Customer service jobs, Hate or love it? What are you experiences?

Nov 9, 2012
I've always worked in customer service jobs in retail. Working with your team should be an important aspect in making your job experience more productive, however I've always had managers and co-workers who were straight ******** and the customers were worse. It's like they expect you to pretty much bow down to their presence because they think that you owe them ****. Well anyways, I've recently started working at another job that's also retail, it's a pretty high end shopping plaza with the snootiest customers, but my team is cool, just had a new employee who just rubs me the wrong way. But anyways who's worked in retail and what's your guy's experiences? and how do you deal with difficult people? 
first Job at 18 was With At&T after receiving incentives never really wanted to do any other entry level job other then sales. Also worked for Avis/Budget rent a car and was working with older ppl then myself and they were, lazy ave never really wanted to do there jobs so always complained. and customer service its basically the person who takes all the **** from consumers who shop there and that's your job. It sucks but I love helping ppl.. so I always enjoy the sales field
******G hate those jobs most of the time. People are terrible sometimes

List of People I HATE at those jobs

Bad Hygiene person
Sassy Black Lady
Hood people
Snooty People
Highschoolers dicking around in the store making a Fing mess that I gotta clean
Extremely Poor People looking for BIG discounts on already cheap things( I mean complaining about the $5 Virgin Paylo phone should be free in store)
People who expect me to be their tech support. Yes Ms. let me call up microsoft and the porn virus your son put on the laptop
Wrong Info guy and if you correct him its a issue
People who get mad at me if their Cheap thing breaks like its my fault

Everyone else is cool. Some interesting people you meet on the day to day

Though even with that if your co workers are cool its nice to have someone to shoot the breeze with for 8 hours a day. Sad part because its a low paying job and they dont wanna give everyone 40 hours a week no one really stays long.

Hate retail :smh:
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I think it's pretty much a unanimous decision that no one likes customer service.

Fortunately im a black dude working in a predominantly white area.. So rarely if ever do they catch attitudes with me.

Everyone I work with knows the job sucks, and it helps me get through the day to know the people next to me hate being there as much as I do.

Helps keep me motivated to keep my grades up though. Can't wait to get out of these **** shoveling retail jobs.
******G hate those jobs most of the time. People are terrible sometimes

List of People I HATE at those jobs

Bad Hygiene person
Sassy Black Lady
Hood people
Snooty People
Highschoolers dicking around in the store making a Fing mess that I gotta clean
Extremely Poor People looking for BIG discounts on already cheap things( I mean complaining about the $5 Virgin Paylo phone should be free in store)
People who expect me to be their tech support. Yes Ms. let me call up microsoft and the porn virus your son put on the laptop
Wrong Info guy and if you correct him its a issue
People who get mad at me if their Cheap thing breaks like its my fault

Everyone else is cool. Some interesting people you meet on the day to day

Though even with that if your co workers are cool its nice to have someone to shoot the breeze with for 8 hours a day. Sad part because its a low paying job and they dont wanna give everyone 40 hours a week no one really stays long.

Hate retail

When I worked at FNL this would drive me insane.

Would get those people complaining about a $120 shoe on sale for $79.. Or come into the store with $20 expecting to walk out with nothing but a pair of socks.
To add on top that, I have these regular customers come in. Two types: The first one is an Indian dude who is super tech savvy and tries to school you on your products but still asks you questions like he doesn't know the product, like wtf I can give you the general overview of it but I'm not the person who manufactured that ****, and then he tries to squeeze the a ******g deal and wants everything for cheap, and then ask us if we can open up the box to show him a demo, my manager demos most of the **** for him cus she's real chill and easy going, and then he said that he wants to buy it for a cheaper price because at that point it's considered refurbished, this dude is straight up taking advantage of her kindness, ****** *******. and then number 2: these two guys, about 25-28 years old coming in and ******g with **** and hitting on female customers and harassing every passing customer and they just carry this really sarcastic type humor that pisses me off, I just wanna uppercut those mfers, but they come through every tues and thurs, man...motha****as don't got lives.
worked at radio shack too and it sucked was always bored hanging around! Commission was terrible with no incentives. that crap they pay employees is crazy.
Don't really mind working customer service.

