DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

Wheres Ezra Miller?

Did they tagged him with a tracking device or is he still running amok somewhere???

I still can’t believe that Flash Movie is really going to release. That’s all what Ezra needs, more money and access to harass kids. (Allegedly).
they care about money

yall really want them to not release a $200m budgeted film?

and its not just ezra whose gon lose money on not releasing the film, thousands of other people worked on that film
#SaveTheSynderVerse #TheHiearchyOfPowerWillBeRestored
A Cyborg movie :lol:

They better get a proper JL roster with the right poc heroes in it.

I don’t doubt Gunn can but it better be front and center, seamless, and unquestioned by the masses (not the racists obv).
I wouldn't be mad at teen titans getting origin movies to align together. Justice League is priority I'm sure but at some point it'd be cool.
Just rewatched Joker. Never realized that it had such a low score on rotten tomatoes.
Not the creator of Morbius :rofl:

Just add MBJ cuz he a *****. Brad and Angelina for Joker and Harley ro:lol:

DC animated knowing better but ignored and belittled.

Blue Beetle next up :lol: Blue Beetle = Spidey. :rofl:
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