Cyber Bullying.. internet IS serious business..? lol

Originally Posted by TheHealthInspector

bigger problem for girls than it is for guys which is another reason we on this board have have trouble "understanding" it

i know where youre getting at.. but look at those ads.. theyre nothing but preteen/teen boys getting called "freak", "loser", etc (im sure its alot harsher in real life).. suicides are also mostly boys.. 
it's crazy.. why not just block the # or SN?
Cyber-bullying has always existed.

(Ever heard of the term 'flaming' or flame war).

Flaming someone on the "interwebz" is consdered being a bully but of course you can't be on NT without any backbone right?

*cues C'Mon Son gif*
Cyber-bullying has always existed.

(Ever heard of the term 'flaming' or flame war).

Flaming someone on the "interwebz" is consdered being a bully but of course you can't be on NT without any backbone right?

*cues C'Mon Son gif*
it really is a big deal

the thing is the same kids who are cyber bullied are the ones who are picked on in class

so it goes from the classroom and follows them home...

people create fake accounts and say horrible things to these kids or create fake relationships only to pull the rug from under the kid being bullied and have everyone laugh at them...

the thing with cyber bullying is you can't always tell who is doing can have 10 people running one page

people post rumors about being gay or so and so sucked off the whole bball team when its not true...%%+$ like that gets to young did before the internet and it does now even when its anonymous

and there isn't much the school can do cuz 1) how do you know who is doing it 2) how do you punish them for it...

kid are already fragile at middle school/early high school age anyways and %%+$ like cyber bullying just pushes some kids over the edge to suicide...

in the one really famous case (which i can't remember the name of the girl) a mother was even accused of being involved in the online taunts...  

They shouldn't have webcams at 12 years of age, nor should they have computers in their bedrooms where god knows what they could be doing.

so true...that whole jesse slaughter thing was ridiculous no kid should have a camera like that in their room...her parents definately weren't monitoring her...

my kids will never have a computer in their room...parents these days don't really know better cuz they dont know what really goes on on the interwebz but no child of home will have the chance to flash their breasts or peen on chatroullete
it really is a big deal

the thing is the same kids who are cyber bullied are the ones who are picked on in class

so it goes from the classroom and follows them home...

people create fake accounts and say horrible things to these kids or create fake relationships only to pull the rug from under the kid being bullied and have everyone laugh at them...

the thing with cyber bullying is you can't always tell who is doing can have 10 people running one page

people post rumors about being gay or so and so sucked off the whole bball team when its not true...%%+$ like that gets to young did before the internet and it does now even when its anonymous

and there isn't much the school can do cuz 1) how do you know who is doing it 2) how do you punish them for it...

kid are already fragile at middle school/early high school age anyways and %%+$ like cyber bullying just pushes some kids over the edge to suicide...

in the one really famous case (which i can't remember the name of the girl) a mother was even accused of being involved in the online taunts...  

They shouldn't have webcams at 12 years of age, nor should they have computers in their bedrooms where god knows what they could be doing.

so true...that whole jesse slaughter thing was ridiculous no kid should have a camera like that in their room...her parents definately weren't monitoring her...

my kids will never have a computer in their room...parents these days don't really know better cuz they dont know what really goes on on the interwebz but no child of home will have the chance to flash their breasts or peen on chatroullete
It's not right. But bullying as a whole isn't right. However it continues, and it will always continue.

Kids nowadays are softer overall compared to what we were/are. They're mollycoddled (yee at legitimately using that word
) and become brats and are babied beyond belief. They're not allowed to just go outside because heaven forbid they might graze their knee. It's like they're wrapped in bubble wrap.

Parents need to grow some balls and learn to say no to their kids. They shouldn't have webcams at 12 years of age, nor should they have computers in their bedrooms where god knows what they could be doing.

Where's the common sense in parents these days?
It's not right. But bullying as a whole isn't right. However it continues, and it will always continue.

Kids nowadays are softer overall compared to what we were/are. They're mollycoddled (yee at legitimately using that word
) and become brats and are babied beyond belief. They're not allowed to just go outside because heaven forbid they might graze their knee. It's like they're wrapped in bubble wrap.

Parents need to grow some balls and learn to say no to their kids. They shouldn't have webcams at 12 years of age, nor should they have computers in their bedrooms where god knows what they could be doing.

Where's the common sense in parents these days?
Originally Posted by DanzInRealLife

It's not right. But bullying as a whole isn't right. However it continues, and it will always continue.

Kids nowadays are softer overall compared to what we were/are. They're mollycoddled (yee at legitimately using that word
) and become brats and are babied beyond belief. They're not allowed to just go outside because heaven forbid they might graze their knee. It's like they're wrapped in bubble wrap.

Parents need to grow some balls and learn to say no to their kids. They shouldn't have webcams at 12 years of age, nor should they have computers in their bedrooms where god knows what they could be doing.

Where's the common sense in parents these days?
the necessity for a dual income family to put food on the table has come at the expense of the time and effort necessary for proper parenting.

I assume that in your average family today, most parents understand what should be done but they just dont have the time, energy, money, or other resources to actually do it.

furthermore, kids are gonna find someway to get around the issue and still flash boobs or penis on chatroulette.  i hate to sound like an old man, but think back to when we were kids.  i pulled every trick in the book to get around any restriction or deterrent that my parents put up.  its foolish to think that as we get older and become parents, that our kids wont follow suit and do the same thing.

