DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

I’m glad the reality of the film is coming out now that the hype is settling. Movie is ok-good. Far from great. Todd Philips does a lot hack-esque things in the film to where I want to call him a hack but the cinematography of the film is it’s saving grace. Crazy ladies getting to adopt and keep children even after abuse bad enough to make the newspapers. Where they do that at? Gotham apparently :rolleyes
I’m glad the reality of the film is coming out now that the hype is settling. Movie is ok-good. Far from great. Todd Philips does a lot hack-esque things in the film to where I want to call him a hack but the cinematography of the film is it’s saving grace. Crazy ladies getting to adopt and keep children even after abuse bad enough to make the newspapers. Where they do that at? Gotham apparently :rolleyes
what hype is settling. Come on Lame? The movie is on track to hold on 50% this weekend. Yes Gotham is terrible. The whole system in Batman begins was corrupt from judges to mayors to police chiefs. Gotham has been crazy where only crazy stuff happens.
what hype is settling. Come on Lame don’t you ever change.?The movie is on track to hold on 50% this weekend. Yes Gotham is terrible. The whole system in Batman begins was corrupt from judges to mayors to police chiefs. Gotham has been crazy where only crazy stuff happens.

It’s the water cooler talk right now and people want in on the conversation while it’s still going on. Yes of course Gotham is corrupt and that could occur based on what we’ve seen and been told about Gotham through different medium but the way the movie unloads all of that on you out of nowhere and the never revisits it again is so sloppy. It happens at such an odd paced time in the movie in my opinion. I feel like there’s so many instances in the film where you’re looking for certain nuances and they aren’t really there and then you have a scene that spoon feeds you everything at once in the most anticlimactic fashion is off.
I’m glad the reality of the film is coming out now that the hype is settling. Movie is ok-good. Far from great. Todd Philips does a lot hack-esque things in the film to where I want to call him a hack but the cinematography of the film is it’s saving grace. Crazy ladies getting to adopt and keep children even after abuse bad enough to make the newspapers. Where they do that at? Gotham apparently :rolleyes

She got diagnosed after the adoption. Not before. He got adopted, got abused, then his mother got diagnosed. That’s not unrealistic at all.
She got diagnosed after the adoption. Not before. He got adopted, got abused, then his mother got diagnosed. That’s not unrealistic at all.

And she got sent away...while a boyfriend that was never mentioned before abused him and the abuse made it to newspapers. Adoption agency would’ve stepped in at that point. Instead she checks out of Arkham Asylum (since when do they let you out of Arkham unless you broke out or Amanda Waller needs you to save the world) and goes back to her now battered and mentally distraught son. That’s pushing it a lot.
the director said joker will never meet batman in future movies... so this might be one and done or just continue on with joker
I'll say it again but with no spoilers the Batman cliche parents scene was not needed at all; if they do a sequel I understand it.
Because that scene always thrown in. It’s like tradition anything related to Gotham Bruce Wayne parents will be shown getting shot. Was it necessary no was it big deal no
I mean we already got the Wayne references. I little to shoe horned.
whats worse showing Bruce parents keep dying or uncle ben:lol:

was that suppose to be Alfred that came to Bruce?
I finally saw the movie about a week ago.

I can't be the only one getting homoerotic vibes from Joaquin's interpretation. The dancing, hand gestures, it all seemed kind of funny. It was a great movie none the less.

You peep 'zorro the gay blade' showing at the theatre in the last scene? Lol. This was a very contemporary interpretation of joker with the mental illness and gay/effeminate angles. Totally got 'school shooter' vibes from his portrayal too. Thought it was interesting how many black people were key to the plot.. didn't really know what to make of that. Movie was.. different
You peep 'zorro the gay blade' showing at the theatre in the last scene? Lol. This was a very contemporary interpretation of joker with the mental illness and gay/effeminate angles. Totally got 'school shooter' vibes from his portrayal too. Thought it was interesting how many black people were key to the plot.. didn't really know what to make of that. Movie was.. different

How were black characters key to the plot? If those characters were any other race it wouldn’t have changed the plot at all
You peep 'zorro the gay blade' showing at the theatre in the last scene? Lol. This was a very contemporary interpretation of joker with the mental illness and gay/effeminate angles. Totally got 'school shooter' vibes from his portrayal too. Thought it was interesting how many black people were key to the plot.. didn't really know what to make of that. Movie was.. different
#ReasonsWhyIWatchAnime Add ‘Gangs of New York’ to that movie reference list. the lack of representation led me to believe Zazie’s character would be more important to the story. Debateable at best. Movie still fire tho.
How were black characters key to the plot? If those characters were any other race it wouldn’t have changed the plot at all

The social worker, the lady on the bus with her kid, lady in elevator with kid, guy who pulled his mom's file, the counselor at the end. It was interesting that they chose to cast all black people in these roles. I didn't know whether that's a response to the anti white washing movement the way suicide squad had different representation or if it was supposed to have a deeper meaning to the story. Either way I don't think it was a coincidence
The social worker, the lady on the bus with her kid, lady in elevator with kid, guy who pulled his mom's file, the counselor at the end. It was interesting that they chose to cast all black people in these roles. I didn't know whether that's a response to the anti white washing movement the way suicide squad had different representation or if it was supposed to have a deeper meaning to the story. Either way I don't think it was a coincidence

What do you think the meaning was?
What's crazy is that most of what we're seeing isn't necessarily true. I think the use of Black people and White people illustrates the socioeconomic gap. Most of the people in power are White and have all the money (Waynes, dudes on the train, talk show host). Most of the people with no power are minorities (Latino kids that jump Arthur, his gf, case worker, Paper Boi, etc). The Whites that live down in the bottom are doing really bad (the Flecks, the other clowns). Arthur's mother is obsessed with moving up the ladder. Then here comes Arthur, a symbol for the downtrodden. Or at least that's he wants to be perceived. But the reality is that he's a killer and he kills people regardless of their skin color or financial status. One way or the other, he's bringing people together. Whether you believe that he's a martyr or a terror.
The social worker, the lady on the bus with her kid, lady in elevator with kid, guy who pulled his mom's file, the counselor at the end. It was interesting that they chose to cast all black people in these roles. I didn't know whether that's a response to the anti white washing movement the way suicide squad had different representation or if it was supposed to have a deeper meaning to the story. Either way I don't think it was a coincidence

I don’t think it was a coincidence either but imo it seemed like they just wanted a diverse cast and wanted to show that people of color were at the bottom of the socioeconomic system. But we also see white propel at the bottom too.

but regardless the race of those characters didn’t shape the main plot in any way imo
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