I'm impressed the females were fighting back like that, those men were soft as hell.
Originally Posted by stand4something

2 words, Launch Control.


Son, I woulda had the street looking like the scene from the law saw movie.
Originally Posted by DT43

Originally Posted by Mr Jordan04

Originally Posted by DT43

in all seriousness.. based on the video, it would be hard to argue that her life was in danger. so no, you cant just kill people for destroying your car. this isnt the wild wild west. plus there were cops everywhere, so she could have just called the police. and if she has insurance, the fact that she could have just let it go and had insurance handle it would be brought up in court as well.
she'd face jail time for sure. jail in canada is a joke anyways. 

but if im sitting in my car, and people are shaking it back and forth, breaking windows, attempting to set it on fire, cant I argue that i "feared for my safety/life?"
if they were doing that with you in the car, sure, you could probably get away with vehicular homicide. 
but thats not what happened. based on the video, her life was not in any immediate danger. you cant tell me that taking someones life over an insured vehicle wouldnt be completely unnecessary in that situation. 

YoungLloyd wrote:
DajonDondo wrote:
i'll be so pissed if anyone did that to my car.. i honestly wouldnt even want it anymore..

1 rule is to never bring your car out to events like this that have a chance of things liek this happening..
do you not know what happens after sports championship games? 





etc etc

you're an idiot if you'd go to a championship game and park anywhere near the arena.

But youre saying that based on certain places. Nothing happen here in Mia when Dallas won it here? So no, you shouldnt be worried bout this nonsense especially in Canada.
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