just put an above average actor in makeup and cover him with edgy tattoos and call it a ******* day

Your new Joker ladies and gentlemen.

He looks worse than something from that awful Gotham TV show.

I get that they're trying their hardest (or not) to go for an alternate take on the character. But they've basically ended up with the version of the Joker that cursed the comic for YEARS because the writers didn't know what to do with the character or how to handle him. He's a generic bad guy in makeup with extra edge poured on to get the youngsters behind him. Nothing more. He's doesn't look scary, he's not easily taken seriously and worst of all, he looks like a vegan fan in makeup at a comic book convention.

I could totally understand if this was the look for one of his henchmen, but the boss ? Nah.

Oh, and as for Joker sitting in the parlor getting tats... It looks like he's wearing a latex glove. I presume they'll probably incorporate him doing the work himself into the movie. I don't mind a joker with tats at all. I just think they should be more subtle and make it a small part of the character, not the first thing you notice about him when you look at his face.

I like the fronts though. I'd rather they have gone with slugs instead of caps, but whatever. Makes sense with all the times Bruce has punched out his teeth. :lol:
All Star Batman & Robin Joker (drawn by Jim Lee & Frank Miller) does have tattoos and was in prison for a while iirc so it isn't completely out of the question that he has a tattoo.

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Still waiting to see how this all turns out though, he is definitely creepy and I wouldn't be surprised if this was a prison version without the white make-up. He looks like his white looks pretty pale in the pic he was showing with the suit on so we shall see.

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that forehead tat is beyond trash, but i'll wait to see his performance to judge his version of the joker
Am I the only who likes the forehead tattoo?... :lol:

I like the looks of this Joker a lot... I hope his personality matches it...
Not sure if this is true or not but this dude that supposedly works at WB says...

Flaurent Soki

I hope you all know that that isn't the official look for Joker.

Flaurent Soki

I'll find out soon What The Joker really looks like and when I do, oh y'all know I'll be dropping bombs!

And Snyder did tweet this...

ZackSnyder [emoji]10004[/emoji]@ZackSnyder

Ha ha ha, the joke’s on you Batman… #cryptic #75th
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RFX, I think you may be on to something with the "Prison Joker" angle. This could very well be his look for a small part of the movie. Or maybe its just a stunt to get people talking. If so, it sure worked :lol:

Another angle.... Most of us are assuming that this look is meant to be taken 100% seriously, like we're supposed to see the tattoo and go "whoa cool, this guy's a real badass." Maybe the character's supposed to be a bit pathetic.

I knew plenty of metalheads and general small-town edgelords who got tatted up like this in high school or their early 20s. The tattoos were rarely subtle, and more than often embarrassingly stupid. I didn't specifically know anyone who tattooed "damaged" on their foreheads, but I knew a dude who got "DEATH" in huge block letters on his back. I've known people who got "hate", "love", "pain" tattooed on the knuckles... et cetera et cetera. None of these people were "badasses," they were widely mocked. But if school shootings and the like have taught us anything, it's that people can easily be pathetic and dangerous at the same time.

This might not look like a "cool" character, but maybe they're shooting for a more modern take on the sort of person the Joker might be IRL. Either way, I'm willing to give it a shot. I could be completely wrong, David Ayer is a bit of an edgelord himself and he might sincerely think this is cool. :lol:
Am I the only who likes the forehead tattoo?... :lol:

I like the looks of this Joker a lot... I hope his personality matches it...

I dig it too..I think he's going to crush the role..And I think he'll be a better Joker than Ledger (who's performance I thought was just a 2hr long impression of Tom Waits)..I'm excited to see what Leto is going to bring to the character..
Not sure why the Joker would get a tattoo of a joker on himself. We get who you are already :lol:
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RFX, I think you may be on to something with the "Prison Joker" angle. This could very well be his look for a small part of the movie. Or maybe its just a stunt to get people talking. If so, it sure worked :lol:

Another angle.... Most of us are assuming that this look is meant to be taken 100% seriously, like we're supposed to see the tattoo and go "whoa cool, this guy's a real badass." Maybe the character's supposed to be a bit pathetic.

I knew plenty of metalheads and general small-town edgelords who got tatted up like this in high school or their early 20s. The tattoos were rarely subtle, and more than often embarrassingly stupid. I didn't specifically know anyone who tattooed "damaged" on their foreheads, but I knew a dude who got "DEATH" in huge block letters on his back. I've known people who got "hate", "love", "pain" tattooed on the knuckles... et cetera et cetera. None of these people were "badasses," they were widely mocked. But if school shootings and the like have taught us anything, it's that people can easily be pathetic and dangerous at the same time.

This might not look like a "cool" character, but maybe they're shooting for a more modern take on the sort of person the Joker might be IRL. Either way, I'm willing to give it a shot. I could be completely wrong, David Ayer is a bit of an edgelord himself and he might sincerely think this is cool. :lol:

Real talk... It's super, super dark... But that would be an amazing modern origin story for Joker...
Didn't know comic book prison joker got a Japanese style dragon tattoo on his back. Really weird and doesn't seem like something he would get.

The ha ha ha ha tattoos look really stupid.
Not sure why the Joker would get a tattoo of a joker on himself. We get who you are already :lol:

Didn't know comic book prison joker got a Japanese style dragon tattoo on his back. Really weird and doesn't seem like something he would get.

The ha ha ha ha tattoos look really stupid.
yeah, they look so childish. we know you're the joker, no need for those super obvious tattoos. A tattoo of his smile and a bunch of hahas? Really? This isn't a notebook of some middle schooler that just got into the joker
i dont mind this look because he really looks like a crazy person. i mean he's not gonna be shirtless throughout all the DC films. Obviously dude will be in a suit so the tats wont bother me.

i think they couldve made him look more menacing by replacing the tattoos with actual scarred imagery that he cut into his body himself. Kinda like how Victor Zsasz is cut up.
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