DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

Neither is gonna "win" ...it will be a tie if anything...

They'll have a little rumble, bro hug it out... then go to a café.
I chatted with my friend who is more in the know about this stuff than I am and he pretty much agrees. Says they probably join forces so that this goes seamless into the Justice League. Makes sense.
I don't think Gosling qualifies yet for this. Last bad movie he was in that I saw was Gangster Squad. Then stuff like Drive and Pines overshadowed that. Then he had that one kind of foreign joint (Only GOD Kills or something which I didn't see) which didn't get all that good reviews. To me he passed on roles cuz he too wanted to direct plus he just had a kid. I think he'll be fine.

I remember a few of us talking about Hartnett in some other thread :lol: He was just young and maybe a bit too arrogant about his fame overwhelmed by it. He said in an interview he went back home (some small town) and basically took a break from acting while passing up all those roles (It's good he passed on Returns it would've ruined his career, look at ya boy Atom on the CW now { ). Doesn't look like anybody will give him another chance now though.
Sam Jack is a special case though because he's usually in supporting roles that doesn't ruin his career if the film flops and I think he actually is just invincible :lol:

I mean look at Reynolds, it's like he accepted as much roles as he can and it almost killed his career, still uncertain if DP will resurrect it. Clooney and Affleck was also on the same path but Clooney learned early and started going his own route after Batman (he has an article or poster or whatever of the film in his office just to remind him not to just go for the check) while Affleck had to disappear for a while and really pick and choose his roles to get to where he is at today.
I feel what really saved his career was coming back as such a strong director.

Don't know if he lands any other prominent roles without arguably becoming a better director than he is an actor. Plus it helps that when your vision for a movie is that good (along with having a really good script) that you can place yourself in the position to excel at your best in it.

Sam Jackson is an extreme cases I admit.

I mean obviously most won't go that far.

I just mean actors generally should just worry about if the movie is going to be good or not instead of worrying about getting pigeon-holed or genre. From how it sounds like, Hartnett turned down batman for the wrong reasons.

There's trying to pick your spots so you don't star in any stinkers and then there's just being picky
The difference with Sam is that in his prime he wasn't taking any role offered to him. From the 80s to 90s he has a good deal of good films and good to great performances. By the 2000s he's already in his 50s so son went wild with it. Plus like mentioned a lot of his roles weren't the lead or supporting but memorable side characters to add to the movies where he was the lead or supporting.

Out of the 3 offers though, Batman really was where Hartnett ****** up. To me you only get a way with being that picky if your skill and talent is on DDL's level.
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:smh: :lol: ain't all I got. But ain't no one reading your dissertations on posts on nt. So I post that to point out that you're really just wasting key strokes.

Plus you be ****** about everything and get into arguements with everyone. You need a therapist.
I know someone mentioned Marvel slurping but just honestly speaking this won't be better than Age of Ultron or Apocalypse. But I feel like Zack was in a tight spot with MoS because he had to make an origin story instead of just depict a dope storyline.

This movie looks very Snydery. I get a 300, Watchmen or Sin City vibe from it--which is Zack's biggest strength, the ability to create a live-action graphic novel. The visuals alone, camera angles, CGI, and vivid colors may allow BvS to flourish
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I know someone mentioned Marvel slurping but just honestly speaking this won't be better than Age of Ultron or Apocalypse. But I feel like Zack was in a tight spot with MoS because he had to make an origin story instead of just depict a dope storyline.

This movie looks very Snydery. I get a 300, Watchmen or Sin City vibe from it--which is Zack's biggest strength, the ability to create a live-action graphic novel. The visuals alone, camera angles, CGI, and vivid colors may allow BvS to flourish

BvS will highly benefit from a different writer editing and rewriting whatever Goyer did for this film, I think MoS would have been much better (or liked by more) had it not have Goyers stench all over it.

It was rewritten by one of the Argo writer, which I believe Affleck brought in himself (or at least highly suggested).
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It just sounds like you guys aren't in the marvel thread enough. The same guys criticizing the BVS trailer in here have all criticized Marvel at some point, some more than others. It isn't exactly a slurp fest in there.

I think the difference is that Marvel has so many stuff going on and something new always around the corner that criticism doesn't always stick out.

Right now all we have to go on is the teaser trailer so it's going to look like ppl just wanna pick on DC.
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I know someone mentioned Marvel slurping but just honestly speaking this won't be better than Age of Ultron or Apocalypse. But I feel like Zack was in a tight spot with MoS because he had to make an origin story instead of just depict a dope storyline.

