Dave Chappelle Netflix Specials

Which Special Did You Like The Most?

  • The Age of Spin

    Votes: 17 68.0%
  • Deep in the Heart of Texas

    Votes: 8 32.0%

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Technically, R.Kelly. **** his music. His freedom got canceled.

facing the consequences of your actions shouldn’t be grouped in, like with roseanne

even Louie and aziz didn’t get canceled, that’s more going peewee
I mean what can a person say that can actually piss off every single one of their hundreds of thousands if not millions of fans?
Trans and gay people are free from getting roasted???? Everyone gets roasted or joked about across all cultures. What makes them any different? People are sending the wrong message trying to coddle LGBQT people. The same way heterosexual people can go out there and rob, steal, kill, rape, etc. LGBQT do the same s*** as everyone else.

A trans person was down here in Fort Lauderdale setting up rich dudes and robbing them.

We talking about canceling, you gone have to cancel the whole world. The very soil we walk everyday is tainted. Across all continents.

This message of protecting LGBQT at all cost is very dangerous. What’s next, they’ll be able to commit crimes and use their sexual orientation to skate free? That’s a bad message
Isn't that different from the way you've been framing their commentary?

Maybe it's just me, but saying that discriminatory speech can lead to violence isn't the same as saying discriminatory speech is literally violence

The speech as literal violence is a common frame work used in progressive activist circles, especially around tran issues.

American book sellers distributed some free copies of a controversial book on trans healthcare and after consulting with various trans activist groups they released this statement.


Giving out a book is a serious "violent incident"

progressives in the NY times arguing for various confused scientific rationalization, speech is just as bad as violence.

this is a very common sentiment in activist circles, im not making it up.

but even if we hand wave that and go with "discriminatory speech leads to violence."
What in The Closer is the speech that will lead to violence?

no one ever quotes a line or points to specific bits,

it's just hand waved and assumed that dave special will lead to people dying through some rube Goldberg anti trans death machine.

it's an extreme claim to make that should require high levels of evidence,
but it's taken for a given because we just have uncritically accept what activist tell us.

or you get branded a bigot.
Social media has really created a false bubble in people's heads where they think anyone who disagrees with their rhetoric must deal with "consequences". a joke only becomes "violent" and dangerous when certain groups are involved

This. 100%
I support anyone with what they wanna do with their lives but that rhetoric of “we just wanna be normal people like everyone else” then blowing up about every little thing that goes against them annoys the f*ck outta me. My cousin is a trans woman and the epitome of what dave was referring to in this special. Meanwhile the best man in my wedding is gay and the exact opposite, he just wishes the LGBTQ community (who acts enraged about everything) would shut up :lol:
When are poor/homeless going to receive the same defense and inclusivity as everyone else? That group is marginalized and treated just as bad as some of these other entities that get protection...
oh there are, the politically correct terminology is "the unhoused"

same progressives who will cancel you for calling them "homeless"

are also writing letters to their local city councillor to prevent them from building homeless shelters in their neighborhood.

it's nasty
Viewing speech as violence is some wildly privileged ****. “You think this violent?”

It's just a case of people "making up words to win arguments"

instead of persuading people you've decided to invent a new meaning of the word "violent"
to enforce contradictory gender politics.

dave has em dead to rights.
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Nice to see more discussion, didn't see much a few days ago

I don't remember if it was from the first special, but the whole "we suffer like you suffer" really set the tone for me throughout this series and is my biggest takeaway

White suffrage is as REAL as white privilege
Trans and gay people are free from getting roasted???? Everyone gets roasted or joked about across all cultures. What makes them any different? People are sending the wrong message trying to coddle LGBQT people. The same way heterosexual people can go out there and rob, steal, kill, rape, etc. LGBQT do the same s*** as everyone else.

A trans person was down here in Fort Lauderdale setting up rich dudes and robbing them.

We talking about canceling, you gone have to cancel the whole world. The very soil we walk everyday is tainted. Across all continents.

