College Graduate NTers

Originally Posted by JD161616

Originally Posted by eight2one

well this is real encouraging..

I see people all over with degree's that cant get jobs.
Are you saying that like you're surprised?? A Princeton graduate is doing secretary work at my roommates job.

Graduated in December ' job offers by March...didn't accept a job until the following September. Glad I waited for something I really wanted, rather than settle for something sub-par. At this point, though, you might as well take what you can get as the unemployment rate continues to rise.

Internships and previous experience people....grades mean nothing after school...
Ivy leaguers are taking jobs that are paying 25k a year. 25K. Its real in these streets after graduation. My degree isn't sexy but I'veinterned at one of the biggest independent firms on Wall Street, I've held leadership positions at on campus jobs as well as student orgs. Don't knowif that counts for much because my grades aren't going to get me a job. If anything I might work on some political campaigns in 2010 to pad my resume as Ihave already done in local elections.
Originally Posted by CherryRed

Originally Posted by eplaya06

May 2010 grad....will be working for Largest Oil Company in the US

what did you major in?
Chemical Engineering
I graduated in 2005, but had accepted a job at my firm (accounting) in Nov/Dec of 2005. Began work in Jan 2006.

Degrees in acct/finance.
I graduate next month (December), and NOTHING is poppin'....

I did a co-op last summer, it was great and all. Great Engineering company! But they said they're not looking to hire until 1st or 2nd quarter next year.Its iffy right now
Man I graduated in June and I still havent found a job. I've interviewed with Lowe's, Costco, and ironically enough I applied to macy's yesterdayand I have an interview scheduled for saturday the 14th. Addition to that, Im going thru the application process to be a TSO (the ppl who check your bags atthe airport). Addition to that, I interviewed with fedex to work nights as a pacakage handler. Just apply everywhere
I graduated in May 09. Had a job lined up the summer before when I was offered at the end of my internship. I was lucky.
I graduate in May. I have no idea what I am going to do, I might just travel for a year, going to grad school though, no intent on working anytime soon
Originally Posted by Lazy B

Ivy leaguers are taking jobs that are paying 25k a year. 25K. Its real in these streets after graduation. My degree isn't sexy but I've interned at one of the biggest independent firms on Wall Street, I've held leadership positions at on campus jobs as well as student orgs. Don't know if that counts for much because my grades aren't going to get me a job. If anything I might work on some political campaigns in 2010 to pad my resume as I have already done in local elections.
Damn I feel sorry for some of you younger cats. Its rough out there right now. I graduated in '02 and didn't get my first real job foralmost 9 months, but that was all on me. I was working part time tutoring kids which was enough money to pay for beer and
while living at with my folks. Yeah... I was an unmotivated lazy slacker then. My first real job was an entry level management position (kinda related but not really to my degree. Business Admin - Mgmt Information Systemsn with anemphasis in E-commerce). That job sucked balls and by the grace of God I fell into my current job working in Finance. Been here for a little over 5 yearsnow.

For you people just graduating DO NOT WAIT TIL AFTER YOU GRADUATE TO LOOK. Start looking now.

Lazy B speaks truth about Ivy Leaguers taking small pay. My girl works for an advertising agency and the last 3 assistants she hired went to UPenn, UC SanDiego, and USC & Brown (current assistant). Her assistants start at $27K/yr and this is in Los Angeles (not to mention the expensive part of LA -westside). My lil cousin is graduating from Harvard next spring and lil dude is stressin HARD bout finding a good job. He's already been interviewing andsending out resume's and has been doing so for a couple of months now. My assistant right now graduated from UCLA last spring and was so grateful that Ihired him for $12/hr. I mean $12/hr? I was making $15-20/hr part time when I was still in school (back in 1999-2002). If someone offered me $12/hr aftergraduating I woulda told them to kick rocks and keep it movin. Thanks but no thanks. Nowadays though that is a gift. It really is no joke.
Just got my Masters in Management, been looking for 2 months now (non-sales though)...

I'm moving on to looking at paid internships. If I can't get an internship with a Masters degree...well...
damn seeing this post does not make me want to get out of college. i graduate next summer
I still am in college, a sophmore, but this Teach for America @+!+ ain't sounding that bad too me. I woudln't mind doing it for two years. How much doyou earn a year and can you choose where you go, cause I am trying to most likely come back to NYC after college. Only other place I would go would be LAreally.
Graduated in May 09. Had my share of interviews and final rounds of interviews, but still nothing right now. Its real tough out there.
Wow I cannot imagine only getting 25-30k after graduating with a bachelors. I got a job less than a month after graduation (winter 08'). I work in ITnetwork operations and had a Management Information Systems degree so this is the field I plan to stay in. Hard to believe how tough it is nowadays for manypeople to find something though.
yea man, this is BS. theres jobs out there that u dont need a college degree to have a 25-30k salary job./ might as well just go straight to work right out ofhigh school for that salary
Originally Posted by 951guero

damn seeing this post does not make me want to get out of college. i graduate next summer
A lot of people feel the same way you do. If you got the bread to stay for a few years, then do it. I'm researching grants now, to go back andget an accounting degree. From my Wall St. connect, I can land a spot at his firm for a little bit then get my act together and keep it moving.
Originally Posted by Lazy B

Originally Posted by 951guero

damn seeing this post does not make me want to get out of college. i graduate next summer
A lot of people feel the same way you do. If you got the bread to stay for a few years, then do it. I'm researching grants now, to go back and get an accounting degree. From my Wall St. connect, I can land a spot at his firm for a little bit then get my act together and keep it moving.
Hook it up with Wall St and I'll hook you up in accounting.
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