Coach fired after 100-0 victory__ Story + link

If he was really pressing in the second half, he should probably be fired...but whoever scheduled this game should also probably be fired.
Originally Posted by Dapper D

Anyone who thinks he shouldn't have been fired or punished is crazy...
The scored was 59-0 at halftime against girls with disabilities...
Yet in the 2nd half he still has starters who are taking three point shots and playing full court press...
He wasnt trying to win but humiliate the other team...
Sportsmanship is just as important as playing hard...
quote from the article

The academy boasts of its small class sizes and specializes in teaching students struggling with "learning differences," such as short attention spans or dyslexia.

So there are a bunch of kids with ADD and are dyslexic on the opposing what?

There is a BIG difference between someone having a LD and someone being physically handicapped, which is what I think you are implying by going way of thesympathy route. There are so many people out there who have various degrees of LD's like ADD, ADHD, dyslexia, etc etc, and you would never know it. As amatter of fact, I would almost guarantee that in your life you have unknowing competed against someone with one of these symptoms. Had you known beforehand,would that change the way you approach the game? No. These girs were in a regular league, where they COMPETED with everyone else. It's inclusion. It's not the special olympcis, or anything along those lines. It sucks that they didn't score a hoop, and that they were shut out by 100 points...but,it's the nature of the game. What was stopping the other coach from waving the white flag at the half when his girls were down by 59? If he's goingto put his team back out there in the 2nd half, then he should understand that the score may become even more lopsided.

I do agree that the full court press was OD, but no one on the winning team should feel any sort of remorse for the outcome of the game.
Bull. It's a competition. If anything the losing team was a horrible practice session. Why should he apologize or get fired because he was executing playsand defensive sets he would use against a competent team?
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by Dapper D

Anyone who thinks he shouldn't have been fired or punished is crazy...
The scored was 59-0 at halftime against girls with disabilities...
Yet in the 2nd half he still has starters who are taking three point shots and playing full court press...
He wasnt trying to win but humiliate the other team...
Sportsmanship is just as important as playing hard...
quote from the article

The academy boasts of its small class sizes and specializes in teaching students struggling with "learning differences," such as short attention spans or dyslexia.

So there are a bunch of kids with ADD and are dyslexic on the opposing what?

There is a BIG difference between someone having a LD and someone being physically handicapped, which is what I think you are implying by going way of the sympathy route. There are so many people out there who have various degrees of LD's like ADD, ADHD, dyslexia, etc etc, and you would never know it. As a matter of fact, I would almost guarantee that in your life you have unknowing competed against someone with one of these symptoms. Had you known beforehand, would that change the way you approach the game? No. These girs were in a regular league, where they COMPETED with everyone else. It's inclusion. It's not the special olympcis, or anything along those lines. It sucks that they didn't score a hoop, and that they were shut out by 100 points...but, it's the nature of the game. What was stopping the other coach from waving the white flag at the half when his girls were down by 59? If he's going to put his team back out there in the 2nd half, then he should understand that the score may become even more lopsided.

I do agree that the full court press was OD, but no one on the winning team should feel any sort of remorse for the outcome of the game.

Well forget the disability factor then...
It still doesn't change anything else that I said...
Dudes cosigning this move sound like dudes who would go at another players knees or hit someone in the groin...and use "playin hard as a excuse"...
Originally Posted by MrSneakerman

He didnt deserve to get fired. It is a competitive sport.
yeah, and you compete to win. not to utterly embarrass and demoralize the other team.

when the score was 59-0 at halftime, the winning coach should have realized that his team has already won the game, and that there is no need to continuepressing and shooting threes like a jack @%%...
coach had the over and wanted to cover the line!

if he was full court pressing with that cushion, he should have been punished. maybe not fired, but suspend him. he was out to embarrass the other team.
Well according to PTI they only scored 12 points in the 4th


It's not his fault that the other team couldn't play basketball if their lives depended on it. Would it have been better if his team beat them 70-0?60-0? How about 50-0?
there are things that could have been done to make this less of an embarrassment. the score was 25-0 after 3 minutes of play. The "winning coach"could have done several things. 8 pass minimum or elaborately work on motion plays using all of the shot clock (if there is a shot clock in that league) pullback the defense inside the 3 point line, allow some entry passes for the other team but then work on defense in the low post (just to name a few) a team HASto be running in order to score 100 in a high school game. there has to be many break away layups for there to be 40-45 field goals made. in 32 minutes(assuming that there are 4 - 8 minute quarters)

After the first minute ANYONE in the gym would be able to tell that a blow out is upon them Maybe even after just watching warm ups one could tell.

