creepiest thing that has happened to you? Vol. The Call.


formerly oxpenguin
Oct 13, 2012
I was lurking the creepy threads on NT and I was reminded of this one time.


It was a sunny day in a late Autumn day in 2010 (maybe 2011) around 4:35-4:45pm. I was driving to school, looking forward for an eventful 3 hours of learning stuff I learned already from watching Cops all my life, when I suddenly get a phone call as I was about to turn into the street where my school was at. the number was a long number from Mexico, I knew bc my gf at the time was out with family at the time, huh. this all went down in spanish. I answer as I would with a "yo!" then this weird lady just says "your mom is sick" I quickly say "what!?" and the lady replies back with "your, mommy, she is very sick." I was like "who's this!?", lady replies with "your mom's mom is very sick", she then names every uncle and aunt I have on my mom's side except my uncle who passed away when I was 4. at this point I'm like wtf, I ask again "who's this!?" and the call just ends. the rest of the day/night I'm just like wtf. I wake up around 3/4 in the morning randomly with a voicemail, no missed calls, no texts but a voicemail of just distorted noise with 2 voices sounding like they were conversing, it was about 7-10 seconds long and just about when it is about to end a short and clear scream is heard and the voicemail ends. I delete the voicemail and wake my mom up and tell her what happened, she just tells me we'll talk about it in the morning. we do, we call all my brothers, uncles and aunts to see if anybody called or gave my number away, no one did. my brothers know better than to give my number out and I swear none of my uncles and aunts have my number now and let alone at that time, even cousins. my gf at the time was at another part of Mexico far, far away from where my mom's/mom's family is from. my mom and I bought a mexican calling card from the liquor store down the street and call the number that called me and the number was no longer in service. my grandma calls my mom about 3/4 days later telling her she has cancer, at the time they haven't spoke or seen each other in several years. 


- OP suggests you read the story.

- everything is 100% true, nothing was added for extra spice or whatever.

- no pics of ex gf, OP has posted her pics but detectives thought it was cute to message her on FB. 

- Megan Fox IS the hottest piece of *** walking this earth.
that's creepy as ____ OP :x

My creepiness moment I can think of at the moment was in the gym locker room I found a 64 GB MicroSD card on the floor and took it to use for my phone. I put it in to look what's inside the card and I find that the whole card is filled with just pictures and videos of this one guy in his prison cell. Rockin back and forth, sleeping, sitting in the corner, talking to himself, etch
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Had a friend call me after not speaking in for a while n just tell me some personal things that "wanted know"...

Dropped out n passed away days later..
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One time when I was around 14-15, my parents had some sort of miscommunication and niether of them picked me up from track practice.

So I was waiting for nearly two hours at the school gates and it was dark as hell, nobody around and I was already sketching out. Mind you my highschool is over 100 years old so it is already creepy AF at night. This car pulls up and some old weird guy was in there and he asks me "you alright kid you need a ride somewhere?" Man I bolted back inside the school down towards our pool area because it was well lit and there were usually people around some nights. The old dude didnt follow me or anything but this is where it starts getting creepy.

So I was sitting there ******** my pants and there was NOBODY around, but at least it was lit up. I eventually calmed down and sat on the steps at the corner of the building. It was a cold night so my breath was steaming and then I think I see another stream of breath come over my shoulder as if there was someone behind me. I sat there thinking naah Im trippin its just from my own breathing...then it happens again...and I was trying my best to refuse what I was thinking...then it happens again and it was a DISTINCTLY SEPARATE stream of breath coming over my shoulder. Maan I started walking back towards the gate and never looked back because I was so shook too look and I thought what ever it was would chase me

I got back to the gate and ended up being picked up shortly after but man I never went back around there at night. Being so old my school naturally had plenty of ghost stories but I never thought they might be legit untill that night. Maybe it was my own breath but IDGAF I dont ever want to know
A few weeks back, around 11 at night and I'm laying on my bed. Lights off while I was on my phone scrolling thru my emails. All of a sudden I hear a voice whisper my name. It couldn't of have been me imagining it because it was clear as day and was the furthest thing from faint.

