College Roommates Stories, Rules, and More vol. I Have an Asian Roommate

Jan 7, 2010
NT share some stories about your college roommates

In addition, what are some rules you setup with yourroommates that you think are essential for new students to know when dealing withtheir own?
NT share some stories about your college roommates

In addition, what are some rules you setup with yourroommates that you think are essential for new students to know when dealing withtheir own?
When you and friends are going out drinking, don't your roommate be the designated driver. You're better off driving drunk.
When you and friends are going out drinking, don't your roommate be the designated driver. You're better off driving drunk.
Originally Posted by SoleAsian

You're better off driving drunk.
This while i was in the military. I came home from the club and its 2am, i unlock the door and find this N__ with his Mini-Me in his hand and was asleep. I was like this guy is joking, so i left and came back and he is still in the same position. I slammed the door and this negro jumped hella high yellin "oh %!@$, oh %!@$. LOL

Another story: I had the key to one of my boys room. But one day it was all bad, i went to his room at lunch cuz he was a cook and had xtra food stored away. I don't why he didn't hear me unlock the door, but i opened the door and this negro is watchin a porno and wackin off like crazy. i was like CUZ!!!!, he pulled his pants up xtra quick and keep it moving like nothing happened. lol

NO %$%#!!!!!!
This while i was in the military. I came home from the club and its 2am, i unlock the door and find this N__ with his Mini-Me in his hand and was asleep. I was like this guy is joking, so i left and came back and he is still in the same position. I slammed the door and this negro jumped hella high yellin "oh %!@$, oh %!@$. LOL

Another story: I had the key to one of my boys room. But one day it was all bad, i went to his room at lunch cuz he was a cook and had xtra food stored away. I don't why he didn't hear me unlock the door, but i opened the door and this negro is watchin a porno and wackin off like crazy. i was like CUZ!!!!, he pulled his pants up xtra quick and keep it moving like nothing happened. lol

NO %$%#!!!!!!
main rule.. if you have an issue, just talk it out. none of that leaving passive agressive notes or running to the RA bs.
main rule.. if you have an issue, just talk it out. none of that leaving passive agressive notes or running to the RA bs.
I only had a roommate for my freshman and sophomore year so I was blessed in a way. My roommate freshman year wasn't bad at all and in fact we are still friends to this day. I knew he was gay from the first day I met him as did most of our floor but he was in the closet. At least he finally came out his junior year.

My roommate sophomore year was a complete disaster and we almost came to blows (pause) a few times. In fact, he's in the same fraternity chapter as another NTer. I'm going to have to put this in list form since NT doesn't like blocks of text.

-We were friends freshman year for months and decided to room together in March of 07.
-We got the apartment we wanted, not where we wanted, but it was good. Turns out the location was popping
-The year hasn't even ended yet and the bad news begins. He promised to furnish the apartment with the check ROTC was supposed to give him. He wasn't eligible for the rebate since he dropped a class and fell below the minimum amount of credits needed to be a full time student. What did that mean? I was left with the responsibility of buying everything for the apartment
(The apartment already had furniture it was just minor stuff: bathroom stuff, silverware, etc.)
-The summer passes and we move in. Everything is cool for the first few weeks but then I truly began to understand his nature.
-He was one of the filthiest people I had ever met. He'd leave garbage all over the place and had to be repeatedly told to clean up.
-He met this high school girl off of a chat line and brought her over to the apartment. The girl was an absolute slob. She brought her friend over who didn't look too bad. He would smash this girl throughout the year and brought about a nickname for his fraternity which they didn't like.
-The chick always had the crib smelling like old fish after they smashed.
-+@@*% used my soap once
. I put all my shower stuff in my room after that.
-People that he owed money would always come by asking if he was there. He left school with a lot of debts unpaid.
-He threw parties that often ran very late that got us in trouble multiple times with the school police and left me having to apologizing to our neighbors who I was already in good standing with (friends).
-At the end of the year, the high school chick he messed with felt used and in response she vandalized our apartment. She urinated and defecated all over the property. FIXit (university janitor/handymen/etc) called my house asking if we had a pet and I said no and asked why. He told me the story and I couldn't help but
. I had to go to Judicial Affairs when the fall semester started to prove that I wasn't at the residence at the time it happened.

