Obama is the only black person that has a justifiable excuse to be around Trump. He needs to show the Bigot how to work the White House Keurig Machine.
These fools really going to meet with a clown that wants to unleash stop-n-frisk in the inner cities, doesn't even know where most black people live, was part of the diet Jim Crow birther movement, been sued for housing discrimination twice, was calling for the death of innocent black men (central park 5), and even after they were proven innocent still smeared their name, refers to our communities as "the blacks", nominated a AG that will stop all the clemency filings that have been going on, will never try to transition back to public prisons, and will most likely end the civil rights lawsuits that have been filed recently, is looking to reverse Obama's decision to ban police department getting hold of military gear, supports your communities voting rights being attack, supported Medicaid not being expanded in states where black people live the most, and has not even suggested policy that directly, or even indirectly, help the community.
Meeting this fool is making yourself look like a straight up clown.