CNN's Rick Sanchez Calls FOX News Liars - Dude goes in hard at these fools... good watch

Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

are yall really that remedial? this isnt about CNN not covering the story "AT ALL" ... its about the spin that was placed on it ... im sure none of you actually watched the coverage CNN put on the tea parties but it was all like the last guy who was talking about conspiracy theories and @%+# ... of course CNN is gonna show a bunch of people cheering what wilson did, cuz they are trying to discredit the crowd ... dude is really up in arms over small print that said "we cover all the news" ? really? thats why he had to bring up reporters almost dying in iraq? what a soft ##* #$@!* move ...

i know none of yall will, but maybe ill reach one person on here ... i want you to watch news shows from cnn and then watch the news shows on fox and tell me who is more biased ... its not even close ... cnn is fed their perspectives from the people who own them ... you wont find more than MAYBE 1 person who argues for the republican side on that channel ... whereas Fox is constantly inviting liberals on their programs to debate ... and there is plenty of people who agree with some of the things obama is doing on fox ...

just because beck and hannity have their own shows people write fox off ... there have been independent polls showing that fox is the least biased news outlet on television ...

I always see Republicans on CNN.

Also when there is a liberal person on Fox News trying to speak his point of view, he is suddenly interrupted and criticized from everywhere. That morning showthey have is a perfect example of it. They just pull in the liberal to ridicule him and make an example more than they do to try to explain his point of view.
Originally Posted by cartune

O'Reilly & Shepard Smith are the only respectable anchors there and Shepard stays calling out their viewers he probably wont be there much longer
yeah I'm not so sure about that one. My parents watch the O'Reilly factor just about everyday and that dude has his little tirades too. Anytime he has someone he doesn't agree with on the show it basically becomes a match of who can talk about the other and more times than not he wins.
its funny i ignore the first three people who post on this page

none of yall commented about how the coverage was spun ... i bet none of yall have even watched the news shows on fox ... etc.. etc... i can post these too

and HTTB, if you knew anything about who owns cnn and who owns fox then you wouldnt say that ... just read up on it ...
Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

its funny i ignore the first three people who post on this page

none of yall commented about how the coverage was spun ... i bet none of yall have even watched the news shows on fox ... etc.. etc... i can post these too

and HTTB, if you knew anything about who owns cnn and who owns fox then you wouldnt say that ... just read up on it ...
you are brainwashed and don't even know it.seriously, the things you're saying are what i hear every single fox news apologist say, almost word for word. It's what they're feeding you, andyou actually think because of how they word it that you're having these independent realizations about it all.

Keep fighting the good fight bro...

edit: on a related note... saw this posted today in reference to the GOP spin machine going on right now... how appropriate.

The power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them....To tell deliberate lies while genuinely believing in them, to forget any fact that has become inconvenient, and then, when it becomes necessary again, to draw it back from oblivion for just so long as it is needed, to deny the existence of objective reality and all the while to take account of the reality which one denies - all this is indispensably necessary. Even in using the word doublethink it is necessary to exercise doublethink. For by using the word one admits that one is tampering with reality; by a fresh act of doublethink one erases this knowledge; and so on indefinitely, with the lie always one leap ahead of the truth
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

I watch both FOX & CNN and imo FOX seems more biased. CNN doesn't invite conservatives to argue their views? I've seen Ben Stein on there as well as other conservatives on CNN arguing for conservatives. FOX invites liberals to only seem fair and unbiased, but we all know they're not. Bill O'reilly is a close-minded prick, just like the rest of the FOX correspondents, and they only invite guests with different views to bash them. CNN lets people speak their minds and they don't attack them for their beliefs unless it's some stupid right-wing ideology like saying Obama is a terrorist or that him and Hitler have similarities.
cnn only invites republicans to seem fair and unbiased, but we all know they're not ... ... ... ... i can do that too ...