To sum it up, he brought a lot of unnecessary drama to not only me but his friends and fraternity. Its not a surprise he was kicked out of the Army ROTC program and eventually school.

-Establish a level of trust. If you can't trust your roommate, you will have a very long year.
-Establish rules for sex. You don't want any awkward moments. If you have to leave a sock on the door do so. You don't want to walk in on your boy having sex with his girl because you didn't think anyone was in the room when you knocked.
-After a certain time, music/television should be turned down to a certain volume. You'll learn the importance of a rule such as this one when you have early classes or you're studying.
-Cleanliness is next to godliness. You never know who will come over to your room in college. I've been woken up by touring parents and students wanting to see dorm rooms as well as various members of the school administration. Also if you have a girl over, you just want to give off a good impression.
-Make sure that the door is ALWAYS locked when no one is in the room. It literally takes 10 seconds for someone to steal something from your room. My boy freshman year had his laptop stolen out of his room and during sophomore year my dude had his iPod stolen off of his desk while he was in the bathroom.
-Talk if there is a problem. Don't let it build up it will only lead to something you'll regret.

I'm sure I'm missing a few things.
I only had a roommate for my freshman and sophomore year so I was blessed in a way. My roommate freshman year wasn't bad at all and in fact we are still friends to this day. I knew he was gay from the first day I met him as did most of our floor but he was in the closet. At least he finally came out his junior year.

My roommate sophomore year was a complete disaster and we almost came to blows (pause) a few times. In fact, he's in the same fraternity chapter as another NTer. I'm going to have to put this in list form since NT doesn't like blocks of text.

-We were friends freshman year for months and decided to room together in March of 07.
-We got the apartment we wanted, not where we wanted, but it was good. Turns out the location was popping
-The year hasn't even ended yet and the bad news begins. He promised to furnish the apartment with the check ROTC was supposed to give him. He wasn't eligible for the rebate since he dropped a class and fell below the minimum amount of credits needed to be a full time student. What did that mean? I was left with the responsibility of buying everything for the apartment
(The apartment already had furniture it was just minor stuff: bathroom stuff, silverware, etc.)
-The summer passes and we move in. Everything is cool for the first few weeks but then I truly began to understand his nature.
-He was one of the filthiest people I had ever met. He'd leave garbage all over the place and had to be repeatedly told to clean up.
-He met this high school girl off of a chat line and brought her over to the apartment. The girl was an absolute slob. She brought her friend over who didn't look too bad. He would smash this girl throughout the year and brought about a nickname for his fraternity which they didn't like.
-The chick always had the crib smelling like old fish after they smashed.
-+@@*% used my soap once
. I put all my shower stuff in my room after that.
-People that he owed money would always come by asking if he was there. He left school with a lot of debts unpaid.
-He threw parties that often ran very late that got us in trouble multiple times with the school police and left me having to apologizing to our neighbors who I was already in good standing with (friends).
-At the end of the year, the high school chick he messed with felt used and in response she vandalized our apartment. She urinated and defecated all over the property. FIXit (university janitor/handymen/etc) called my house asking if we had a pet and I said no and asked why. He told me the story and I couldn't help but
. I had to go to Judicial Affairs when the fall semester started to prove that I wasn't at the residence at the time it happened.

To sum it up, he brought a lot of unnecessary drama to not only me but his friends and fraternity. Its not a surprise he was kicked out of the Army ROTC program and eventually school.