This message of protecting LGBQT at all cost is very dangerous. What’s next, they’ll be able to commit crimes and use their sexual orientation to skate free? That’s a bad message

i think there are levels to it.. no one or pretty much no one should be above being roasted, I would like the person at least be able to respond so you ain’t just bullying because you could

Obviously there are things only black people should be able to say.. things Jews should be able to say.. and down the line

but then there’s the power aspect and we all get that or should.. say the wrong shh to the wrong person and find out real quick what you should or shouldn’t be saying to that person

I have zero problem with people who have never really had any power and been the butt of a ton of jokes AND then they get some power and not entertaining any shh

now white people getting butt hurt because things about them are turning them into social pariahs is hilarious, like all these karens
Viewing speech as violence is some wildly privileged ****. “You think this violent?”

it’s actually not.. it’s the reason why certain words even exist and very often leads to violence when used in certain contexts

that’s why I can’t look at Chris rock the same after that video of him HE-HE-HE-ing with some white dudes
it’s actually not.. it’s the reason why certain words even exist and very often leads to violence when used in certain contexts

that’s why I can’t look at Chris rock the same after that video of him HE-HE-HE-ing with some white dudes
I disagree. Public lynchings is violence. Spraying people with water-hoses is violence. Shooting someone simply because they’re in your neighborhood is violence. Creating a highly addictive drug and dripping it off in a community is violence. Hear or reading you disagree with isn’t violence. Yes, as you stated there words, or slurs rather that incite, but no one’s using. This “violence” is literally ideas people don’t agree with.
I disagree. Public lynchings is violence. Spraying people with water-hoses is violence. Shooting someone simply because they’re in your neighborhood is violence. Creating a highly addictive drug and dripping it off in a community is violence. Hear or reading you disagree with isn’t violence. Yes, as you stated there words, or slurs rather that incite, but no one’s using. This “violence” is literally ideas people don’t agree with.

obviously there is literal violence..

but as far as I’m concerned, as soon as you say certain shhh the fight done started

to go back to the Chris rock vid, would anyone have blamed Chris rock for slapping Louie?
obviously there is literal violence..

but as far as I’m concerned, as soon as you say certain shhh the fight done started

to go back to the Chris rock vid, would anyone have blamed Chris rock for slapping Louie?

Why you keep trying to get people upset about white people talking ABOUT the N word? But Chris Rock been playing both sides for a minute now so its not that surprising. He should’ve gave them a light check because, as Gervais showed us, they’ll jump at the chance to even just say it. Believe it or not, YOUR reaction to the word is more responsible for them jumping at the opportunity than Chris letting them. Its the Forbidden Fruit Syndrome. The more people get bent out of shape over it, the more they’re going to jump at to chance even say it.

Let me ask you a question or give you a scenario. 3 kids in the 1st grade hang together. One day one of the kids dont show up. One of the kids tell the other kid that the 3rd kid is suspended for calling another kid the n word. The second kid asks their white teacher, “What’s the N word?”. How should this white teacher handle it? Under your logic, the teacher cant say the word at all. Should the teacher go find a black teacher? Or should the teacher act like the word doesn’t exist? My point is context. I dont give out passes, but Im not about to get up and fight someone simply because they’re talking ABOUT the N-Word. Besides, you think that was offensive, the jokes they crack on each other be 10x more offensive than the **** that sparks outrage. They just know each other can handle it.
Why you keep trying to get people upset about white people talking ABOUT the N word? But Chris Rock been playing both sides for a minute now so its not that surprising. He should’ve gave them a light check because, as Gervais showed us, they’ll jump at the chance to even just say it. Believe it or not, YOUR reaction to the word is more responsible for them jumping at the opportunity than Chris letting them. Its the Forbidden Fruit Syndrome. The more people get bent out of shape over it, the more they’re going to jump at to chance even say it.

Let me ask you a question or give you a scenario. 3 kids in the 1st grade hang together. One day one of the kids dont show up. One of the kids tell the other kid that the 3rd kid is suspended for calling another kid the n word. The second kid asks their white teacher, “What’s the N word?”. How should this white teacher handle it? Under your logic, the teacher cant say the word at all. Should the teacher go find a black teacher? Or should the teacher act like the word doesn’t exist? My point is context. I dont give out passes, but Im not about to get up and fight someone simply because they’re talking ABOUT the N-Word. Besides, you think that was offensive, the jokes they crack on each other be 10x more offensive than the **** that sparks outrage. They just know each other can handle it.

in the first grade the teacher tells the child it’s a word thar shouldn’t be said.. a very very very bad word and then you explain to the parents what happened and then the parents can speak with their child

as far as I go, id hope my friends don’t ever get THAT comfortable thst they think they coild just say some shhh because but that’s why I try not to let too many people get overly familiar.. I also don’t let shh slide because it’s a slippery slope

I look at that video as 2 people or maybe just Louie who are way to comfortable around Chris.. and Ricky saw his chance to say some shhh tooo

my first week up in high school in Florida some older kid said some dumb racist shh to me and i slapped him and and then me and couple other Caribbean dudes beat the crap out of him and his 2 friends.. I told the white teachers that this white kid said something he shouldn’t have said, he made a choice and had to deal with the consequences
Fun Fact:


That's the latest estimate of the size of the LGBTQ community in the US population.