yeah, cnn lets people speak their minds
... but GEE GOLLY, theyjustasohappenta let that one radical "obama is a terrorist" person voice their opinion ... every single time they go cover a story that may be"right" they ALWAYS find a radical wack job to represent the population ... but thats just a coincidence ...

a PRIME example is the very clip posted ...
Enlighten me. Either way, Fox News is no one to be calling stations out on bias. Only thing I can stomach on Fox is Red Eye, and that's because they'renot taking what they're saying seriously. The rest is so far slanted that it's laughable. And maybe I notice it more because I'd be considered aliberal, and I disagree with 85% of what they're pushing, but that doesn't take away from the fact that Fox obviously has an agenda, like every othernews station. Problem is, it's a lot more blatant than other stations I've watched.

And don't cite inviting one liberal to debate 5 conservatives or just a yelling Bill O'Reilly as Fox being fair and balanced. That's just as bad astrying to discredit the crowd at the TEA party, as you claimed was CNN's objective.

And !%%@ the Cowboys!
Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

i know none of yall will, but maybe ill reach one person on here ... i want you to watch news shows from cnn and then watch the news shows on fox and tell me who is more biased ... its not even close ... cnn is fed their perspectives from the people who own them ... you wont find more than MAYBE 1 person who argues for the republican side on that channel ... whereas Fox is constantly inviting liberals on their programs to debate ... and there is plenty of people who agree with some of the things obama is doing on fox ...

just because beck and hannity have their own shows people write fox off ... there have been independent polls showing that fox is the least biased news outlet on television ...
yeah...CNN is fed their perspectives
Originally Posted by Craftsy21

The power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them....To tell deliberate lies while genuinely believing in them, to forget any fact that has become inconvenient, and then, when it becomes necessary again, to draw it back from oblivion for just so long as it is needed, to deny the existence of objective reality and all the while to take account of the reality which one denies - all this is indispensably necessary. Even in using the word doublethink it is necessary to exercise doublethink. For by using the word one admits that one is tampering with reality; by a fresh act of doublethink one erases this knowledge; and so on indefinitely, with the lie always one leap ahead of the truth

do you even know where that comes from? and do you realize that it has absolutely 0 bearing on what we are talking about? if anything YOUR peoplehave this ability, not fox news ...
Originally Posted by socluis90

Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

are yall really that remedial? this isnt about CNN not covering the story "AT ALL" ... its about the spin that was placed on it ... im sure none of you actually watched the coverage CNN put on the tea parties but it was all like the last guy who was talking about conspiracy theories and @%+# ... of course CNN is gonna show a bunch of people cheering what wilson did, cuz they are trying to discredit the crowd ... dude is really up in arms over small print that said "we cover all the news" ? really? thats why he had to bring up reporters almost dying in iraq? what a soft ##* #$@!* move ...

i know none of yall will, but maybe ill reach one person on here ... i want you to watch news shows from cnn and then watch the news shows on fox and tell me who is more biased ... its not even close ... cnn is fed their perspectives from the people who own them ... you wont find more than MAYBE 1 person who argues for the republican side on that channel ... whereas Fox is constantly inviting liberals on their programs to debate ... and there is plenty of people who agree with some of the things obama is doing on fox ...

just because beck and hannity have their own shows people write fox off ... there have been independent polls showing that fox is the least biased news outlet on television ...

I always see Republicans on CNN.

Also when there is a liberal person on Fox News trying to speak his point of view, he is suddenly interrupted and criticized from everywhere. That morning show they have is a perfect example of it. They just pull in the liberal to ridicule him and make an example more than they do to try to explain his point of view.

seriously... ever heard of lou dobbs??

lou bobbs calls out mexicans on his show like every day on cnn.
Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

if anything YOUR people have this ability, not fox news ...
I think this is the root of the problem. The whole left vs right/conservative vs liberal/republican vs democrat thing. I don't see whyit's so hard for some people to hold their own opinions while still respecting dissenting opinions as valid (not a shot at anyone in this thread). It'slike, instead of proving our point, we tend to try to discredit and tear down the opposing point.