And from time to time I can feel a presence lurking next to me when I'm laying down. But it's to a point where I just say F it.
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-watched the movie is The Ring
-homie called right when the movie ended.
-to shook to answer, so I let the VM pick up
-called after VM was over.
So idk if you would consider this creepy but this just happened to me over the weekend:

I was driving back home from Delaware, and it was about 9PM, it was a two lane road (one coming, one going) and I'm just dirivng minding my business when I see cars coming the opposite direction driving into my lane (opposite lane), I slow down a bit but kinda swerve off to the side, and theres some guy in nothing but boxers in the middle of the street yelling out some RANDOM stuff, like in a different language but it sounded demonic 
... anyway I kept driving, minding my business and I pass through this small creepy old school town, and I hear some church bells, as if someone is getting married or idk...but all of a sudden, I see pedestrians running (not joggers, just random people young, old running) I keep driving, and I swear out of nowhere (mind you this is a one lane road), theres a school bus coming up behind me FULL SPEED and some car behind it swerving side to side honking it's horn...the bus had some siren on idk...I pull the f*** over and let them pass and they just keep going until they disappear
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So idk if you would consider this creepy but this just happened to me over the weekend:

I was driving back home from Delaware, and it was about 9PM, it was a two lane road (one coming, one going) and I'm just dirivng minding my business when I see cars coming the opposite direction driving into my lane (opposite lane), I slow down a bit but kinda swerve off to the side, and theres some guy in nothing but boxers in the middle of the street yelling out some RANDOM stuff, like in a different language but it sounded demonic :lol: :smh: ... anyway I kept driving, minding my business and I pass through this small creepy old school town, and I hear some church bells, as if someone is getting married or idk...but all of a sudden, I see pedestrians running (not joggers, just random people young, old running) I keep driving, and I swear out of nowhere (mind you this is a one lane road), theres a school bus coming up behind me FULL SPEED and some car behind it swerving side to side honking it's horn...the bus had some siren on idk...I pull the f*** over and let them pass and they just keep going until they disappear
Shoulda follow dem b, I mean I wouldn't cuz I ain't tryna die or get raped, but YOU definitely should have
So idk if you would consider this creepy but this just happened to me over the weekend:

I was driving back home from Delaware, and it was about 9PM, it was a two lane road (one coming, one going) and I'm just dirivng minding my business when I see cars coming the opposite direction driving into my lane (opposite lane), I slow down a bit but kinda swerve off to the side, and theres some guy in nothing but boxers in the middle of the street yelling out some RANDOM stuff, like in a different language but it sounded demonic :lol: :smh: ... anyway I kept driving, minding my business and I pass through this small creepy old school town, and I hear some church bells, as if someone is getting married or idk...but all of a sudden, I see pedestrians running (not joggers, just random people young, old running) I keep driving, and I swear out of nowhere (mind you this is a one lane road), theres a school bus coming up behind me FULL SPEED and some car behind it swerving side to side honking it's horn...the bus had some siren on idk...I pull the f*** over and let them pass and they just keep going until they disappear

My wife's family is from Delaware and I am gonna go ahead believe all of this. Delaware has to be the *** hole of America I never have actually hated a place in my life but I hate everything thst states stands for. It's most piece of **** state we got and backwards. I have never seen a place were one street you have suburbs the next block low rise projects, a mile of total wilderness and swamp and then down the road a trailers park. I went to a mall once there and saw dread head brothas, redneck truckers, Jersey shore guidos and meth heads just walking around like that **** makes any sense.

God I hate Delaware :smh:. So it would not surprise me that cesspool of disappointment would have some occult **** going
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In the 8th grade we took a school trip to DC....we were on 85 or 95 north (can't remember) and I look out the window and see this man driving beside our bus masterbating :smh: ...dude had a picture on his steering wheel and was looking up at us too

I yelled out "oh **** this dude jacking off" the whole bus looks out that of the teachers freaks out to call the cops but the dude took the next exit :lol:
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One time when I was around 14-15, my parents had some sort of miscommunication and niether of them picked me up from track practice.

So I was waiting for nearly two hours at the school gates and it was dark as hell, nobody around and I was already sketching out. Mind you my highschool is over 100 years old so it is already creepy AF at night. This car pulls up and some old weird guy was in there and he asks me "you alright kid you need a ride somewhere?" Man I bolted back inside the school down towards our pool area because it was well lit and there were usually people around some nights. The old dude didnt follow me or anything but this is where it starts getting creepy.

