Confessions 2K10 vol. don't judge me

-I'm so sick of having a girlfriend. I'm 20 and I don't wanna act like I'm a married man.

-I've "cheated" on my girlfriend. Just hooked up with some broad, nothing else.

-I flirt with so many girls at work. This 17 year old broad texts me all the time, wants it so hard, but I'm gonna wait a few months 'til shes 18.

-I have absolutely no game. I've been told I'm a good looking kid, funny, etc. I can talk to anyone, I just can't close the deal at the end of the night.

-My brother who's in jail is calling home as we speak, and I won't get the phone.

-I smoke entirely too much weed.

-A girl friend of mine texted me asking if I would go up to visit her at college this past weekend cause of a formal and that her roommate wasnt gonna be there.. I told her I had no money, and she paid for me to go up, drink, smoke, party. I go up there with every intention of giving it to her, and nothing.

-Said girl in the post above, I find out through snooping on her computer, that shes a CALL GIRL. A legitimate prostitute, with a website.

-I'm scared about being a loser.
-I gave up facebook for lent, and now i got nothing to do.
-I go out with my bestfriend and we act like we are together.
-I watch The Office too much times.
-I keep shooting with both hands while playing basketball.
-I don't pay attention in school.
- Haven't smashed yet this year.
- I really dislike my job but I feel like I'm stuck there since it's a family business.
- I'm never going to tap into my full potential.
- I just don't give a damn... in most situations.
- My speakers are +++%%!+ up right now and I'm very upset.
- I smashed a fat chick

- I don't know how to peacefully end friendships or relationships with females
- I'm piss poor at being outgoing, and its not even cause i'm scared of what people think of me, i just dont feel like dealing with most people.

- I need to stop spending money yet I can't pass up these fresh-water Griffey's for $120...
- Yesterday morning I hooped for the first time in body still hurts...a lot
-Said girl in the post above, I find out through snooping on her computer, that shes a CALL GIRL. A legitimate prostitute, with a website.

By the way, that girl I'm talking about, I've been friends with her since we've been about 10. We've always been friends, just at different times we were interested in each other so it never worked out. She's only had 1 serious boyfriend, but after she broke up with him, I never really seen her talk to any guys. We've always stayed good friends though. She's that one broad who would always hit me up just to see how I was, how my family was, whats going on in my life, etc. Just an all around good girl.

Honestly, I always thought that if both of us weren't married by like our late 20s, I'd marry her. No lie.

I'm like real sad that I found that out about her. I can't stop thinking about it. I found this out around 7 am this morning, and it's been on my mind since. Too beautiful to be doing #%@! like that.


Originally Posted by Yoda


-A girl friend of mine texted me asking if I would go up to visit her at college this past weekend cause of a formal and that her roommate wasnt gonna be there.. I told her I had no money, and she paid for me to go up, drink, smoke, party. I go up there with every intention of giving it to her, and nothing.

-Said girl in the post above, I find out through snooping on her computer, that shes a CALL GIRL. A legitimate prostitute, with a website.
soooooo pics?
-Cant stand the majority of the people I know/grew up with. Deleted my facebook.
-Been extremely busy with school, constantly studying and failed two of my past tests... Need to focus more.
-Clinically depressed, no one in my family knows/realizes it
-Realized that my only reliable way to keep my depression from setting in is to just lock down and use all my time towards school/studying
-Living by these two quotes right now: "Depression is a luxury I still can not afford" and "Work hard not to look good, but to make others look bad"
-Save for about 1, maybe 2 people that I know, I could cut myself off from basically everyone I know and not miss a beat.
my school is lame as hell, and i dont even wanna transfer, i just wanna straight up drop out and never go to school again, my life is going nowhere at this very moment
Originally Posted by Uptempo kid

Originally Posted by Yoda


-A girl friend of mine texted me asking if I would go up to visit her at college this past weekend cause of a formal and that her roommate wasnt gonna be there.. I told her I had no money, and she paid for me to go up, drink, smoke, party. I go up there with every intention of giving it to her, and nothing.

-Said girl in the post above, I find out through snooping on her computer, that shes a CALL GIRL. A legitimate prostitute, with a website.
soooooo pics?

This is all you beasts are getting.


Originally Posted by Regal Black

-I really want to move out of my parents house so I'm saving up at the moment. Most likely will do so after I finish grad school.
-I'm growing impatient at my job and already thinking about looking elsewhere. I hate doing the same kind of work everyday
Those two and...

- I recently went to a party with a couple of old friends from high school.... realized that they haven't done anything with their lives besides have kids and are still stuck in that high school mentality, kinda felt bad/out of place

- the job I'm at now requires me to answer phones all day long and deal with angry people, so I purposefully put my phone on hold for 15 minutes intervals to avoid incoming phone calls

- I regularly watch tv shows on Hulu (I'd die if they somehow blocked the website) and movies during my work shift (iphone FTW)
- mom dukes got a camera speeding ticket driving in my whip and tryna front on paying it. I know she's my mom and all but I'm bout to start hounding her like a loan shark 

- I'll say I fudged quite a bit on my tax returns to get as much money back as possible
- I purposefully avoid stopping in the left lane at this one intersection just so i don't have to make eye contact with the homeless guy walking up and down the median 
Originally Posted by Yoda

Originally Posted by Uptempo kid

Originally Posted by Yoda


-A girl friend of mine texted me asking if I would go up to visit her at college this past weekend cause of a formal and that her roommate wasnt gonna be there.. I told her I had no money, and she paid for me to go up, drink, smoke, party. I go up there with every intention of giving it to her, and nothing.

