college heads

Don't go to community college unless you can't get into a 4 year college due to grades or test scores. Take out a loan if you have to. Your first andsecond years in college make up I'd say 75% of your college experience which is priceless. If you want to join a frat or some campus organization forexample, climbing up the ranks in only 2 years will be impossible.

Plus the quality of education is nowhere near equivalent. You won't be as prepared as your classmates. I lived in a transfer dorm my junior year andstruggle was the consensus. At a lot of 4 year schools, the "basics" can be just as hard or harder than the major subjects as opposed to CC'swhere the "basics" are easier than AP high school classes. Classes are generally graded on a curve, so smarter classmates means a more difficultcurve. Smarter students also means higher standards--professors will have higher expectations and won't go so slow and won't be hesitant to reallychallenge you. And you'll be learning from the best. It is no secret the smartest, most qualified, and most influential professors only teach at legit 4year schools.

Also, going straight to a 4 year school gives you the opportunity to get ahead which can mean finishing early and thus saving a lot of $ (a LOT of 3 year gradsthese days), double majoring (or triple majoring...if you do the right ones, this can also lead to a lot of $), or easier junior/senior years where you'renot stacking 4-5 tough major classes at the same time (better grades, better health, time to do career or grad school prep stuff). I took upper divisionclasses (major classes) as a freshman in college. Upper division classes don't exist at CC's.
Bachelor's degree from University > Anything from a CC.. There actually is a reason that university's cost so much.
dont be a herb...go away from school & fail the class, have fun then re-take n pass it like everyone else
Originally Posted by ortega47

Community College ---> University. You'll save alot of money.
I agree with this from the financial standpoint, but not from the social.
If you could care less about partying and all that, CC is the better option. If you want to get away from home and have fun,university should be the choice.
from someone who's stuck in CC, go to university.

BIGGEST regret of my life.

I'd rather be in 20k debt right now then to be in that p.o.s. community college. I cant wait to transfer next year. I probably won't meet any new peepseither since I missed out on that stage of college.
Yeah, it really depends on your financial situation. On one hand, community college can save a lot of money, but there is no replacing the bonds you make as afreshman on a college campus. Its ultimately a trade off, and that decision must be made on ones own.
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