DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

nope nto gon' get suckered into that one :lol: and reply just for it to get a 10,000 word rebuttal then we're back to those debates in early to mid 2000s which no one concedes anyways

hell my hands already cramping up replying with my iphone

plus its really just not fun :lol:
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A DC film drops EVERYBODY be tryin to fix the entire universe.
but literally after every films release. That is never a good sign.

Wild that even after Infinity Saga has completed DC still has no film that even remotely comes close to being that consensus AMAZING film like IM, A1, etc.

Crazy how Marvel is basically gonna be making better TV shows than DCEU
DC got a hard problem of dropping a bad thing until its too late. They only listen to fandom until money doesn't meet projections.

They couldn't reboot after BvS but after that wasnt a billion dollar movie they should've dropped Snyder and found anybody else to do Justice League. Josh Trank, Tim Story, the guy that directed Ghost Rider, the ppl behind the first Daredevil and Elektra, etc. Almost anybody but Snyder.

JL should've been the movie re-establishing their shared cinematic universe. There's nothing to do about WW and SS at that point. Just ignore them.

Then get that Batman movie out and stop stalling. Immediately follow up with a revamped Superman movie.

They still don't want to get right and course correct.
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nope nto gon' get suckered into that one :lol: and reply just for it to get a 10,000 word rebuttal then we're back to those debates in early to mid 2000s which no one concedes anyways

hell my hands already cramping up replying with my iphone

plus its really just not fun :lol:
That's okay if that's you're excuse.

But you cant really name any other studios trying to do what Marvel is doing and DC is trying to do because there aren't any outside of the other two I acknowledged.

Nobody else is really attempting a shared cinematic universe.

If you cant tell the difference between some bad Terminator movies and 3 different MCU franchises having a trilogy I don't know what else to say.

Its not comparable.
Norton Hulk was dope. In fact, Hot Take Sunday- Norton Hulk > Iron Man 1.

Lets fight
i can name a few thats tried/trying :lol: you know hollywood will copy what makes money and once MCU had success, they hired a bunch of writers to starts thinking about everything they could make into a shared universe


god i cant believe im falling for this but i swear this is all imma say even though i know you'll carve each one with a scalpel but here it goes...

*takes a deep breathe*

dark universe and that failed, you agreed on that one so theres one

transformers and gi joe tried a shared universe (i think they tried to rope in power rangers there too)

godzillas sequel flopped and the others (first godzilla & king kong) made money but not as much as expected at $500m each and seems not much excitement with king kong v godzilla

amazing sm series with garfield was suppose to spawn sinister six and black cat (both were introduced/teased in the sequel)

xmen was suppose to be shared with deadpool and f4, didnt pan out and failed, add new mutants to that too

further along, X-Men origins: wolverine was suppose to be the starting point and be followed by XMen Origins: Prof X, XMen Origins: Magneto and probably XMen Origins: Deadpool and more

will smith after earth was suppose to expand to a whole new universe, IATT IATT could at least attest to this because we listened to the same podcast where it was discussed, its suppose to have other worlds that didnt just evolve around jaden or will

theres the Men in Black and Jump Street, it might actually still be in the table though hemsworth MiB was a flop so maybe not

and one weird one was the most recent king arthur with hunnam, it was suppose to expand to a lancelot and merlin films

robin hood was meant to have a shared universe too, the one with foxx and taron, spawning films for his merry men, yes ideas starts off dumb but it didnt stop them from trying :lol:

and yes a lot of those either didnt make it out of an email conversation or got into production but a writer was hired along with actors cast and it does show how that first film (like IM1) not being great destroys those shared universe plans

and before you say some of those aren't shared universe, yes they are as thats what the studios were calling them and its not a trilogy or a sequel....

also, i kind of cheated to see what universe failed and thats where i found king arthur, i had an inkling about robin hood but glad to see i wasnt just imaging it... or maybe i i shouldnt e too glad... https://www.digitalspy.com/movies/a26303204/shared-movie-universe-failed/

it does show how difficult it is to even get it out of the gates

ahh s** that it for me, i think i got carpal tunnel now, have at it :lol: i dont think i could reply even if i tried 😢
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i can name a few thats tried/trying :lol: you know hollywood will copy what makes money and once MCU had success, they hired a bunch of writers to starts thinking about everything they could make into a shared universe

god i cant believe im falling for this but i swear this is all imma say even though i know you'll carve each one with a scalpel but here it goes...