-Said girl in the post above, I find out through snooping on her computer, that shes a CALL GIRL. A legitimate prostitute, with a website.
soooooo pics?

This is all you beasts are getting.



website and/or rates?
Originally Posted by Yoda

-Said girl in the post above, I find out through snooping on her computer, that shes a CALL GIRL. A legitimate prostitute, with a website.

By the way, that girl I'm talking about, I've been friends with her since we've been about 10. We've always been friends, just at different times we were interested in each other so it never worked out. She's only had 1 serious boyfriend, but after she broke up with him, I never really seen her talk to any guys. We've always stayed good friends though. She's that one broad who would always hit me up just to see how I was, how my family was, whats going on in my life, etc. Just an all around good girl.

Honestly, I always thought that if both of us weren't married by like our late 20s, I'd marry her. No lie.

I'm like real sad that I found that out about her. I can't stop thinking about it. I found this out around 7 am this morning, and it's been on my mind since. Too beautiful to be doing #%@! like that.



All I'ma say is don't judge her. You don't know her path and why she is where she is. She never forgot about you but you apparently you forgot about her.
Originally Posted by Capricorn1229

Originally Posted by Yoda

-Said girl in the post above, I find out through snooping on her computer, that shes a CALL GIRL. A legitimate prostitute, with a website.

By the way, that girl I'm talking about, I've been friends with her since we've been about 10. We've always been friends, just at different times we were interested in each other so it never worked out. She's only had 1 serious boyfriend, but after she broke up with him, I never really seen her talk to any guys. We've always stayed good friends though. She's that one broad who would always hit me up just to see how I was, how my family was, whats going on in my life, etc. Just an all around good girl.

Honestly, I always thought that if both of us weren't married by like our late 20s, I'd marry her. No lie.

I'm like real sad that I found that out about her. I can't stop thinking about it. I found this out around 7 am this morning, and it's been on my mind since. Too beautiful to be doing #%@! like that.


All I'ma say is don't judge her. You don't know her path and why she is where she is. She never forgot about you but you apparently you forgot about her.

Nah it's not even like that. We both kept in touch with each other.

I'm not one to judge anyone. It's not my place to tell her how to live her life, I just don't want to see her used and abused like a rag.
- I hate school, changed my major twice already and thinking about doing it again
- I got a lil thing for my homegirl but I'll never admit to her because she's only 23 with 2 kids...Although she's let me know many times that she was feeling me.
- I rarely speak to my pops and he only lives 7 minutes away
though I stay with ma dukes (we have a terrible relationship).
- I stole 3 dollars from a couple kids yesterday...
Originally Posted by Yoda

Nah it's not even like that. We both kept in touch with each other. 

I'm not one to judge anyone. It's not my place to tell her how to live her life, I just don't want to see her used and abused like a rag.

So, back to the original story. 

Why didn't you hit? Because she didn't want you to? Because you froze up? Or was it because you found out?
Originally Posted by soltheman

Originally Posted by Yoda

Originally Posted by Uptempo kid

Originally Posted by Yoda

-A girl friend of mine texted me asking if I would go up to visit her at college this past weekend cause of a formal and that her roommate wasnt gonna be there.. I told her I had no money, and she paid for me to go up, drink, smoke, party. I go up there with every intention of giving it to her, and nothing.

-Said girl in the post above, I find out through snooping on her computer, that shes a CALL GIRL. A legitimate prostitute, with a website.
soooooo pics?
This is all you beasts are getting.


website and/or rates?
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Originally Posted by chokeonsmoke

my chick started some petty argument rite when i got home
so outa anger i punched my door slighly
and my arm broke rite through
both of us were like

She laughed nervously because she didnt want to end up like:

she saw this...
-i hate the lame +++ school im in

-my mom wont let me transfer back home to go to school, says "i dont have her blessing"to do that and if i do come back i cant live with her

-graduate from college next year and feel as if this major im in will lead me to no $$$
-havent been in a relationship since i was a senior in h.s, now im a junior in college
-everytime i go home on the weekends i smash, but starting to get tired of smashing a chick and thats it....need that one chick that i can take home to mami

-cant wait to cop the eggplants the 6th
-feel like im letting my OG down, at this age (20) he already had a porsche, but he was dealing and not in school like me, and he reminds me every time i see him "at your age i had $$$, what do u have?"
-Now he's a cop, and encouraging me to join the force, only sensible reason i'd join is the pay and benefits....
Originally Posted by needsomejays

my school is lame as hell, and i dont even wanna transfer, i just wanna straight up drop out and never go to school again, my life is going nowhere at this very moment

I feel the same way.
i have no fear

i'm 25 years old and look 18-19,  peers, old classmates and crushes i've tried hard
to impress in the past that denied me all look 35-40. at first i felt gratification but they're all changed and
humble now but this character they helped create is really me and i like him. 

don't know if i could ever handle the failure of not reaching the level of success i strive for.
and what lies after failure.

have a fetish for women out of my league, and after i've slept with them they look less valuable.
 it scares me because i thought they were the "next level" of success i want and i'm afraid there
is never gonna be a "next level"  and it's all in my head.
-i'm falling for my homegirl and I think about her ALLL the time.
-i can't stay consistent with my "bulking/workout" routine
-interested in just spendin time with one female rather than "smushing" and bouncing (tired of that now)
-2 of my classes, i have no idea whats going on and don't even have a syllabus for em -___-
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