Counterkicks UA Bloodline Review...

Nice review....I went with Bloodline myself considering the advice you gave me Duke in our previous conversations...
jumped on the 20% coupon on EastBay for the Rowley Park edition...still haven't hoop in them but I'm sure I'm be a happy camper...
I wish I could play in UA shoes because the cushioning was awesome, and my Black Ice Mids were extremely lightweight. However, because of the lack of an outrigger, I rolled my ankle terribly in my Black Ice Mids and have not been able to play in a shoe without an outrigger ever since. I would love to play in my Black Ice Mids, but unfortunately I don't think I can. Its a real shame because I want to give these a chance (mostly for the cushioning) and only got to experience playing in them two times, but the last time ruined it for me and any other shoe that doesn't contain an outrigger for stability.

I know people SAY that you can't prevent ankle sprains and tweaks, but I've yet to experience and ankle twist/sprain in a shoe with an outrigger out of the 20 something times I've probably rolled my ankle, so call me superstitious but if a shoe doesn't have an outrigger i won't even give it a chance (no matter HOW many other things about the shoe may be perfect). Anytime I try to simulate an ankle sprain in a shoe with an outrigger I simply can't roll it because it just pushes you away from a sprain. Unfortunately for me (and UA), none of their offerings have a protruding outrigger to protect me
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