Concord 11 Patent Leather Blunder

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Oct 12, 2013
How's it going, guys? First time posting a thread here so if there's a thread similar to this, forgive me.
So I have some Concord 11s which I got from a trade and there were some scuffs on the patent leather.
I heard using nail polish remover takes care of that, but all I had was rubbing alcohol and then this happened...

I died when I saw this. The leather got dulled and it looks like the leather got seared or something. If there's any solution to this, please let me know.

Appreciate for all the advice in advance.
they're pretty bad. i mean the overall shoe is icy and clean and there's one part that's just dull patent leather and it's killing me lol.
Don't put any chemical made to strip paint on a shoe :lol: whoever told you nail polish remover didnt like you.

All you can do now is not pay attention to it. It's not a big deal, it's just a shoe.

^^^ your mom didnt teach you well enough. DO NOT Put nail polish on 6our shoes.
My mom never taught me to put nail polish on my shoes.

In fact it's one of the dumbest things I've ever heard of and I thought of it

But I wasn't gonna edit my post like some sorta punk and it would give him that patent leather shine........before it chips.
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