Curt Schilling poppin' off again...

Hey at least curt has the cojones to say something. trying to get the truth out of ballplayers is like dealing with the mafia. no one has seen anything and noone wants to say anything. the truth is baseball needs to fix the steroid culture. the commissioner cant do it, only the players can. more guys have to step upand say that taking steroids is completely unacceptable.
Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

For people who dont read SG on
"Remember when we spent hours analyzing that clip from the 2000 World Series and wondering why Clemens would ever grab the broken handle of Mike Piazza's bat, then angrily whip it at him for no sane reason? 'Roid rage, baby! The riddle has been solved! It's like seeing video of a second shooter in the grassy knoll in Dallas."

im about to get web rage
lol juss playin
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