DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

Movie just ended and honestly, my feelings are hurt. Everyone deserved better. The cast and crew, the audience. Even Hack Snyder deserved to have his ACTUAL story told. This was watered down nonsense. Scenes jumping everywhere. Couldn’t atop cringing at Cyborg and Flash disturbing Superman’s grave and digging him up. How is Fox’s Quicksilver still the best speedster we’ve seen on screen :sick: The Thermyscara battle is just blatantly disrespectful cgi wise. The last battle was insanely underwhelming I’m just at a lost for words. There were a few things that the movie did REALLY well however mainly, the feeling of the Justice League being together but we’ve gotten superhero team chemistry already and it was LEGENDARY. You would think that the original superhero team would trump what came before it but this movie isn’t even better than MoS and my mind can’t comprehend it. This was literally a 2 hr episode of power rangers. They even went to the command center to regroup and had their helmets off :smh:
im talking about desthstroke when he takes off his helmet and it shows Joe magdbslfueb with his white hair. Looked cool

:lol: i meant flash Thompson :lol:
my quick review

movie was fun and action packed and for that it was good, it was never boring and while not all jokes were a knock out, it was good for the most part

over-simplistic story and over-simplistic villain seem to sound bad but it benefits DC who struggles a bit on plot, this about setting up the team and I thought it worked while avoiding complications

not perfect by a long shot but it gets points for being fun and not dreary, some might hate it but I feel it is a move in the right direction

and you can finally clearly see the villain in the last fight :lol:

it will get multiple viewings via moviepass

I am curious what the cinemascore is

few spoilers:

best fight is definitely Supes versus everyone, it showcases his strengths, it's also funny how dude just tosses bats away

nice GL cameo in the flashback war, not quite sure who it is

Hercules in the war was a nice surprise too

first end credit with the race with Flash and Supes was a nice tough

second end credit with Lex was a surprise, people hyped it up so when they showed it wasn't Eisenberg I thought the big surprise was he got recasted :lol: but it turns out he just escaped and to see Deathstroke was awesome

I wish instead of saying "we need a league of our own," it would have been better if he said "create a legion"
My Dolby screening was ****** :x :smh:

The projection was zoomed in so a pretty good portion of the top and bottom of the picture was lost. Also we lost sound for a good minute during the superman battle in the middle.

We got free passes at the end from guest services but smh...
I know I didn't let that **** go.
I let these two go tho.


To be 100% honest, didn't even noticed til someone pointed these out. I don't knock the movie for these I just laugh and keep going.

Movie just didn’t do it for me. This is supposed to be the Justice League; it should be an epic event where DC’s top tier characters get to shine and we didn’t get that whatsoever. The movie started slow and then rushed to the ending. I feel like some of the scenes could have been longer and the movie overall could have benefited from another 15-20 minutes. Some reviews said that the movie was fun and I kind of agree I guess. There were some cool scenes, but there was a lot left to be desired here.


The complaints about Steppenwolf are all valid. He’s such a generic villian and while his purpose is straightforward, he’s an empty character. You don’t really care about him or what he’s doing and you know he’s going to die because you never truly feel him being a threat to end the world. Add in the fact that he’s completely CGI and he’s kind of like a cartoon character. I’ll say that the voiceover work was well done though. The final battle was a huge let down and you never really get that epic moment where you feel like this is why the Justice League needed to come together.

The interaction between the Justice League was well done, but several jokes fell flat. Wonder Woman is probably the best of the bunch as she gets some decent action sequences and good bits of dialogue with Cyborg and Batman. Some people complained about the sexualization of WW and I kind of see what they were talking about. There was some *** shots and Flash falling on top of her with his face in her breasts; not sure any of that is even necessary.

Batman overall felt kind of useless outside of being the one to bring everyone together. His bits of comedy felt forced and out of place. In BvS you felt like Batman was a force to be reckoned with and here, you don’t really get that at all. You get a little bit of the detective Batman and use of gadgets, but not too much.

Barry’s moments hit a little better, but we saw the good stuff in the trailers IMO. His running really is goofy too. He’s relagated to being the guy to rescue people though. I did like the visual effect of him in the speed force. I’m still not a fan of the suit either.

I thought Aquaman would be dope, but he didn’t get too much to do. His coolest scene was already shown in the trailers. I’m interested to see how his solo film will turn out as I did like the underwater sequences The interaction with Mera was ok and at least helped to push Aquaman to help the Justice League. You’re left wanting to know more about this guy and history. His scene with the lasso was probably the best comedic moment in the movie.

