Da hell is wrong wit kanye

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Is that not a true statement? Might sound insensitive to you but it doesnt make it any less true.
All Im saying is he hasnt been diagnosed with ANYTHING but yet everyone wanna use his mom passing as a reason why he has BEEN acting crazy.

A few years ago he was acting crazy when talking about the fashion industry but it was a different crazy than what we have been seeing lately. He was more of an "angry Kanye"
The same reason was used back then. "Maybe its cause his mom died." Im tired of hearing that BS excuse. Its like ANYTHING he does nowadays people say "It's probably cause his mom died". He interrupts Taylor Swift on stage 2 years later "its probably cause his mom died". He goes on a rant, "its probably cause his mom died". If ANYTHING he made 808s and Heartbreak because his mom died. All the rest of that is BS imo.

Kanye deserves the same and even more scrutiny than the rest of his celebrity peers. That ***** aint exempt cause he made CD, LR, and Graduation.

If he needs help then he should get it. But like I said weeks ago, its more than likely those psychotropic drugs that is making him act erratic and lo and behold
TMZ came out yesterday and said that its possible his drugs are altering his mood. NOT his mother passing 9 years ago!
First of all, if you can make me shut up I will but you'll end up getting smacked like a ***** and sent home to mommy boy.
Dont tough talk me behind your screen.

I dont have to know the ***** personally to know what she has done. She played tiddlywinks with Kris Humphries's heart FOR MONEY.

Secondly she had 9 different boyfriend since she has been in the public light. Im sure she had boyfriends before the year 2000, or are you that stupid?
She hopped from athlete to celebrity to athlete to celebrity til she established her own fame. She is known for making a come up off of a porn video.
What else would you call that? Stick to being what you named yourself lame.

y'all think the girls you are about to make your significant isn't gonna be involved with at least 9 dudes within the 16 years after they start *******


ya talking **** about kim k but y'all getting on your knees and proposing and marrying chicks who cleared that before their junior year of college :lol:
Flesh Prince why you defending them so much though? Curious

because people are hypocritical

outside of the marriage thing which admittedly i'm not that familiar with the specifics

everything brought up in here you yourself do it in some way if you frequent social media or you probably have 3 or 4 degrees of separation within your family and friends who engage in those behaviors

it's not different for the kardashians because they're doing it on a larger scale

if you're gonna be critical of the kardashians be critical of yourself and your friends and family

****** cherry picking because the kardashains will never see this thread but they aren't trying to have these same conversations with their friends/family :lol:
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Dudes need to go out for a nice night out.  I think seasonal depression is causing all sorts of issues here today
ya talking **** about kim k but y'all getting on your knees and proposing and marrying chicks who cleared that before their junior year of college :lol:

So you know as much about the personal lives of our significant others who are not public figures as we know about the personal life of a public figure who has gone out of her way to publicize her personal life?

Kids say the darnedest :lol:
So you know as much about the personal lives of our significant others who are not public figures as we know about the personal life of a public figure who has gone out of her way to publicize her personal life?

Kids say the darnedest :lol:

I didn't think it was necessary to say that obviously i'm speaking on a general level and I don't know the body count of the wives of every ***** in this thread...if you know your girl is solid no need to even acknowledge what i'm saying

all i'm saying is if kim having 9 to 20 bodies in 16 years makes her some type of wild disgusting ***** to y'all why isnt it the same for your significant other who might have been as wild (if not more wild) in college and before [emoji]129300[/emoji]

but then again i guess the 500-1000 or so ****** that are frequent users on NT happened to luck up and find the few hundred girls that stayed in the library every weekend in college out of the couple of hundred of million in America :lol:

just be consistent man :lol:

Caping on extreme levels


it's only comfortable to talk about one because they're on a tv screen not thinking about you and you would have to have real conversations if you confronted your friends, family and yourself about these same causes you're so "passionate" about :lol:

why does attention seeking only bother you when it's kim kardashian and not when it's your cousin posting her going to get her nails done or when you take a picture of your shoes for the day for snapchat or some other equally non eventful ****

be consistent is all i ask

be just as mad at yourself, your friends, your girl, your relatives for attention seeking on social media as you are at the kardashians
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So if my girl is solid and not on instagram, I can be critical then?

Just trying to understand the rules.
So if my girl is solid and not on instagram, I can be critical then?

Just trying to understand the rules.
Its like ninjahoods room or my gfs parents or whatever. 

If you put information out it will get used when other posters disagree with you.
So if my girl is solid and not on instagram, I can be critical then?

Just trying to understand the rules.

you can do whatever the hell you wanna do my good sir you're a grown *** man :lol: but yes that does make you NOT a hypocrite and consistent in your rhetoric and beliefs

to not criticize public figures for a behavior unless you yourself aren't simoultaneously engaging in or co-signing those same behaviors in your own home or personal life
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Its like ninjahoods room or my gfs parents or whatever. 
If you put information out it will get used when other posters disagree with you.

but would ninja not look silly trying to clown someone for having a small house?

not familiar with you, your girlfriends or their parents nor what that has to do with the conversation at hand
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of course i'm a kardashian cape because i just wanna know how criticizing something that you engage in yourself or co-sign everyday in your personal life :lol:

this really isn't about the kardashians as much as it is people having more in common with "attention seeking celebrities" than they think in a post social media world
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Buddy, it was an example of how people use information against you when they have it.

I answered ill Phillips question. 

Have a coffee bro,  you aint moderating me
bouta eat off this dude

December 9, 2016: Kanye West’s just returned home from a difficult few weeks, and people all over the world are wondering WHAT IT WAS LIKE for the Kardashian family to go through that crisis.

Well you won’t have to wait long. According to Entertainment Tonight, the new season of Keeping Up With The Kardashians will PROMINENTLY feature Kanye’s breakdown.

Here is what they are reportng:

A few members of the Kardashian family have filmed scenes discussing the 39-year-old rapper’s recent hospitalization for the next season for KUWTK, a source connected to the show tells ET. However, the source says that Kanye himself has not filmed since he was admitted to UCLA Medical Center on Nov. 21, and that KUWTK production cameras were never inside the hospital filming.
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