-Establish a level of trust. If you can't trust your roommate, you will have a very long year.
-Establish rules for sex. You don't want any awkward moments. If you have to leave a sock on the door do so. You don't want to walk in on your boy having sex with his girl because you didn't think anyone was in the room when you knocked.
-After a certain time, music/television should be turned down to a certain volume. You'll learn the importance of a rule such as this one when you have early classes or you're studying.
-Cleanliness is next to godliness. You never know who will come over to your room in college. I've been woken up by touring parents and students wanting to see dorm rooms as well as various members of the school administration. Also if you have a girl over, you just want to give off a good impression.
-Make sure that the door is ALWAYS locked when no one is in the room. It literally takes 10 seconds for someone to steal something from your room. My boy freshman year had his laptop stolen out of his room and during sophomore year my dude had his iPod stolen off of his desk while he was in the bathroom.
-Talk if there is a problem. Don't let it build up it will only lead to something you'll regret.

I'm sure I'm missing a few things.
Keep the communication lines open and be respectful of his stuff.  It basically all comes down to those 2 things.
Keep the communication lines open and be respectful of his stuff.  It basically all comes down to those 2 things.
Originally Posted by jeyel

main rule.. if you have an issue, just talk it out. none of that leaving passive agressive notes or running to the RA bs.
couldnt agree more.

i lucked out with all of my roommates.  i had a full scholarship that paid for my housing so i lived on campus for a few years.  Sophomore year i had this white boy redneck from North Carolina as my roommate.  The day we moved in, some of my buddys that I had met the year before were throwin a party at the house they rented down the street.  White boy didn't really know anyone on campus since he wasn't from the area so I invited him to cruise with me.  I ended up comin back to the room that night by myself (shame on me) while my roommate went home with 2 girls he had met at the party.  Obviously he was very grateful that I brought him to the party, and was able to land a 3some that first night.  More than 10 years later, we are still boys and keep in touch even though he moved back to NC after droppin out of school that year.  Man I got funny dorm/roommate stories from that year for days.  The two us became thick as thieves and we found ourselves in some pretty ridiculous situations.

Here's a quick story.  One night after eating a buncha acid we decided to go to the 7-11 since we were all out of smokes.  It was around 4am at the time.  He had this old beater car and I didnt have a car with me on campus.  We get the great idea of him teaching me to drive stick while we are high as !%$+.  I get in the car and try to start the engine without pressin down on the brake, clutch, or anything.  The car stalls and lurches forward.  Unluckily, he had parked in front of the parking lot lightpost and it dinged up his bumper nice and proper.  He tells me to get out, backs the car out of the spot, and I'm pleading with him to let me try again.  So I get in the car and get it into gear and start driving down the street.  His car was so dirty and messed up that you could barely see out the front windshield.  As we approach the 7-11 I overshot the driveway to the parking lot so I panicked and slammed on the brakes stallin the car midway up the driveway.  I look up and see 2 cops leanin against their squad car staring at us.  Panic sets in, as my boy trys to calm me down and tells me to restart the car and ease it into a parking spot.  I accidentally hit the gas a little too hard getting it into first and do a quick burnout chirpin the wheels while he is screaming bloody murder.  I managed to get the car into a parking spot and exit the car fuly expecting to get my @!% thrown in jail right then and there.  By the grace of god, the cops didn't do anything.  I nervously chuckled "hehehe my buddy was just trying to teach me to drive stick" and walk into the store.  I'm lucky as hell the cops were lazy and didnt bother asking why 2 knuckleheads were practicing driving stick at 4am in the morning.  We make it back to the room with cigs, some gatorade, hotdogs, and a stupid story.

Originally Posted by jeyel

main rule.. if you have an issue, just talk it out. none of that leaving passive agressive notes or running to the RA bs.
couldnt agree more.

i lucked out with all of my roommates.  i had a full scholarship that paid for my housing so i lived on campus for a few years.  Sophomore year i had this white boy redneck from North Carolina as my roommate.  The day we moved in, some of my buddys that I had met the year before were throwin a party at the house they rented down the street.  White boy didn't really know anyone on campus since he wasn't from the area so I invited him to cruise with me.  I ended up comin back to the room that night by myself (shame on me) while my roommate went home with 2 girls he had met at the party.  Obviously he was very grateful that I brought him to the party, and was able to land a 3some that first night.  More than 10 years later, we are still boys and keep in touch even though he moved back to NC after droppin out of school that year.  Man I got funny dorm/roommate stories from that year for days.  The two us became thick as thieves and we found ourselves in some pretty ridiculous situations.