*takes a deep breathe*

dark universe and that failed, you agreed on that one so theres one

transformers and gi joe tried a shared universe (i think they tried to rope in power rangers there too)

godzillas sequel flopped and the others (first godzilla & king kong) made money but not as much as expected at $500m each and seems not much excitement with king kong v godzilla

amazing sm series with garfield was suppose to spawn sinister six and black cat (both were introduced/teased in the sequel)

xmen was suppose to be shared with deadpool and f4, didnt pan out and failed, add new mutants to that too

further along, X-Men origins: wolverine was suppose to be the starting point and be followed by XMen Origins: Prof X, XMen Origins: Magneto and probably XMen Origins: Deadpool and more

will smith after earth was suppose to expand to a whole new universe, IATT IATT could at least attest to this because we listened to the same podcast where it was discussed, its suppose to have other worlds that didnt just evolve around jaden or will

theres the Men in Black and Jump Street, it might actually still be in the table though hemsworth MiB was a flop so maybe not

and one weird one was the most recent king arthur with hunnam, it was suppose to expand to a lancelot and merlin films

robin hood was meant to have a shared universe too, the one with foxx and taron, spawning films for his merry men, yes ideas starts off dumb but it didnt stop them from trying :lol:

and yes a lot of those either didnt make it out of an email conversation or got into production but a writer was hired along with actors cast and it does show how that first film (like IM1) not being great destroys those shared universe plans

and before you say some of those aren't shared universe, yes they are as thats what the studios were calling them and its not a trilogy or a sequel....

also, i kind of cheated to see what universe failed and thats where i found king arthur, i had an inkling about robin hood but glad to see i wasnt just imaging it... or maybe i i shouldnt e too glad... https://www.digitalspy.com/movies/a26303204/shared-movie-universe-failed/

ahh s** that it for me, i think i got carpal tunnel now, have at it :lol: i dont think i could reply even if i tried 😢

Where DCEU f’d up to me was they had the MCU, Harry Potter and even the successes and failures of Star Wars.. then you had the bond franchise and even Star Trek

Examples were there and I agree it’s hard.. but it ain’t THAT hard

Like we can sit in here and lay down a skeleton of a plan.. villains they gotta hit individually, people they need to set up.. and then big villains they need everyone for an need to build up to.. event movies

Same goes for X-men

But if you don’t value the source material, it is going be hard

But DC could look to their own movies to see what worked and what didnt.. they had the old Batman movies and the Schumacher Batman movies that get clowned.. then they had the animated stuff and ‘89 Batman that gets celebrated along with the Nolan movies

While I agree we should celebrate marvel, they’re kinda doing what comic book fans have been begging for.. and they saw it blow up in their face trying get cute in IM3

But that’s why I keep pointing to those handful of things that never made sense from the jump.. if Batman is your biggest star or one of the biggest, why go old off the jump plus him being the only human.. then you kill off your 2nd biggest star in the 2nd movie in a fight with 1
i can name a few thats tried/trying :lol: you know hollywood will copy what makes money and once MCU had success, they hired a bunch of writers to starts thinking about everything they could make into a shared universe


god i cant believe im falling for this but i swear this is all imma say even though i know you'll carve each one with a scalpel but here it goes...

