Originally Posted by 651akathePaul

He sucks though?

I think he'd be a perfect fit for a Championship caliber team who doesn't need anything but hustle and tough play. A consummate role player. Isn't really a 4th or even 5th option, but someone who fills some areas on and off the stat sheet.

can you please form a list of teams where he can't be a FIFTH OPTION on offense.
Originally Posted by FrenchBlue23

Originally Posted by JumpmanFromDaBay

This franchise is so cursed

Your franchise isn't cursed, you just keep overpaying for semi stars, and mediocre players. 
Adonal Foyle, Troy Murphy, Derek Fisher, Corey Maggette, Ronny Turiaf, David Lee etc...  

They pretty much have no choice to overpay for a player like David Lee. It's not like any superstar would want to come to Oakland anyways. Cohan ran this franchise into the ground, its going to take a lot to convince a superstar that this place has any kind of future. So you have to overpay for the guys who actually would want to play here.
Seriously, you guys kind of got got.
He seems like a nice guy, got a lot of good press here, but I wasn't sad to see him go at all. Though, I probably hated on him a little too hard. Poor man's Kevin Love. His rebounding was so ridiculously overrated; they were usually uncontested. His defense was hilarious. He whined to refs constantly. Hustle player, good hands, good midrange shot. What I can say about him honestly is that he will be better next season. He takes a long time to assimilate and find his role.
he seems to be very good at complaining to the refs and rebounding his own misses. Seriously though, you can't knock the hustle he gives you every single game, it's not his fault management over paid.
Originally Posted by nYcHipHopHippo

Originally Posted by 651akathePaul

He sucks though?

I think he'd be a perfect fit for a Championship caliber team who doesn't need anything but hustle and tough play. A consummate role player. Isn't really a 4th or even 5th option, but someone who fills some areas on and off the stat sheet.

can you please form a list of teams where he can't be a FIFTH OPTION on offense.

I'm not at all saying he's not a top 5 player on a team or that he doesn't deserve to be in the starting rotation. It has nothing to do with that. An option, in most cases, is someone you look to for scoring or to provide a significant punch on the offensive end. That isn't what David Lee is. He is a supplemenatry player tha can provide some scoring, but you should never look towards him for anything more than rebounds, hustle plays, and other intangibles that he might be able to provide (leadership, emotion, etc.)
They thought he was the greatest rebounder because he destroyed the Warriors* on the boards last year and his team lost horribly.

Dudes slurped DLee here in NY cause he was the one of like 3 dudes (Gallo & Wilson) who actually wanted to be here. Pringles system gave him those double double numbers & he was the focal point on an awful team. Always thought he'd be a great big off the bench, nothing more. Sorry Golden State.
Turiaf was only getting 4mill with us (correct me if I'm wrong)...I wouldn't say that's overpaying 
Originally Posted by Luong1209

Turiaf was only getting 4mill with us (correct me if I'm wrong)...I wouldn't say that's overpaying 
turiaf is one of those gems. the guy is all about the dirty work that other players wont do. he provides hustle, rebounds, block shots and not to mention the energy. sigh...i miss him. i still cant believe we decided to pay vujusuck over this man. and thanks for the warriors for help lure him away from us.

david lee sucks cause ulimately thats the warrior effect for you!

Spoiler [+]
dont kill me warrior fans
My favorite part of the Warrior effect was David Lee, the Knicks most durable player, going there and sitting out so many games because he got bit by Wilson Chandler. What kind of Golden State luck is that.
Originally Posted by Luong1209

Turiaf was only getting 4mill with us (correct me if I'm wrong)...I wouldn't say that's overpaying 
One of the very few signings we made that were actually good deals (Dorrell Wright, Monta).

Everytime David Lee misses, he looks at the refs and the mic picks up him saying, "ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?!"
when david lee was killing it last year he was probably a bit overated (hense the big contract) but now in this thread especially yall are making him out to be Eddy Curry status or some $$!%. dude falls somewhere in the middle, people gotta take him for what he is and not let their emotions effect their opinions.

No he is not the all-star caliber player he was ast season and he didnt deserve $80 mil, but to say that he is not an NBA starter is just as +@%$$+$ stupid, probably even more so. This is why i wanted David Lee to go to the Thunder if he left NY and Take the role of a 3-4 option kind of guy. He would help ball movement to guys like KD with his passing, and he would do the dirty work on a winning team while also being able to score when he is needed. plus they have a defensive minded center in Ibaka who would kind of offset his defensive liabilities which i still to this day believe is not as bad if he is playing the 4 every night. still not gonna be a lockdown kind of guy, but you know Lee is always working to improve, and he had an unfair disadvantage the past 2 seasons in NY playing the 5.
Originally Posted by THE GR8

when david lee was killing it last year he was probably a bit overated (hense the big contract) but now in this thread especially yall are making him out to be Eddy Curry status or some $$!%. dude falls somewhere in the middle, people gotta take him for what he is and not let their emotions effect their opinions.

No he is not the all-star caliber player he was ast season and he didnt deserve $80 mil, but to say that he is not an NBA starter is just as +@%$$+$ stupid, probably even more so. This is why i wanted David Lee to go to the Thunder if he left NY and Take the role of a 3-4 option kind of guy. He would help ball movement to guys like KD with his passing, and he would do the dirty work on a winning team while also being able to score when he is needed. plus they have a defensive minded center in Ibaka who would kind of offset his defensive liabilities which i still to this day believe is not as bad if he is playing the 4 every night. still not gonna be a lockdown kind of guy, but you know Lee is always working to improve, and he had an unfair disadvantage the past 2 seasons in NY playing the 5.
David Lee would not start on the Thunder.
How did he do today? Oh, just let his man have a triple double.

at the idea someone had about him not getting enough shots. Put up 19 today.
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