Cyborg surprised me the most out of all the characters. He wasn’t a throw away or a waste at all. They gave him a bit of depth and I think it worked well. His usage in the plot was important for the end game and it was good to see him have that moment. You could kind of see them trying to set up the buddy film with Flash in the couple scenes they got together.

Superman is OP and I love it. This is what we’ve been waiting to see from him and even though his screen time is short, you feel his presence. In the scene where they’re all fighting him, it’s crazy how easily Bats could have been killed. “Do YOU bleed?” :wow:

With that being said, how he was resurrected seemed a bit rushed and for as much as they showed how much society mourned him dying, we didn’t end up seeing anything about the reaction to his return. His death seemed anti-climatic in BvS and his return was anti-climatic in how it was executed. You don’t really get any explanation as to why he was tripping out when he was first resurrected and then after that, he’s chillin in the field, then off to kill Steppenwolf.

The resurrection scene also leads to a plot hole of sorts. Steppenwolf needs the last Mother Box and just takes it after the group leaves it unattended. That’s just lazy writing IMO. The group takes the last Mother Box to keep it from Steppenwolf, then they use it to resurrect Superman, then they end up forgetting about it since Superman is confused and they all have to fight him and then Steppenwolf just causally dips in and takes it and dips out :lol:

The score by Danny Elfman was just ok. I liked the throwback to the 89 Batman score. I don’t think there was anything special here, but weaving in the WW and Batman themes was cool to hear.

The end credit scene with Flash and Superman was cool. It was a nice scene to throw in there, but I don’t think it was mind blowing or anything.

Deathstroke meeting with Lex to form the Legion of Doom for the second end credit scene would have had me more hype if this movie was what it was supposed to be. I don’t have confidence in the world building of the DCEU and while it was cool to see Deathstroke, I feel like that’s what the DCEU is, something cool to look at, but not that much substance.

Also, you could tell something was up with Superman’s upper lip. It was just off putting.
I wanted to love this movie and be so hype...but it didn't do it for me. Too much of a safe bet, I would've liked to see Zack Snyder's film actually play out as originally planned. Villain and cuts were terrible, outside of that there were just little things that were off. Bats basically got washed all movie which really tells me that we're looking at a Batman Beyond situation or something else will need to pop up. Will wait for director's cut before I bash the film anymore.

Now for positives. Flash was better than expected...Loved Supes, didn't care for the going home stuff. Didn't think his first reaction would've been to turn heel but that's just a personal opinion. Khal Curry wasn't bad, needed more fleshing out of his character since this is the first time we saw him outside of footage from BvS. Cyborg was actually well more thought out then I thought he would've been. Interested in his solo film.

Deathstroke is a bada**, hopefully he's not wasted in this universe. I would've loved a larger Green Lantern spot but for now it will do.
They killed Superman only to not have him in the black suit and mullet when he returns and then just to make sure you felt the sting they zoomed in on his crisp line up in the back. Why did Superman’s shirt and tie and shoes disappear when he was resurrected but his pants magically stayed on? What did the league do that Superman himself couldn’t? I was waiting for a choreographed sequence fight from the whole league against Steppenwolf the whole third act and we got nothing but a few shoves and ice breath :stoneface: the Zod fight is better than the fight against Steppenwolf, the doomsday fight is better than the fight against Steppenwolf and even the Ares fight is better than the fight against Steppenwolf. Insane.
They killed Superman only to not have him in the black suit and mullet when he returns and then just to make sure you felt the sting they zoomed in on his crisp line up in the back. Why did Superman’s shirt and tie and shoes disappear when he was resurrected but his pants magically stayed on?

should have quit while you were ahead
Not a bad movie. Or even a good one. Pacing was horrible through the first act and predictable like I was afraid it was gonna be

Second act picked up a bit. Superman coming back was great but was undercut by Lois. People groaned when they saw her

Third act was trash.

Nothing great about the movie. Flash didn't steal the show. He was annoying. Character interactions weren't as tight as was stated. Cgi was bad in places

Best scene belonged to the Amazonians.

Not a bad movie. Just forgettable
My brother saw it and said it was terrible. His friends didn’t like it either. Guess I can skip this movie and just wait for star wars.
:lol: I see you have a fan. . .
:lol: Man I just popped in the nba thread (which again I've been active in since it was created, just moves fast so I'm not always posting) and and saw dude calling a grown man sugar walls and thought it was funny/suspect and said something. That's it, now son acting like we got some ancient beef talking bout "look at what the cat dragged in" when I ain't even interact with this dude in like a year.

Anyways will probably check out JL Saturday. Sounding like a meh "summer" Blockbuster thus far.
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