*takes a deep breathe*

dark universe and that failed, you agreed on that one so theres one

transformers and gi joe tried a shared universe (i think they tried to rope in power rangers there too)

godzillas sequel flopped and the others (first godzilla & king kong) made money but not as much as expected at $500m each and seems not much excitement with king kong v godzilla

amazing sm series with garfield was suppose to spawn sinister six and black cat (both were introduced/teased in the sequel)

xmen was suppose to be shared with deadpool and f4, didnt pan out and failed, add new mutants to that too

further along, X-Men origins: wolverine was suppose to be the starting point and be followed by XMen Origins: Prof X, XMen Origins: Magneto and probably XMen Origins: Deadpool and more

will smith after earth was suppose to expand to a whole new universe, IATT IATT could at least attest to this because we listened to the same podcast where it was discussed, its suppose to have other worlds that didnt just evolve around jaden or will

theres the Men in Black and Jump Street, it might actually still be in the table though hemsworth MiB was a flop so maybe not

and one weird one was the most recent king arthur with hunnam, it was suppose to expand to a lancelot and merlin films

robin hood was meant to have a shared universe too, the one with foxx and taron, spawning films for his merry men, yes ideas starts off dumb but it didnt stop them from trying :lol:

and yes a lot of those either didnt make it out of an email conversation or got into production but a writer was hired along with actors cast and it does show how that first film (like IM1) not being great destroys those shared universe plans

and before you say some of those aren't shared universe, yes they are as thats what the studios were calling them and its not a trilogy or a sequel....

also, i kind of cheated to see what universe failed and thats where i found king arthur, i had an inkling about robin hood but glad to see i wasnt just imaging it... or maybe i i shouldnt e too glad... https://www.digitalspy.com/movies/a26303204/shared-movie-universe-failed/

it does show how difficult it is to even get it out of the gates

ahh s** that it for me, i think i got carpal tunnel now, have at it :lol: i dont think i could reply even if i tried 😢
Not gonna multi quote each example.

The majority of what you listed never actually tried a shared universe. They all were suppose to but never actually even did a 2nd movie like the way Sony did Venom and then actually filmed and finished Morbius.

When did Transformers and GI Joe try a shared universe? Which movie(s) established that they both existed in the same universe? :nerd:

They actually have to do it for you to say they tried. That goes for the rest of your examples man :lol:

Godzilla vs King Kong aint even out yet so you cant say they failed at a shared universe. You have to wait for the movie to come out man. If that were the case you could've said the MCU failed after the Cap and Thor movies.

Amazing Spider-Man, Wolverine Origins, F4. All of that was talk. They never ACTUALLY did anything. You have to be able to see the difference between that and DC actually releasing BvS and Marvel actually showing their universe is shared with IM, IH, Cap, and Thor with a Fury/Shield presence in all movies.

Sony only talked about a Sinister 6 movie back then. They didnt make the movie so there was no shared universe attempt or failure. Now they're actually doing it with Venom and Morbius.

Same with X-Men. These are not examples of anything. You're talking about movies that never happened.

After Earth was trash. Dead on arrival. Forget about what producers hoped to happen. They never even had the chance at a sequel let alone expanding that universe.

You can't say studios are failing @ shared universes when they can't get anything off the ground.

I'd be repeating myself to go in to Robin Hood and King Arthur.

I also remember the rumors about 21 Jump Street and MIB. Thats not a failed shared universe. Sony had ideas for it then specifically decided not to and did MIB4 instead.

I don't care what the studios were calling them. Its not a shared universe until its actually a shared universe.

You just named a bunch of bad failed movies where the studio or creators talk about what they had planned after the fact. C'mon man :lol:

As far as examples go, I can add one from this long post of yours; the Godzilla/King Kong shared universe and that movie hasnt released yet so we cant say if its failed or succeeded.

If the studio can not even make one good movie to get out of the gate its not worth talking about and its not a shared universe. By definition the cinematic universe has to be able to share it with something.

We already agreed the MCU had average to bad movies. They KEPT making movies though and the movies got better until they were great and again until there were more good movies than bad.

DC is over here making terrible movie after bland to bad to mediocre to average to one kinda good to back to trash.

Marvel isn't making it look easy. They just have a plan. They have a vision. They usually pick the right (good) directors for the right projects. Also Feige never lets them release straight up terrible irredeemable movies. It is not as hard as you make it seem.
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Just wish DC didn't get so addicted to trying to emulate Nolans style on alot of their early DCEU movies. I understand trying to replicate success but once he said he was good on making a JL with his batman that should of been the end of it, atleast outside of batman himself.

