creepiest thing that has happened to you? Vol. The Call.

I made a bad decision reading some of these posts before bed :smh:guess I'm not sleeping tonight
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I'll never forget this incident when I was about 14 and I was sleeping. I'm usually a light sleeper and any little thing can wake me up, the faintest footsteps or sounds and I'm up. I've never had a history of sleeping problems or anything like that. It was the middle of the night and I heard someone call my name in a soft voice as if they were in the room with me. I woke up and looked around and nothing was there. I assumed I was having a weird dream and went back to sleep. Maybe an hour or so later I'm shivering in my sleep and I wake up and my covers are gone. I look beside my bed and they aren't there? I turn on the light and I can't find my covers. I then look at my book bag and it's all puffy. I open my book bag and my covers were in there. Mind you I'm an insanely light sleeper. My younger brother and my mom were sound asleep and I would lock my door at night for fap time. I've never put too much thought into it because the only option is that it was some type of spirit having fun and the thought is kinda creepy but as long as it's a good spirit and maybe watching over me, I'm ok.
6 months ago, me and my wife opened up a restaurant in a strip mall (where I'm sitting here now typing this). The space we are leasing was empty for 2 years. We are also next to the biggest cemetery in the city, lol...

Anyway, one morning my wife was doing her makeup right by the restroom which is behind the booth where I was sitting. Then I hear a beautiful voice singing and humming.... Very angelic. "Lalala hahaha mmmm" something like that. So I asked my wife, "damn baby when did you learn how to sing like that?"

Then she runs out all freaked out and said "that wasn't me!" So we both heard this angelic voice. We asked then waitresses (who were far away from the restroom) if any of them were singing thinking that their voice just carried over. They all denied it.

During the next few days and up to now sometimes.... We still would hear this voice. "She" would sing for 30 seconds or more. Enough time for me to check around for people which I never found. Waitresses and cooks have heard this voice and it's still a mystery to us. We just say she's our Angel so no one would be spooked out every time we hear her.
creepy dreams ive really had:

ive happen to see a black face with extremely sharp teeth smiling as wide as possible. for some reason the pope was kneeling down worshipping this dark figure. an unknown voice was proclaiming the next pope(francis) was the antichrist

ive seen demons in my dreams, literally looked like those cyberdemons from doom II. the first one was smiling/laughing with a naked woman who was impaled from the vagina thru the mouth, with the demoin standing in green blood. in my interpretation this represented the deadly sin of lust

the second had pale pigskin with horns. didnt look complicated, he looked like this but with a human skin tone

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I have seen the virgin mary weeping with her face in her hands

The following were live events and hearsay:


when i was a teenager I used to go to this seminary church for community worship, like every 2nd saturday we had mass. this place also doubled up as a nursing home for retired priests. one day a group of us decided to travel all the down the hall to see rooms and parts of the nursing home Church because mass finished as usual. we reached the last room in what seemed like a mile we had traveled. we found some couches and made ourselves comfortable. as we were chatting loudly discussing god, there was a disabled man who was wheeling himself backwards at a fast speed (wheelchair) and he entered quickly into an opening elevator door. no explanation.


i visited Lehigh university like 10 yrs ago and some say in the library's basement ghosts exist. the ghosts happen to knock books out shelves or walk up and down the stair case. sometimes they appear when students are in the aisle.
Not creepy but I effin hate these things...

One morning, I woke up at my bed and there's a dead roach just laying down near my head. :smh: :x

Kinda weird 'cause it's still in one piece considering that my head, while asleep, could possibly crushed that. :lol:

Yeah, I know it ain't creepy but still. :x
Not creepy but I effin hate these things...