Only 5.6%

Yet when it comes to power, you'd think it was 50%.

This IMHO speaks to their positions, not their actual population.

Overrepresentation when it comes to power in politics and media.

Chappelle had some great points.

In contrast the Black population in the US is over 12% and we cant even cancel racism.
to go back to the Chris rock vid, would anyone have blamed Chris rock for slapping Louie?
Yes, I would have. Because that's not how adults should conduct themselves during discussions.

Now if one of these parents slapped an anti-masker or anti-vaxxer for yelling at them while walking home from school, using phrases like abuse and rape in reference to the measures being taken to protect children, while the parents are simply just trying to get their child home, I would not blame them one bit. So I do get your point somewhat. I just don't think the situation Rock was in warranted any kind of immediate violent response.

Also, Rock has to take a lot of blame for Louis going there because it was quite obvious Louis was riffing off of the "Black people vs ******" infamous bit from Rock. Comedians push boundaries for laughs. Folks can choose to draw the line where they want. Nothing wrong with that.
trans folk are fine with the black jokes, jewish jokes, women jokes
but trans are off limits lol
You do realize that it's possible to be a Black, Jewish trans woman, don't you?

These aren't mutually exclusive attributes. It is absolutely fair to criticize the ways in which those who enjoy relative privilege within a community disproportionately benefit from unity and too often fail to reciprocate by promoting equality of everyone.
Caitlyn Jenner is a classic example of this phenomenon. She's rich, White, and used her fame to unjustly vault herself to the forefront of a struggle she has historically ignored. Jenner's acceptance is built on generations of struggle, yet she turns her back on those responsible through her public support of far right politicians who hold the concept of equality itself in contempt.

None of us are free until all of us are free.

You cannot call yourself a feminist if you only seek equality for some women. You cannot call yourself anti-racist if you only seek equality for some people of color.

I wrote about this phenomenon recently with regard to White-centered activism for economic justice: https://niketalk.com/threads/official-political-discussion-thread.509493/post-33265647

If you want to stand up for the members of a particular group, you'd better stand up for the most vulnerable members of that group - not just those most like you, or those with the greatest degree of relative privilege. When we fight for the most vulnerable among us, our own freedom will come as a natural consequence of that action. The inverse is not true. It is a farce when the most vulnerable among us fight for LGBTQIA+ equality, only for rich White gay cisgender men to turn their backs to the struggle after their own freedoms have been assured.

To avoid calls of hypocrisy, Dave should be certain he's not doing essentially the same thing to Black trans women that "White feminists" do to Black women, or TERFs do to trans women.

Chris Rock used to do a comedy routine where he invoked the cardinal racial slur and joked that he'd join the KKK - so long as an exemption is carved out for him and others he deemed legitimate "Black people." Any Black person who is not suitably respectable may continue to be denigrated and despised.

I can only assume that he now deeply regrets this routine, as it echoes Malcolm X's experiences during his psychiatric evaluation, when he noticed that a Black nurse seemed to be going to great lengths to express her contempt for him to the White doctor. He wrote, “So many of those so-called “upper class” Negroes are so busy trying to impress on the white man that they are “different from those others” that they can’t see they are only helping the white man to keep his low opinion of all Negroes."

While I don't believe this to be Dave's intention, it is hardly a stretch to suggest that the mockery of trans people will impact Black trans people far more than someone like Caitlyn Jenner. Just as trans women are disproportionately impacted by violence - especially murder - Black trans women suffer disproportionately. Analysis of last year's known fatal hate crimes attests to this issue: https://www.hrc.org/resources/violence-against-the-trans-and-gender-non-conforming-community-in-2020

It is flat out wrong to act like trans people are some all-powerful interest group when they - and especially Black trans women - are so disproportionately likely to die young and violently.

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