College Unappreciation

I got into a good college. The thing was, it was unexpecting and unplanned, and none of my friends were going there. I ended up choosing that school. About 10people I knew from my high school went there but I didn't chill with them.

I ended up loving my first year and wouldn't change a thing. It's my second year now and I feel like it's going by too fast already.

Trust, you'll meet a lot of friendly people, and you will not have a hard time making friends.
Man college is AWESOME! Enjoy it while it lasts....

And I went to UW... you'll be fine & enjoy it!
College is like a 4 year (5 years if you do it right) vacation.

Except there's no vacation on the planet where you get to party all the time, flirt shamelessly with pretty girls, regret waking up next to ugly ones, makefriendships that will last for the rest of your life, and occasionally learn some interesting $#!+ along the way.
I would pour sugar into your GT-R's gas tanks, light the thing on fire, and then urinate on the entire melted, burning, twisted inferno to go back toundergrad.
College is the $**$
. Only a lame would be scared about college. You lame.
college is fun freshman year was 7.5 /10 could have made it better with grades + more girls but hey always next year.
damn you going in with the wrong attitude. I knew like 30 ppl when I went to college and by the end of the first year I spoke to maybe 3 of them on any kind ofregular basis. you meet so many new ppl you won't have time for people you knew.

I'm going on my 3rd college degree. once you realize doing laundry and cooking is part of the game, find the right major and the right spot to party,you'll be fine.
you are really really over-reacting, just chill. College is fun times, lots of fun times. But, it works like this: when your in highschool, you can't waitto finish and get out. Then you go to college and realize how easy it was being in HS, and you can't wait to finish college. Then you graduate and stepinto real life, and say "damn, wish I could stay in college forever." lol. Just relax.
get involved asap
manage your time (youre there to get an education and that should come first...91% of the time)
get some condoms (and remember "no" means "no")
...even a drunk "yes" probably means "no"
be yourself.
Originally Posted by DallasSneakerHead08

You really need to chill. College is definetely appreciated, the new people you meet, stories/experiences you go through.

I didn't really know anyone goin to college as a freshman last year and I met a grip of homeboys that I'll be good friends with throughout college. Got a team of and I'll tell you now, try to get a couple numbers at orientation b/c everyone knows you have to get the freshman jumpoffs earrrrrrly before someone else does.

As long as your not a herb/stay in all the time type of dude in college you'll have a great time.

He's going to be living at home.

In this case, college will be disgusting.
Originally Posted by Sputnik

man going off to the UW this fall and im super confused. Im nervous, these next 4 years will basically determine what I do for the rest of my life.

Everyone there is gonna be new except for like 10 people max that will join me. so much pressure and anxiousness building up, i have orientation coming
up soon and have no idea what classes im signing up for or what i want to major in.

any advice?????

Not necessarily.

College is extortion...remember that.

What do you mean by this exactly?
It has less to do with being a freshman and more to do with how well the person can balance school and work. Some people are great at it and even do it allthrough college while others aren't.
rhester wrote:
What do you guys think about freshman having jobs?

I wouldn't recommend unless you absolutely have to. You want to get in the groove first as far a your classes and study schedule...

Unless you're helping to pay for school i would say at least wait until the second semester
Originally Posted by rhester

What do you guys think about freshman having jobs?
No biggie.
I had a job starting winter quarter, and was the only freshman on the roster (for student housing). As long as you give yourself time to have fun too, then themoney you make will feel worth it, cause that money will pretty much go in and out of your pockets
. My best friend worked a job, pledged, hung out withme, and had like 20 units one quarter and still was on honors after that quarter.
Remember one thing...get the best grades you possibly can. Don't use college just to party, meet girls, get drunk, etc. Partying and wilding out are partof the process but keep the grades on lock. Personally I'm not enjoying college because I would rather be in the professional world. I intern at a lobbyinggroup/law firm and I enjoy everything I do there and I feel like school is weighing me down with so much extra stuff. I have learned so more facts, tools, andoverall useful things from my year working than in my three years in college. College is necessary though because if I didn't go to school, I wouldn'thave this internship.
Originally Posted by ryair max 1

Remember one thing...get the best grades you possibly can. Don't use college just to party, meet girls, get drunk, etc. Partying and wilding out are part of the process but keep the grades on lock. Personally I'm not enjoying college because I would rather be in the professional world. I intern at a lobbying group/law firm and I enjoy everything I do there and I feel like school is weighing me down with so much extra stuff. I have learned so much more facts, tools, and overall useful things from my year working than in my three years in college. College is necessary though because if I didn't go to school, I wouldn't have this internship.
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