One morning, I woke up at my bed and there's a dead roach just laying down near my head. :smh: :x

Kinda weird 'cause it's still in one piece considering that my head, while asleep, could possibly crushed that. :lol:

Yeah, I know it ain't creepy but still. :x
There is a TAN you know
My friend told me this story

When he went to Mexico his grandparents had a room that someone had died in and was haunted. He went in the room by himself and started yelling and talking trash about how he didn't believe in ghosts. That night he had crazy nightmares and woke up in a sweat the next morning The next night he said he was on the computer and his cup of juice moved across the table by itself. He was so freaked out that he woke up his grandmother and she did some remedy to keep evil spirits away or something.
In the 8th grade we took a school trip to DC....we were on 85 or 95 north (can't remember) and I look out the window and see this man driving beside our bus masterbating :smh: ...dude had a picture on his steering wheel and was looking up at us too

I yelled out "oh **** this dude jacking off" the whole bus looks out that of the teachers freaks out to call the cops but the dude took the next exit :lol:

You from Baltimore? Did you go to Roland Park?
was at my old job watching a youtube video on demonic possession and during an exorcism when the priest was calling out the demon's name, a book flew off the shelf in my office. still has me shook til this day
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was at my old job watching a youtube video on demonic possession and during an exorcism when the priest was calling out the demon's name, a book flew off the shelf in my office. still has me shook til this day
why in the world would you even do that? 
I get sleep paralysis all the time to the point where they don't even phase me

I have seen some crazy things while I am having sleep paralysis

Man i whew experience that so bad

Anyways i stay having deja vu. Like every day i feel a very familiar feeling
When I was a junior in high school my friends and I had a phase where we would go to supposed "haunted" places late at night. We hit a few famously haunted spots in my area but nothing really happened other than the girls getting freaked out about nothing.

We got over this phase after a few weeks because we ran out of places to go to. A couple months go by and my friend hears about this new place that's supposedly haunted he wanted to check out. Heard about it from his uncle who he was talking to about where we had gone already.

So it's an old school house and the story goes that the teacher went crazy, locked the kids inside, and set fire to the school house burning all the kids to death. Sounded interesting so we decided to go. We had a pretty decent group of people that wanted to go. I think there was like 9 of us, so we had to take two cars. I was one of the people driving. So we had to drive like a half hour out into the middle of no where and didn't even know where we were going. Our friend's uncle gave us some landmarks to look for and said it was right on the side of the road but it was really foggy the night and this road was windy as hell. Just like a narrow two lane road surrounded by woods and it was really windy.

Well we finally get to this place and it was unmistakable that we were definitely in the right place. It was literally this tiny school house that looked like it was from the late 1800s early 1900s. And there was a graveyard directly next to it. I'm assuming these were the kids graves.

Gotta leave work now but I'll finish the story soon.
When I was a junior in high school my friends and I had a phase where we would go to supposed "haunted" places late at night. We hit a few famously haunted spots in my area but nothing really happened other than the girls getting freaked out about nothing.

We got over this phase after a few weeks because we ran out of places to go to. A couple months go by and my friend hears about this new place that's supposedly haunted he wanted to check out. Heard about it from his uncle who he was talking to about where we had gone already.

So it's an old school house and the story goes that the teacher went crazy, locked the kids inside, and set fire to the school house burning all the kids to death. Sounded interesting so we decided to go. We had a pretty decent group of people that wanted to go. I think there was like 9 of us, so we had to take two cars. I was one of the people driving. So we had to drive like a half hour out into the middle of no where and didn't even know where we were going. Our friend's uncle gave us some landmarks to look for and said it was right on the side of the road but it was really foggy the night and this road was windy as hell. Just like a narrow two lane road surrounded by woods and it was really windy.

Well we finally get to this place and it was unmistakable that we were definitely in the right place. It was literally this tiny school house that looked like it was from the late 1800s early 1900s. And there was a graveyard directly next to it. I'm assuming these were the kids graves.

Gotta leave work now but I'll finish the story soon.