This movie looks very Snydery. I get a 300, Watchmen or Sin City vibe from it--which is Zack's biggest strength, the ability to create a live-action graphic novel. The visuals alone, camera angles, CGI, and vivid colors may allow BvS to flourish
It's Batman Vs. Supes at the end of the day so I don't think we can already deny the potential of it being as good or near even coming off MOS. I don't know why you keep bringing up X-Men: Apocalypse though :lol: Seems everywhere you go now you letting ppl know DofP > Cap 2 out the blue. Besides as far as these blockbuster average directors go it's Snyder > Singer. As mentioned if Snyder would pair himself with a better screenwriter he'd be flourishing as a director.

I feel Snyder made the movie he wanted to make with the only question being if everybody agreed on Supes killing Zod in the end.

As far as the look, this is Snyder's style. All of his movies look like this. 300, Sucker Punch, etc. It's the one thing he's never slacked at.
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No matter how terrible Sucker Punch was, the fight scenes/actions were incredible.

It just sounds like you guys aren't in the marvel thread enough. The same guys criticizing the BVS trailer in here have all criticized Marvel at some point, some more than others. It isn't exactly a slurp fest in there.

I think the difference is that Marvel has so many stuff going on and something new always around the corner that criticism doesn't always stick out.

Right now all we have to go on is the teaser trailer so it's going to look like ppl just wanna pick on DC.

Exactly. Marvel movies get dumped on in that thread all the time. The reasons why DC gets bashed are obvious but there doesn't need to be a convo about that again. Crazy how it's assumed that anyone who didn't care for the teaser is a marvel fan tho
People don't dump on marvel movies?

And I assume we're sticking with just marvel studies movies.. You guys of that view, may want to look up what was said about ironman 2 and 3
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Well of course Marvel movies don't get ******* on as much as DC but Marvel movies do get ******* on. That's all that's being said. Overall though Marvel just has a better brand at the moment.

Why DC gets the hate it does for their movies is pretty obvious though.
People don't dump on marvel movies?

And I assume we're sticking with just marvel studies movies.. You guys of that view, may want to look up what was said about ironman 2 and 3
Also Thor1, Thor2, and Cap1.

There's also getting on the quality of villains in the MCU.

I feel it's a bit unjustified but you even got dudes ******** on Avengers and GotG.
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Just one example

I feel like IM3 gets dumped on worse than people dump on MoS

The difference is IM3 is just one movie among so many things going on that it's easier to brush off complaints about that movie

MoS on the other hand is supposed to help launch a whole shared universe so any criticism about that movie is going to stick out

If DC ever gets to the point where they have 12 movies successfully sharing a universe, criticism about MoS isn't going to look that bad

It's only MoS that gets flack like that too, and now the BvS teaser trailer a little bit. The Nolan movies appear untouchable.


**** I forgot about GL. Can you blame me though? I think everyone agrees that was bad LOL
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bullet holes tho
Just one example

I feel like IM3 gets dumped on worse than people dump on MoS

The difference is IM3 is just one movie among so many things going on that it's easier to brush off complaints about that movie

MoS on the other hand is supposed to help launch a whole shared universe so any criticism about that movie is going to stick out

If DC ever gets to the point where they have 12 movies successfully sharing a universe, criticism about MoS isn't going to look that bad

It's only MoS that gets flack like that too, and now the BvS teaser trailer a little bit. The Nolan movies appear untouchable.


**** I forgot about GL. Can you blame me though? I think everyone agrees that was bad LOL

MOS was suppose to be their Iron Man 1. If MOS was a sequel after already having a few Supes movies in this shared universe it'd be different. MOS was suppose to make up for the botched job they did with GL launching their shared universe. Now while it's better than that it isn't some beloved movie. I get getting talk about a movie is a good thing but I don't know how they thought Supes killing dude would be a great way of starting things off. You would've been better off having Batman be the killer in a solo movie.

Then they follow up MOS with giving us a Supes and Bats mash up. While in theory it's everything Bat fans, Supes fans and DC fans want, in the whole planning out your shared universe it felt too soon which is why you got early hate and criticism for the move. Felt way more like lets add batman cuz he's guaranteed to make this a billion dollar film than this is all apart of the plan leading up to a JL movie. Then they switched things and said this isn't a MOS sequel but a JL prequel.
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