College Dropouts = How's life right now?

Originally Posted by richKarlmarx

things were tough in the beginning, but once i got my feet on the ground, things picked up pretty quickly
Originally Posted by Rexanglorum

TH0MAS CR0WN wrote:
REX, I've always wondered what University you went to, I'm sure you majored in Econ right?

I double majored in History and Economics and California State University, Northridge. I graduated in 2008.

Let's say these people don't want to be plumbers, electricians, or join any other professional trade, what then?

Like Wawa said, work for yourself, be it in a trade or in owning a restaurant or a bar or retailing. Obviously, plumbing, being a car mechanic or a sub contractor or contractor are the most common examples of viable careers for people without degrees and entrepreneurship is considered the most lucrative path for those who did not graduate college but there are quite few options and people should consider that before committing to massive student debts to get a BA or a BS, which guarantees absolutely nothing.

Again, if your parents can pay for all of it, the military or some sort of scholarship pays for it or if you have a very clear plan to major in something that can get you into a very remunerative field and/or you have a plan to graduate from graduate or professional school, you should not rush into college and consider a university education the default. That is the problem for many kids with limited means, they are scared into believing that college is the only option bu tat the same time they are being told that a college degree, from any school in any subject is superior to all other options and that it is so superior that one need not worry about ever incurring large amounts of student debt. To top it all off, many kids are led to believe that private university education is better than public when there are many private schools that are decidedly ordinary but cost a multiple of what it cost to attend a public school or similar or even greater caliber.

Once again, higher education is a bubble that is similar to housing. It is being oversold, people were told that they must try to own a home as soon as possible, they were told that the alternative to owning a home was to be permanently shut out of society, the attitude was that one was not a full fledged adult until one paid a mortgage, the consensus was that given the ghastly alternatives and guaranteed returns on the investment that no amount f debt was too much to get in on the game. The exact same policies, habits, attitudes, believes and hysteria that caused so many to plunge head first into housing, only to drown in debt and low or negative return to justify it. As has been the case with housing, those who started off poor and were simply doing what "experts" and others in position of trust told them to do, who are getting damaged the most by all of this.
^ Now this is someone who has done some thinking. Yes, there already is an education bubble. Someday, people will begin to see that you might notbe getting value for your "investment". However, if you truly want to move up, you are going to need a degree at some point (in many cases).
Originally Posted by KenJi714

richkarlmax sighting ? haha
. Dude is sad
Someone fill me in. I remember reading somewhere that this guy was "exposed".
Originally Posted by Im Not You

Originally Posted by kix4kix

I never heard any of this degree is overrated stuff 3 years
This has been a topic of discussion for AGES.

You can go to Barnes & Noble and find publications dedicated to this discussion.

I meant on NT.

Seeing as though higher education has been around for basically 100 years with the exception of a few schools, I fail to see how it's been discussed forthe "ages".

Economically it only became an issue since GI's came back from the world wars.
Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

Originally Posted by richKarlmarx

things were tough in the beginning, but once i got my feet on the ground, things picked up pretty quickly
I'm saying. He just said in the "What college you attend" thread "Georgetown '11".

Originally Posted by AntC

Originally Posted by KenJi714

richkarlmax sighting ? haha
. Dude is sad
Someone fill me in. I remember reading somewhere that this guy was "exposed".
dude worked at an i bank making 165K plus bonuses...allegedly. he was also an ivy league student, working on his masters, allegedly. and now hes acollege drop out, allegedly.

he's probably a mental patient as some institute like the girl in the orphan
Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

Originally Posted by AntC

Originally Posted by KenJi714

richkarlmax sighting ? haha
. Dude is sad
Someone fill me in. I remember reading somewhere that this guy was "exposed".
dude worked at an i bank making 165K plus bonuses...allegedly. he was also an ivy league student, working on his masters, allegedly. and now hes a college drop out, allegedly.

he's probably a mental patient as some institute like the girl in the orphan

Don't forget hes 24....scratch that, 21......I mean 23...........
Originally Posted by bhzmafia14

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

Originally Posted by richKarlmarx

things were tough in the beginning, but once i got my feet on the ground, things picked up pretty quickly
I'm saying. He just said in the "What college you attend" thread "Georgetown '11".

wow...i missed that

so much for the ivy league
Originally Posted by Crumbs

Exp in a field > Degree in the same field
In my particular field (Art & Design)...I can attest to this
Seeing as though higher education has been around for basically 100 years with the exception of a few schools, I fail to see how it's been discussed for the "ages".
I see you feel like being super literal today...
Perimeter College (community college) transferring to Georgia State after this year though
If you are a Black man and you aren't playing sports and don't want to flip burgers, you better have a degree.