Ive seen (especially at the lower level high school and recreation ball) where a coach would call a time out and meet with the referees and other coach. theywould decide to turn off the score board (points), take the book though, and leave the clock on as it would normally be.

lemme point out though, even if the teams are very unbalanced as these two were, the game must be played and not canceled. Coaches in place should know how tohandle a situation like this. I heard interviews of parents saying that they were victim of losing by more than 60 in the recent past. They understand fromboth sides now.

The coach should have just said he could have done more, not stand behind the 100-0 win and say he didnt do anything wrong. His players may have played withdignity, but he didnt coach like it.

Like i said, there are ways if u wanna find them
he may not have been deserving a dismissal in our eyes but maybe there are certain rules that cant be broken at the school he is working at. Im pretty surethat the national exposure forced the hand of the school too to save face for them. I doubt if any private school would wanna be known as the school who kept acoach in this situation

1. he took out the starters after the first quarter
2. his team scored only 12 points in the 4th quarter
3. his team lost 84-6 four years ago.
4. several parents who were at the game allowed themselves to be interviewed and disagreed with the firing.

maybe the full court press was a little OD - but he definitely does not deserve to be fired. he will get another job. the school was just pulling a holier thanthou PR move.
Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Originally Posted by Dapper D

Anyone who thinks he shouldn't have been fired or punished is crazy...
The scored was 59-0 at halftime against girls with disabilities...
Yet in the 2nd half he still has starters who are taking three point shots and playing full court press...
He wasnt trying to win but humiliate the other team...
Sportsmanship is just as important as playing hard...

So if they mixed the Special Olympics and the "regular" Olympics together...The "regular" Athletes should "let up"?

wow. There's certain things that are assumed in sports. One is if your are up a crapton, say 59-0, its probably time to put your bench in. For peoplesaying this is only an issue because it was 100-0, thats crazy. Its an issue because the opposing team coach kept that starters in all game long and pressedthe entire game. I used to play against a team that would send certain players into the game to dive at peoples legs and trip people if they were gettingblown out and the starters were still in. What does that have to do with this? If your up by that much there isnt any sense in risking injury to yourstarters. What if their star player got injured? Wouldnt that make you feel like a *$##$%+ knowing your star player got injured when you were up like 80-0trying to run the score up? I dont know if the coach should have been fired, but he certainly should have acted with more class and a better regard for thegame.
a little off topic, but what kind of class system does Texas have. It sounds like the girls team that lost 100-0 only has like 30-40 kids in their school.
It's disrespectful to your team, the opposing team, the schools represented, and you yourself to allow yourself to coach a team and do that. Respect playsa big part in sports, and as a coach teaching kids, it is a big responsibility to be able to do so. Every athlete at every level should already know that thegame is to be respected. It's an unwritten rule in sports not to show up an opponent like that, and anyone who has ever been involved in sports should knowthat. The players are learning and listening to the coaches, especially at that age. Winning isn't everything in kids' sports. Winning the right way,and teaching kids how to play the right way in the process, is.

A real coach does not let any opportunity go to waste and uses that type of situation to practice different things, as mentioned above, such as implementing acertain number of passes that must occur before a shot and other such (literally) "in-game" drills. What are your own players getting out of doing anin-game layup line? Not much really.

And of course he was going to get fired. He gave a private school that sustains itself on parents wanting to pay to send their kids there a bad name andreputation. You just can't do that. Simple economics.
the thing i don;t get is why these two teams are in the same league or matched up to play each other in the schedule....
^It's ironic how you talk about "respect" in sports, but your avy is Pip dunking on ewing, throwing him down, and then walking over him....

I hear what you're saying in your argument, but:


1. he took out the starters after the first quarter
2. his team scored only 12 points in the 4th quarter

The ONLY thing I disagree with is the full-court press...other than that, I am not going to go on some self-righteous "sportsmanship" tip for thesake of doing so....
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