Customer service jobs, Hate or love it? What are you experiences?

Call centers are the absolute worst.
this! i worked at a call center for comcast and having to deal with people who would give you there life story on why they couldnt pay their phone or cable bill or the best was moms who would call and wonder why they had 300 worth of ppv on their bill and wanted to know exact title of their movies and all of it was porn and having to tell them the names with a straight face was hilarious lol 
this! i worked at a call center for comcast and having to deal with people who would give you there life story on why they couldnt pay their phone or cable bill or the best was moms who would call and wonder why they had 300 worth of ppv on their bill and wanted to know exact title of their movies and all of it was porn and having to tell them the names with a straight face was hilarious lol 

Working at a bank and had this exact same situation pop up. Chick wanted to know what a mysterious charge on her joint account was for.... Penis enlargement.

Had to keep a straight face while she was still in the bank. The second she left, tears.
most of the people i worked with did not gaf about their jobs at all. it wasnt about doing what youre supposed to do but most of the time, it was about doing enough to not get fired
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I work in a call center for private student loans through a bank, we also work on the live chat that we offer online. so when these students are in the chat with me they like to mess with me.

Saying ish like " well how will you or the bank know if i use this student loan money for beer and stuff?" or " can I use this money to buy pants?" stupid ish like that.... i do not mind it..... its actually pretty entertaining.
******G hate those jobs most of the time. People are terrible sometimes

List of People I HATE at those jobs

Bad Hygiene person
Sassy Black Lady
Hood people
Snooty People
Highschoolers dicking around in the store making a Fing mess that I gotta clean
Extremely Poor People looking for BIG discounts on already cheap things( I mean complaining about the $5 Virgin Paylo phone should be free in store)
People who expect me to be their tech support. Yes Ms. let me call up microsoft and the porn virus your son put on the laptop
Wrong Info guy and if you correct him its a issue
People who get mad at me if their Cheap thing breaks like its my fault

Everyone else is cool. Some interesting people you meet on the day to day

Though even with that if your co workers are cool its nice to have someone to shoot the breeze with for 8 hours a day. Sad part because its a low paying job and they dont wanna give everyone 40 hours a week no one really stays long.

Hate retail :smh:

This has been my life for the past 7 months
I work for T-Mobile in a call center. I was alright with my job until I moved up about 2 months ago. My 2 direct bosses are straight up c***s. Both of them rub me the wrong way and show favoritism. I have even been up front with them about it and all I get are excuses. Going to take it up with HR. Dealing with customers has it's ups and downs. All it is at this point is a paycheck to me. I am getting burned out by it.
You in sales yet
I've worked in a fair share of call centers and I never liked the job itself but the Yamb rate is INSANE!

Even the wackest dudes win in those places.

Customer Service as far as face to face goes is always a smooth thing for me. I never really let people effect me during my time on the clock. Gotta have a tough skin or you'll fall victim to the turnover rate.

Commission though..

I miss it at times but the office life is way more solid for me these days.
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I worked at AutoZone for a while and some of the people that would show up to the store were characters. Not to mention a lot of hobos liked to sleep in the back of the store so they would always leave their deuces on the floor and one time we had a hobo going through our trash cans and pulled out a bottle of oil from the trash and drank the remaining oil left in the bottle 

I'm a manger at Advance Auto so I know your pain. We have a guy in a wheelchair that sleeps behind our garbage can. The customers that I hate the most are the so called "ballers" that come in with thousand dollar outfits, Cartier frames and a pocket full of money but you catch them stealing fuses or light bulbs.
Retail jobs are the worse, especially ones that make a big deal over stuff like sales numbers and accessory items sold.

When I last worked retail years ago, my manager would always threaten to fire me and the other employees if our sales numbers sucked. Something we had no control over, he would want us to harass customers and ask them over and over persistently if they would want to buy add on items. Everyone else would annoy customers this way, I would ask once, if they copped then cool if not oh well.

After numerous threats to fire me, I asked my manager what unemployment would think if I applied and told them I was fired for not meeting sales numbers I couldn't control and that id be getting paid to chill at home while he had to go to work every day.

He got mad and gave me like 5 hours a week to punish me so I applied for partial unemployment and got it. He got mad when he realized what I did and bumped my hours back up but stopped bugging me about my sales numbers.

Eventually they had a crappy audit and fired the whole staff. Management included and I ended up getting unemployment again because of that.
Retail jobs are the worse, especially ones that make a big deal over stuff like sales numbers and accessory items sold.

When I last worked retail years ago, my manager would always threaten to fire me and the other employees if our sales numbers sucked. Something we had no control over, he would want us to harass customers and ask them over and over persistently if they would want to buy add on items. Everyone else would annoy customers this way, I would ask once, if they copped then cool if not oh well.

After numerous threats to fire me, I asked my manager what unemployment would think if I applied and told them I was fired for not meeting sales numbers I couldn't control and that id be getting paid to chill at home while he had to go to work every day.

He got mad and gave me like 5 hours a week to punish me so I applied for partial unemployment and got it. He got mad when he realized what I did and bumped my hours back up but stopped bugging me about my sales numbers.

Eventually they had a crappy audit and fired the whole staff. Management included and I ended up getting unemployment again because of that.
Similar predicament . Was pushing for sales but WE AINT GETTING PAID COMMISSION nor was it included in our wage. Instead of doing what you did I waited till Friday said peace out to my boys and never went back. (1 month into the job)
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I've worked in a fair share of call centers and I never liked the job itself but the Yamb rate is INSANE!

Even the wackest dudes win in those places.

Customer Service as far as face to face goes is always a smooth thing for me. I never really let people effect me during my time on the clock. Gotta have a tough skin or you'll fall victim to the turnover rate.

Commission though..

I miss it at times but the office life is way more solid for me these days.

Hella yambs at call centers

As far as customer service goes, I don't mind it, customers don't really make me upset. I have thick skin and don't react to their shenanigans. For the most part they're upset at the company, not you (unless you specifically **** up :lol: ).
Similar predicament . Was pushing for sales but WE AINT GETTING PAID COMMISSION nor was it included in our wage. Instead of doing what you did I waited till Friday said peace out to my boys and never went back. (1 month into the job)

Can't blame you. When I worked retail years ago, I wanted them to fire me because all the reasons they would threaten to fire us over we're rediculous. I was the only employee who realized that being fired over petty stuff with no past discipline problems = for sure unemployment and it got them tight that they knew I realized that.

That job was just side money for me while I went to school so when they fired me I was thinkin to myself thank you.
I worked at CVS across the street from two retirement homes. I have stories for days just because of that.

One where a woman defecated on herself. I noticed because it saw it running down her leg. I felt terrible for her.

Oh yea, nothing like getting other people's blood on you :pimp: smh.


:lol: Cmon man. You could be helping them have a pleasant day just by talking. Who knows, maybe we'll be doing the same at that age?

Working at B&N and book people are awesome :lol:

Every time im in B&N it always seems so chill.
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Hella yambs at call centers

As far as customer service goes, I don't mind it, customers don't really make me upset. I have thick skin and don't react to their shenanigans. For the most part they're upset at the company, not you (unless you specifically **** up
this is true the call center i worked at had like 200+ employees most in early 20s and 30s and everybody was ******g everyone there..i met some cool people 
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