Also give Norton credit for using a damn car as a pair of boxing gloves in his hulk film. One of the coolest things ever.
What WB doesn't get about Nolan's Batman is you cant apply that approach tot he entire DC universe. If you do you can only done great level heroes. It doesn't account for aliens, magic, and kind of sci-fi super powers.

It's why Nolan said no.
come on, what are we even doing here

first you said youll give me the failed monesterverse and that had one film that failed and everything fell apart

but it doesnt apply to the other films


its only not a shared universe by your standards

articles (multiples) says they are failed shared universe, studios who spent millions says they are failed shared universe

but nope, not good enough, you dont care what anyone says

like i said aint no one conceding


im out
One thing I hated with the sneaker lover in me

Why did they use the same Cortez that were made famous by Forest Gump
come on, what are we even doing here

first you said youll give me the failed monesterverse and that had one film that failed and everything fell apart

but it doesnt apply to the other films

its only not a shared universe by your standards

What are you counting as the start of the Monsterverse?

Cuz I count Dracula Untold or w/e it was called.

If you're talking about the Tom Cruise movie ONLY then that **** don't count either. Why would it?

Granted the Mummy clearly alluded to a few things and hinted at a sequel that'd be your best example of a single movie that had nothing to cinematically share its universe with but had the intent to.

articles (multiples) says they are failed shared universe, studios who spent millions says they are failed shared universe
So dumbasses who wrote articles dont know what a failed shared cinematic universe is either.

like i said aint no one conceding


im out
You dont need to concede when theres no evidence to support what you're saying.

It still stands you named a bunch of movies that were bad and had plans that never actually attempted to be that.

Also definitely cut out nonsense like MIB/21 JS.

A shared cinematic universe attempt has to have something to share with in order to be called an attempt.

Not a bunch of we had this planned of the movie was good but it wasn't so this is what we planned even though we aint know of we could actually do it.


Make it make sense.
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This is poorly worded title.. it might be getting more complicated for them

But it ain’t THAT hard.. ain’t like they coming up with something original or don’t have other examples to cherry pick from AND you got a built in fan base where if you do justice to the property you’ll make bank
No i'd imagine managing those projects and keeping things coherent and cohesive is pretty damn difficult. That's why I admire the folks at Marvel so far, not only takes competence but some knowledge and respect of the material.
At the pace he's talking about and the quality of the movies thus far there's gonna be A LOT of forgettable movies and a crazy loss on returns.

Good thing they already tucked away a section of movies for HBO Max only. Its similar to what Disney is doing with Disney+ but with series instead of movies.
No i'd imagine managing those projects and keeping things coherent and cohesive is pretty damn difficult. That's why I admire the folks at Marvel so far, not only takes competence but some knowledge and respect of the material.

Hardest part is finding the right individuals, in my view

Cause you gotta have a level of respect and understanding for the source material (see Ryan Reynolds with Fox)

As was discussed about watchmen, a major part of the book is that these are not super powered people except for dr Manhattan.. so for them to essentially be superheroes loses a HUGE part of that story

It’s like with making a huge Han Solo movie, Han Solo is one of the coolest characters to ever see the big screen.. trying to get someone else to even attempt to live up to that is asking to fail.. but they could have done a young Vader, which calls for voice work

With DC you have all of your characters in house.. you come up with a skeleton of the main characters you want to hit and the bigger picture ideas.. you tell people they can do their thing as long as it is kept within a certain frame with regard to characters and items

You make a plan for flash that covers reverse flash and gorilla zod.. you come up with a list of Superman villains that he takes on solo and because he supes his villains impact the whole planet and have fallout.. you have justice league and injustice league.. Batman has joker.. and supes has lex, but lex does shh that affects the whole universe

The numerous cartoons have outlined ways DC could do this thing.. but picking the dark knight returns and death of Superman as your base is asking for failure .. and trying use flashpoint this early is just pulling foxmen using days of future past to clean up shh
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