Common Theme Here On NT: Talking To A Girl When She CLEARLY Has A Man

Ain't nothin wrong wit bein that dude who the chick goes to when her man ain't satisfying that. Gettin (()) from a bird with a man is great, cause shegoes to you for one thing. There are them other birds who want someone to talk to and have a shoulder to lean on, and if you being that dude spendin an hr onthe phone with her listenin to her whine then you take a major L
actively pursuing another man's chick is stupid , but if you do being sweet to them and tryna makethem fall for you wont work
Originally Posted by hella handsome

Originally Posted by PrurientSole

Dudes really think that, by acting all nice and sweet and spending money, the girl will "fall" for them instead of her current boyfriend.

Instead, one of two things happens: they're freindzoned and $200 lighter in the pockets, or they've "pulled" a girl who's proven that she'll jump ship as soon as someone else catches her eye.

Either way, not a good look.

real talk
So your gonna be noble and not talk to her cause she has a man, know what shes gonna do? tell the next dude shes single! U can't blame the 3rd person. Ucan only blame the two in the relationship
not all chicks that got a man ... got a man ... some of them just got placeholder "bf"basically a dude they call their man but with the slightest of winds they out there creeping with someone else
on another note whoever said anything about wifing up a chick that already got a man, most dudes just wanna pull the smash and dash anything but turning herinto a fb should be looked down on and ridiculed
i ALWAYS assume they have a man in some way shape or form. and usually i'm right.

i dont actively chase em. learnt from that. too much BS for my liking.
Trelvis Tha Thrilla wrote:
hella handsome wrote:
PrurientSole wrote:
Dudes really think that, by acting all nice and sweet and spending money, the girl will "fall" for them instead of her current boyfriend.

Instead, one of two things happens: they're freindzoned and $200 lighter in the pockets, or they've "pulled" a girl who's proven that she'll jump ship as soon as someone else catches her eye.

Either way, not a good look.

real talk

I think I might have to add a post to the confessions thread.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Why man? Every other day a NikeTalk Dude is asking what should he do with a girl that has a man. Some of yall want to spend $ on them and wine and dine them on Thursday nights.

Others want to sit on the phone and hold their books.

WHY are you even entertaining these girls man?

And WHO taught you that doing this was cool?

All these damn girls out here and you want to talk to a female that has a man. LOL Why?
My first co-sign for DCAllAmerican
If you like somebody you like them even if they do have a significant other

So what. Liking someone is one thing, you can and will get over it. Actively pursuing someone you know is in a relationship is "foul" as otherhave put it. You can't have everything you want.
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