Dammnnnnn.....What are y'all thoughts on this video

shouldnt be breaking the law in the first place, white or black dudes aint in there for no reason
Originally Posted by yngSIMBA

Originally Posted by MoonMan818

I used to get upset by things like this, but this is the way it is. It's the way our society has been for decades.

There's nothing we can do as minorities, except stay out of trouble, and half the time, that isn't even enough.

You should still be upset though, it is the way it is is just accepting.
"There's nothing we can do as minorities." True, but not true. With all the problems with this, put the racism aside for one second. Minorities in this country are often living in poverty. What does this mean? It means that they probably live in bad areas, and go to bad schools. These schools don't teach these kids anything, for the most part. 

What comes with being uneducated? High School dropouts, can't get a job, start doing things for quick money = another statistic.

Another problem with the lack of education is teen pregnancy among females. Stats show that the less educated a female is, the more likely she is to become pregnant. (More education leads to college, than career. Ever notice how career women put off having kids?) So the problem here is when these girls get pregnant, what happens? They drop out of school. Often times, these young fathers don't stick around, so your have a single mother at 16 who has to work at McDonalds just to feed her kid.

This means there is another generation of poverty, it's a cycle. 

Education is a huge problem in this country, and it trickles down into the lives of everyday people, as you can see in the video (not sure how accurate it is, but we know how it works out there) 

So the solution is..

A. Good parenting

B. Education

Although it's not so simple, it is as simple as that.

Wow some great points made by you (yngSIMBA) and a lot of you throughout this whole thread. Many of you may have not heard of the "pipeline to prison" and may fail to realize many minorities are set up to fail from birth. Not saying that all of it is because of the "system," but it does play a huge role in the outcome of their lives. 
But, when it comes to the "justice" system, there is a reason why the jails are filled with minorities. If some of you have heard of a Diversion program, many minorities will be fully punished under the law after committing crimes, while whites will be given an opportunity to redeem themselves by being placed within the diversion program for the same exact crime and this is where the injustice and unfairness happens within the system.    
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