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Ok so we park like half on the grass/weeds half on the shoulder of the road because it was so narrow and walk over to this place. We were able to get in through the back door and it was just ruins inside. Like old dusty wood planks and crumbled cinder every where. Clearly abandoned and didn't look like anyone had been there in years. Definitely a creepy place. Parts of the roof were missing also. Felt like I needed a mask to breath in there and it was very small. Looked just like one of those old like Amish single classroom buildings built for a small town. Still prolly about 10 times the size ninjahood's room but small. Presumably where one teacher would teach an entire class or locals that were the same age year after year. So we were checking it out in detail with flashlights trying to find anything but nothing interesting. So we decide to go look at all the old tombstones that were closeby. My thought was, "all these kids probably died from a sickness or something and were buried closeby." I don't believe the structure would still be somewhat in tact like it was if it had been burned. But it was old as hell.

So NO cars had come through this road the entire time we were there. Then when we go to look at the tombstones/grave yard we see this rusty *** pick up truck pull up and slow down. We see someone start to get out f the car so we panicked and run back to our cars and go to drive away. Well this dude (fully white bearded, fat, old man) hops back in his truck and blocks our cars with his truck. We couldn't go anywhere because his truck took up the whole road. He gets out and comes over to my car window with a shotgun. Just stands at my window and states at us. Says nothing. So I crack my window slightly and

Will finish story after my haircut.
Ok so we park like half on the grass/weeds half on the shoulder of the road because it was so narrow and walk over to this place. We were able to get in through the back door and it was just ruins inside. Like old dusty wood planks and crumbled cinder every where. Clearly abandoned and didn't look like anyone had been there in years. Definitely a creepy place. Parts of the roof were missing also. Felt like I needed a mask to breath in there and it was very small. Looked just like one of those old like Amish single classroom buildings built for a small town. Still prolly about 10 times the size ninjahood's room but small. Presumably where one teacher would teach an entire class or locals that were the same age year after year. So we were checking it out in detail with flashlights trying to find anything but nothing interesting. So we decide to go look at all the old tombstones that were closeby. My thought was, "all these kids probably died from a sickness or something and were buried closeby." I don't believe the structure would still be somewhat in tact like it was if it had been burned. But it was old as hell.

So NO cars had come through this road the entire time we were there. Then when we go to look at the tombstones/grave yard we see this rusty *** pick up truck pull up and slow down. We see someone start to get out f the car so we panicked and run back to our cars and go to drive away. Well this dude (fully white bearded, fat, old man) hops back in his truck and blocks our cars with his truck. We couldn't go anywhere because his truck took up the whole road. He gets out and comes over to my car window with a shotgun. Just stands at my window and states at us. Says nothing. So I crack my window slightly and

Will finish story after my haircut.
This is like watching an episode of "I Survived"

Felt like I needed a mask to breath in there and it was very small. Looked just like one of those old like Amish single classroom buildings built for a small town. Still prolly about 10 times the size ninjahood's room but small. 
This line had me 
Ok so we park like half on the grass/weeds half on the shoulder of the road because it was so narrow and walk over to this place. We were able to get in through the back door and it was just ruins inside. Like old dusty wood planks and crumbled cinder every where. Clearly abandoned and didn't look like anyone had been there in years. Definitely a creepy place. Parts of the roof were missing also. Felt like I needed a mask to breath in there and it was very small. Looked just like one of those old like Amish single classroom buildings built for a small town. Still prolly about 10 times the size ninjahood's room but small. Presumably where one teacher would teach an entire class or locals that were the same age year after year. So we were checking it out in detail with flashlights trying to find anything but nothing interesting. So we decide to go look at all the old tombstones that were closeby. My thought was, "all these kids probably died from a sickness or something and were buried closeby." I don't believe the structure would still be somewhat in tact like it was if it had been burned. But it was old as hell.

So NO cars had come through this road the entire time we were there. Then when we go to look at the tombstones/grave yard we see this rusty *** pick up truck pull up and slow down. We see someone start to get out f the car so we panicked and run back to our cars and go to drive away. Well this dude (fully white bearded, fat, old man) hops back in his truck and blocks our cars with his truck. We couldn't go anywhere because his truck took up the whole road. He gets out and comes over to my car window with a shotgun. Just stands at my window and states at us. Says nothing. So I crack my window slightly and

Will finish story after my haircut.
man what??? you better type while you getting that hair cut dawg you cant just do us like that
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