For everybody else:

As far as what Rex is saying above, I don't think we've reached that point yet. With the inflation in tuition costs, I'd say give it another 10years and there will be a real argument on the return on an education, especially with so many people getting graduate degrees just to end up in regular jobs.
^ I knew about the 165K job thing, and figured he was caught in a lie. Wonder how he was exposed? Also, saw a post about Georgetown '11. If s/he keeps upwith the "stories", s/he will end up just like Karl Marx. The man died poor and pretty much completely unknown. His writing did not gain attentionuntil much later. Also, if s/he actually read the works of Karl Marx, using the word "rich" with Marx is really problematic.
Originally Posted by AntC

^ I knew about the 165K job thing, and figured he was caught in a lie. Wonder how he was exposed? Also, saw a post about Georgetown '11. If s/he keeps up with the "stories", s/he will end up just like Karl Marx. The man died poor and pretty much completely unknown. His writing did not gain attention until much later. Also, if s/he actually read the works of Karl Marx, using the word "rich" with Marx is really problematic.
when someone called him out on a lie...he said he lied to just contribute to the OP's thread and help him feel better. i think it was abirthday thread that he got exposed in actually
Originally Posted by YoUNg bR3aD

QFT... There is plenty of people who have done/do that ^&$# on a daily basis... I dropped out of college in the middle of my 1st summester. Mom dukes is disabled (17 back surgeries) and at that point in my life it was watch my mother struggle to survive and go to school or get out there and take care of business. Mom comes first so I dropped out and started working and doing whatever I could to help her out... Fortunately I have always kept a good job. Now I work for a Pharmaceutical Company and make good money. The youngest person in the office making more money than the people that have been here 20 years. Also they promote within our company so there is great opportunity for advancement. I could see myself in moving up within the next couple years. Life is great! Got a daughter due in October. Moms is doing better
. Honestly I can't complain at all.

I was going to school in the fall for something in that field. How much you make and what do you do?

my resume is garbage and no legit ref.' jumping right in for me isnt a option.
Originally Posted by DaJoka004

Going to school gives you a chance to do what you want to do.

I went for free, so I can't compare my situation to most others. But it was beyond worth it.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Show me a college dropout who is making 6 figures without coming from a loaded family, and I will show you an exception to the rule.

My step mom.
Worked in movie theaters most of her life.. Attended college for 2 quarters.
Worked at numerous jobs throughout the years.
Now she works for an airplane customizing business (they do work for the military, celebrities, and royalty)
.. Making BANK.
Did it all with hard work.. Not school.
I dropped out.
Im glad I did though.
I think that 16 and 17 is way too young to make a decision on what your going to be doing the rest of your life. If I stayed in school and finished I would beworking a job that I hate and would probably be stuck there for the rest of my life.
ive been out of school for about 5 or 6 yrs now and will start back at the end of August. Im much more focused and know what I want out of my life.
Though I do wish I was done w/ it all by now, I have learned alot about myself and what I want.
^^ same as me, for the most part

after high school I wasn't that interested or focused on school. I had no clue what I wanted to do either. I landed a good job and I've been there for5 years. I'm 23 now and just recently started going back to school. Feels weird because I haven't been in a classrooM
for a long time. But now I'm truly focused and willing to put in all my effort.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Show me a college dropout who is making 6 figures without coming from a loaded family, and I will show you an exception to the rule.
Heavy Hitters Magazine.

It's filled with guys who didn't go to college, dropped out, didn't go to school past 7th grade...and they're all MULTI-MILLIONAIRES rightnow.

I'm talking multiple Bugatti, Ferrari, Lamborghini, Porsche, Drophead Phantom money.
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