@ the gif. What video is that? I haven't been on WSHH in a min.
Originally Posted by Ryda421

i wonder what kind of financial impact this will have on drug dealers...
little probably, they have international sales

addicts might hit the govt first to cop

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

out of all drugs to decriminalize, i think cocaine and heroin should have been the last two.

I work in a medical department and heroin does people so bad one lady almost committed suicide withdrawing off it, she died for a sec. but a nurse revived her.
Originally Posted by JoseBronx

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

out of all drugs to decriminalize, i think cocaine and heroin should have been the last two.

I work in a medical department and heroin does people so bad one lady almost committed suicide withdrawing off it, she died for a sec. but a nurse revived her.
let me rephrase. i think HEROIN and Ketamine should be the last two to decriminalize. Stories i've heard about special K
Cocainedoesn't affect you that badly.
Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

Originally Posted by JoseBronx

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

out of all drugs to decriminalize, i think cocaine and heroin should have been the last two.

I work in a medical department and heroin does people so bad one lady almost committed suicide withdrawing off it, she died for a sec. but a nurse revived her.
let me rephrase. i think HEROIN and Ketamine should be the last two to decriminalize. Stories i've heard about special K
Cocaine doesn't affect you that badly.
I have come to the conclusion that NO drug is bad for you in moderation.

Just look at the way we live, drugs are a part of the human experience. If your against drugs you should be against a lot of other things that go into yourbody that our society has "OK'd".
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

I have come to the conclusion that NO drug is bad for you in moderation.
totally totally agree, but problem is, a lot of people don't know how to moderate it. they let the drug control them instead of properlycontrolling the drug. they let their lives become the drug instead of just allowing the drug to be in their life. if you're not strong willed enough, itcan happen.
The chemicals in certain drug are so bad that is hard to control even if someone tries in moderation.

Not everyone (if not all) goes and try cocaine all focused and determined thinking that they are going to have moderation or will power. Heck just look atsmokers, they cannot stop smoking in a day.

Hash is another thing tho
If you read the article the news isn't bad considering what currently goes on(corrupt cops). 5 grams of herb = 4 joints?
more like 5-7, unless its some bammer
When ever they go out and decriminalize them together it makes them look equal...They need to legalize the herb
Originally Posted by Hiram408

If you read the article the news isn't bad considering what currently goes on(corrupt cops).
key word is IF...which i doubt judging by the replies-

usually when posting article thread on NT you need to post the actual article...bold the main points AND have cliffs
right now most are just going off the title and its not really that serious

1) mexican drug lords dont care about mexican users for the most part- the money comes from getting it out of the country
2) all this does is free up the police to focus on the higher levels of drug trade rather than the fiend with his daily fix or the spring breakers with acouple dutchies worth
3) there aint gonna be some mass exodus of USA heads to mexico cause now they can enjoy there lil habit worry free...crackheads, cokeheads, dope fiends, weedsmokers do there thing here on the daily with lil to no reprocussions - you dont need to go to mexico to get away with having a small amount of drugs on you

Mexico= Hamsterdam

not at all- the epicness of "hamsterdam" was that drug DEALERS were given immunity...this type of decriminalization helps theusers/abusers...street level sales will prob increase but if you get caught selling your in the same amount of trouble
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