So I was sitting there ******** my pants and there was NOBODY around, but at least it was lit up. I eventually calmed down and sat on the steps at the corner of the building. It was a cold night so my breath was steaming and then I think I see another stream of breath come over my shoulder as if there was someone behind me. I sat there thinking naah Im trippin its just from my own breathing...then it happens again...and I was trying my best to refuse what I was thinking...then it happens again and it was a DISTINCTLY SEPARATE stream of breath coming over my shoulder. Maan I started walking back towards the gate and never looked back because I was so shook too look and I thought what ever it was would chase me :smh:

I got back to the gate and ended up being picked up shortly after but man I never went back around there at night. Being so old my school naturally had plenty of ghost stories but I never thought they might be legit untill that night. Maybe it was my own breath but IDGAF I dont ever want to know :lol:

I'm assuming your school must be like 20 miles from your house
back in 04 I was ran off the road, thrown off my bike, it smashed into a guardrail and was pretty much cut in half. I got banged up but was wearing my gear. Anyway later that night I was in the yard assessing the damage to my bike. Something causes me to look up, and just as I do, a white formation walks thru me. Gave me the chills, but was not scary at all. My wife still thinks I'm nuts from my head hitting but I'm convinced it was my guardian angel letting me know she was with me during the crash
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not sure if this constitutes as creepy, but...

i grew up in a big household. Both parents, younger sis, older bro, maternal grandparents. 8 yrs ago my grandfather (maternal) was diagnosed with cancer. he decided to go back to colombia so he can be with the rest of his kids (my mom was 1 of 5 kids, the other 4 stayed in colombia). Eventually we all decided to go visit him in colombia before he passed. when we got there he started to get better. that summer i met my wife and couple of months later we get pregnant. My granparents decide to come back to NYC so my grandma can help with the baby. this is now well over a year or so that he is living past the timeframe doctors gave him and he gets to meet his first great grand child. months go by and my GP's decide again to go back to colombia. One night i have a dream with him and my wifes maternal grandfather (i've met him once). in the dream he is standing in front of a door that is closed (my grandfather is in the other room) and tells me i wont be able to see my grandfather ever again. I wake up the next day and later that night we get the call that he passed.

grandfather was sick
have a dream with him and my wife's grandfather who tells me i wont see him again
my grandfather dies
I remember this **** like yesterday

It was a school night so I had to do my home work while my mom was getting ready for work she saw that I was having trouble with it so she had my brother come into the kitchen I help

After about 20 minutes after she leaves we are sitting at the table and he's explaining to me how to solve this math problem when a felt a hand grab my foot and started to shake it :smh: was too creeped the **** out to even look under the table
My brother was still talking while it was going down so that made it even worse :smh: :lol:
Used to visit an abandoned slaughterhouse just for the thrill. I already knew what I was getting my dumb *** into though :lol:
One time when I was around 14-15, my parents had some sort of miscommunication and niether of them picked me up from track practice.

So I was waiting for nearly two hours at the school gates and it was dark as hell, nobody around and I was already sketching out. Mind you my highschool is over 100 years old so it is already creepy AF at night. This car pulls up and some old weird guy was in there and he asks me "you alright kid you need a ride somewhere?" Man I bolted back inside the school down towards our pool area because it was well lit and there were usually people around some nights. The old dude didnt follow me or anything but this is where it starts getting creepy.

So I was sitting there ******** my pants and there was NOBODY around, but at least it was lit up. I eventually calmed down and sat on the steps at the corner of the building. It was a cold night so my breath was steaming and then I think I see another stream of breath come over my shoulder as if there was someone behind me. I sat there thinking naah Im trippin its just from my own breathing...then it happens again...and I was trying my best to refuse what I was thinking...then it happens again and it was a DISTINCTLY SEPARATE stream of breath coming over my shoulder. Maan I started walking back towards the gate and never looked back because I was so shook too look and I thought what ever it was would chase me

I got back to the gate and ended up being picked up shortly after but man I never went back around there at night. Being so old my school naturally had plenty of ghost stories but I never thought they might be legit untill that night. Maybe it was my own breath but IDGAF I dont ever want to know
I'm assuming your school must be like 20 miles from your house
Yeah bruh even further, I had to catch a bus, train and another bus to get there. I had no money for any of that that day either spent it on extra food thinkin I wouldnt need it
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