Originally Posted by DanzInRealLife

It's not right. But bullying as a whole isn't right. However it continues, and it will always continue.

Kids nowadays are softer overall compared to what we were/are. They're mollycoddled (yee at legitimately using that word
) and become brats and are babied beyond belief. They're not allowed to just go outside because heaven forbid they might graze their knee. It's like they're wrapped in bubble wrap.

Parents need to grow some balls and learn to say no to their kids. They shouldn't have webcams at 12 years of age, nor should they have computers in their bedrooms where god knows what they could be doing.

Where's the common sense in parents these days?
the necessity for a dual income family to put food on the table has come at the expense of the time and effort necessary for proper parenting.

I assume that in your average family today, most parents understand what should be done but they just dont have the time, energy, money, or other resources to actually do it.

furthermore, kids are gonna find someway to get around the issue and still flash boobs or penis on chatroulette.  i hate to sound like an old man, but think back to when we were kids.  i pulled every trick in the book to get around any restriction or deterrent that my parents put up.  its foolish to think that as we get older and become parents, that our kids wont follow suit and do the same thing.

Originally Posted by proper english

btw: im an 80's baby.. D.A.R.E. grad.. still drug free to this day 
Same here man
. Was just talking about D.A.R.E. 30 minutes ago with a friend
Originally Posted by proper english

btw: im an 80's baby.. D.A.R.E. grad.. still drug free to this day 
Same here man
. Was just talking about D.A.R.E. 30 minutes ago with a friend
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

in the one really famous case (which i can't remember the name of the girl) a mother was even accused of being involved in the online taunts...  
 o snap! i just remembered!! 
 my little cousin's ex-gfs mom harassed the hell out of his (then)gf  via AIM w/ fake SNs (confirmed via IPtracker apps).. $%^& was hilarious & sad at the same time. 
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

in the one really famous case (which i can't remember the name of the girl) a mother was even accused of being involved in the online taunts...  
 o snap! i just remembered!! 
 my little cousin's ex-gfs mom harassed the hell out of his (then)gf  via AIM w/ fake SNs (confirmed via IPtracker apps).. $%^& was hilarious & sad at the same time. 
I'm sorry but these kids need to man up. I got picked on as a child and all it did was make me tougher and I look at these baffoons who used to pick on me and wonder why I ever considered them important, especially considering how worthless they are now.

I don't know how kids are reaching the point of offing themsleves cause somebody called them fat on facebook.

Although I will admit it was funny seeing you guys make fun of that fat kid swag surfing.
I'm sorry but these kids need to man up. I got picked on as a child and all it did was make me tougher and I look at these baffoons who used to pick on me and wonder why I ever considered them important, especially considering how worthless they are now.

I don't know how kids are reaching the point of offing themsleves cause somebody called them fat on facebook.

Although I will admit it was funny seeing you guys make fun of that fat kid swag surfing.
I'm sorry but these kids need to man up. I got picked on as a child and all it did was make me tougher and I look at these baffoons who used to pick on me and wonder why I ever considered them important, especially considering how worthless they are now.

I don't know how kids are reaching the point of offing themsleves cause somebody called them fat on facebook.

Although I will admit it was funny seeing you guys make fun of that fat kid swag surfing.
I'm sorry but these kids need to man up. I got picked on as a child and all it did was make me tougher and I look at these baffoons who used to pick on me and wonder why I ever considered them important, especially considering how worthless they are now.

I don't know how kids are reaching the point of offing themsleves cause somebody called them fat on facebook.

Although I will admit it was funny seeing you guys make fun of that fat kid swag surfing.
I'm sorry but these kids need to man up. I got picked on as a child and all it did was make me tougher and I look at these baffoons who used to pick on me and wonder why I ever considered them important, especially considering how worthless they are now.

I don't know how kids are reaching the point of offing themsleves cause somebody called them fat on facebook.

Although I will admit it was funny seeing you guys make fun of that fat kid swag surfing.
I'm sorry but these kids need to man up. I got picked on as a child and all it did was make me tougher and I look at these baffoons who used to pick on me and wonder why I ever considered them important, especially considering how worthless they are now.

I don't know how kids are reaching the point of offing themsleves cause somebody called them fat on facebook.

Although I will admit it was funny seeing you guys make fun of that fat kid swag surfing.
I'm sorry but these kids need to man up. I got picked on as a child and all it did was make me tougher and I look at these baffoons who used to pick on me and wonder why I ever considered them important, especially considering how worthless they are now.

I don't know how kids are reaching the point of offing themsleves cause somebody called them fat on facebook.

Although I will admit it was funny seeing you guys make fun of that fat kid swag surfing.
I'm sorry but these kids need to man up. I got picked on as a child and all it did was make me tougher and I look at these baffoons who used to pick on me and wonder why I ever considered them important, especially considering how worthless they are now.

I don't know how kids are reaching the point of offing themsleves cause somebody called them fat on facebook.

Although I will admit it was funny seeing you guys make fun of that fat kid swag surfing.
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