Here's a quick story.  One night after eating a buncha acid we decided to go to the 7-11 since we were all out of smokes.  It was around 4am at the time.  He had this old beater car and I didnt have a car with me on campus.  We get the great idea of him teaching me to drive stick while we are high as !%$+.  I get in the car and try to start the engine without pressin down on the brake, clutch, or anything.  The car stalls and lurches forward.  Unluckily, he had parked in front of the parking lot lightpost and it dinged up his bumper nice and proper.  He tells me to get out, backs the car out of the spot, and I'm pleading with him to let me try again.  So I get in the car and get it into gear and start driving down the street.  His car was so dirty and messed up that you could barely see out the front windshield.  As we approach the 7-11 I overshot the driveway to the parking lot so I panicked and slammed on the brakes stallin the car midway up the driveway.  I look up and see 2 cops leanin against their squad car staring at us.  Panic sets in, as my boy trys to calm me down and tells me to restart the car and ease it into a parking spot.  I accidentally hit the gas a little too hard getting it into first and do a quick burnout chirpin the wheels while he is screaming bloody murder.  I managed to get the car into a parking spot and exit the car fuly expecting to get my @!% thrown in jail right then and there.  By the grace of god, the cops didn't do anything.  I nervously chuckled "hehehe my buddy was just trying to teach me to drive stick" and walk into the store.  I'm lucky as hell the cops were lazy and didnt bother asking why 2 knuckleheads were practicing driving stick at 4am in the morning.  We make it back to the room with cigs, some gatorade, hotdogs, and a stupid story.

My roommate (I'm a freshman, just met dude two days ago) comes from a super strict religious family. His parents wouldn't let him listen to rap or watch R movies and his dad used to come in his room at night (mind you, this is right up until he came to college) and unplug his tv and computer.
My roommate (I'm a freshman, just met dude two days ago) comes from a super strict religious family. His parents wouldn't let him listen to rap or watch R movies and his dad used to come in his room at night (mind you, this is right up until he came to college) and unplug his tv and computer.
Originally Posted by Nash

My roommate (I'm a freshman, just met dude two days ago) comes from a super strict religious family. His parents wouldn't let him listen to rap or watch R movies and his dad used to come in his room at night (mind you, this is right up until he came to college) and unplug his tv and computer.


Make sure the first thing you do is make him watch Pr0n. Dude expression will be shook
Originally Posted by Nash

My roommate (I'm a freshman, just met dude two days ago) comes from a super strict religious family. His parents wouldn't let him listen to rap or watch R movies and his dad used to come in his room at night (mind you, this is right up until he came to college) and unplug his tv and computer.


Make sure the first thing you do is make him watch Pr0n. Dude expression will be shook
Originally Posted by Nash

My roommate (I'm a freshman, just met dude two days ago) comes from a super strict religious family. His parents wouldn't let him listen to rap or watch R movies and his dad used to come in his room at night (mind you, this is right up until he came to college) and unplug his tv and computer.

Get him some box asap.
Originally Posted by Nash

My roommate (I'm a freshman, just met dude two days ago) comes from a super strict religious family. His parents wouldn't let him listen to rap or watch R movies and his dad used to come in his room at night (mind you, this is right up until he came to college) and unplug his tv and computer.

Get him some box asap.
Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

Originally Posted by Nash

My roommate (I'm a freshman, just met dude two days ago) comes from a super strict religious family. His parents wouldn't let him listen to rap or watch R movies and his dad used to come in his room at night (mind you, this is right up until he came to college) and unplug his tv and computer.

Get him some box asap.
Shouldn't be too hard at this school.  Me first though
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