Working with shoes however, the only gripe I have is in my store the shoes are all out on display for you and they encourage us to let the customer find it themselves.

For some reason, a majority of South Asian men REFUSE to get their own shoes/clothes, when their size is clearly in front of them.  They look at me expecting to get it, I point at it and walk away.

A customer even complained to management about me not getting the shoes for him once 

Manager looked at dude like 
Its not all bad. Some customers make it fun and managers are fun a good amount of times. Low resposibilites cools it down alot.


last black friday a lady threw plates at a cashier because the plates were $1 each instead of the misplaced sign which said the price was $.50 cents cent.
I work for T-Mobile in a call center. I was alright with my job until I moved up about 2 months ago. My 2 direct bosses are straight up c***s. Both of them rub me the wrong way and show favoritism. I have even been up front with them about it and all I get are excuses. Going to take it up with HR. Dealing with customers has it's ups and downs. All it is at this point is a paycheck to me. I am getting burned out by it.
I worked at AutoZone for a while and some of the people that would show up to the store were characters. Not to mention a lot of hobos liked to sleep in the back of the store so they would always leave their deuces on the floor and one time we had a hobo going through our trash cans and pulled out a bottle of oil from the trash and drank the remaining oil left in the bottle 
worked at radio shack too and it sucked was always bored hanging around! Commission was terrible with no incentives. that crap they pay employees is crazy.

Working at radioshack right now. I get threatened to be fired every week :lol:

Anyways, never work for radioshack folks. It honestly is the worst.
I've always worked in customer service jobs in retail. Working with your team should be an important aspect in making your job experience more productive, however I've always had managers and co-workers who were straight ******** and the customers were worse. It's like they expect you to pretty much bow down to their presence because they think that you owe them ****. Well anyways, I've recently started working at another job that's also retail, it's a pretty high end shopping plaza with the snootiest customers, but my team is cool, just had a new employee who just rubs me the wrong way. But anyways who's worked in retail and what's your guy's experiences? and how do you deal with difficult people? 
Customers can be disrespectful just for the sake of doing so. I personally just look at each person as a $. There are some people who genuinely appreciate your work and are kind and those are the customers I prefer the most. However, whenever I encounter a rude or purposely disrespectful customer, I still maintain a positive attitude and give the best service I can. Its all you can do. Your in a lose lose situation if you respond to negative behavior. Eventually they leave and its on to the next one. Never take that mess personal. You don't know them and they don't know you and chances of you seeing them again are slim(although my first retail job I had certain people who came frequently and were ALWAYS difficult, but I still treated them the same each time, not worth looking like a fool or losing your job, it irks them more when your polite).
I worked at Bealls. Those customers look down on you. Them middle class white wives who don't work but shop all day..straight up rude.
I work at a mattress retailer and its pretty easy going.

Commission is great, but if you work in a slow store then you gotta work twice as hard to close that person down because they may be the last person you see all day and this is at 12pm in the afternoon.

I just got promoted to manager of a small location and I love the freedom of the decisions I can make, but lack of customers and being there alone sucks.

If you are looking to stay in cust service and want a easy going job look into the mattress industry. Oh yeah it doesn't hurt to work for the #1 retailer in the country :lol:
Used to work @ Whole Foods from 2002-2004 when I was young. Overall, customers were the worst part of the job. The combination of working the floor of a grocery store + yuppy clientele made me self-conscious. Motherf****s always made it known that they're above you.

Liked working there otherwise. Cool co-workers, laid back atmosphere, dedicated employees, hippy customers were straight.
Call centers are the absolute worst.

Thisss. I worked retail then did a call center. **** that!!! I worked for Asurion which I know I alot of you on here may have had to deal with them. Talk about a mentally stressful job.. SMFH
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