It happens way too often, from both sides, and it's so elementary and immature.

*steps off soapbox*
I admit it, if I want to see some of the greatest bastardizations of spelling and misuses of the English language on protest signs, I watch Fox. Sometimes Iwake up in the morning and think "Hey, you know what sounds like fun? Watching illiterate slack-jawed yokels display their beliefs with the use of hatefuland probably misspelled words on signs!" Then most definitely I will turn on Fox News. For whatever reason, sometimes I just really love watching a paradeof the lowest common denominator. More than that, I love watching a 'news organization' label these people as 'real America' and pander to themwith countless hours of coverage.
Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by socluis90

Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

are yall really that remedial? this isnt about CNN not covering the story "AT ALL" ... its about the spin that was placed on it ... im sure none of you actually watched the coverage CNN put on the tea parties but it was all like the last guy who was talking about conspiracy theories and @%+# ... of course CNN is gonna show a bunch of people cheering what wilson did, cuz they are trying to discredit the crowd ... dude is really up in arms over small print that said "we cover all the news" ? really? thats why he had to bring up reporters almost dying in iraq? what a soft ##* #$@!* move ...

i know none of yall will, but maybe ill reach one person on here ... i want you to watch news shows from cnn and then watch the news shows on fox and tell me who is more biased ... its not even close ... cnn is fed their perspectives from the people who own them ... you wont find more than MAYBE 1 person who argues for the republican side on that channel ... whereas Fox is constantly inviting liberals on their programs to debate ... and there is plenty of people who agree with some of the things obama is doing on fox ...

just because beck and hannity have their own shows people write fox off ... there have been independent polls showing that fox is the least biased news outlet on television ...

I always see Republicans on CNN.

Also when there is a liberal person on Fox News trying to speak his point of view, he is suddenly interrupted and criticized from everywhere. That morning show they have is a perfect example of it. They just pull in the liberal to ridicule him and make an example more than they do to try to explain his point of view.

seriously... ever heard of lou dobbs??

lou bobbs calls out mexicans on his show like every day on cnn.
In fairness, I believe Lou Dobbs is an Independent.
Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by socluis90

Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

are yall really that remedial? this isnt about CNN not covering the story "AT ALL" ... its about the spin that was placed on it ... im sure none of you actually watched the coverage CNN put on the tea parties but it was all like the last guy who was talking about conspiracy theories and @%+# ... of course CNN is gonna show a bunch of people cheering what wilson did, cuz they are trying to discredit the crowd ... dude is really up in arms over small print that said "we cover all the news" ? really? thats why he had to bring up reporters almost dying in iraq? what a soft ##* #$@!* move ...

i know none of yall will, but maybe ill reach one person on here ... i want you to watch news shows from cnn and then watch the news shows on fox and tell me who is more biased ... its not even close ... cnn is fed their perspectives from the people who own them ... you wont find more than MAYBE 1 person who argues for the republican side on that channel ... whereas Fox is constantly inviting liberals on their programs to debate ... and there is plenty of people who agree with some of the things obama is doing on fox ...

just because beck and hannity have their own shows people write fox off ... there have been independent polls showing that fox is the least biased news outlet on television ...

I always see Republicans on CNN.

Also when there is a liberal person on Fox News trying to speak his point of view, he is suddenly interrupted and criticized from everywhere. That morning show they have is a perfect example of it. They just pull in the liberal to ridicule him and make an example more than they do to try to explain his point of view.

seriously... ever heard of lou dobbs??

lou bobbs calls out mexicans on his show like every day on cnn.

There are 6 person panels on every important issue on CNN with conservatives, liberals, and independents, if the story seems to slant one way its because thatshow it is in reality. I remeber when sarah palin said she was quitting and fox was trying to spin it to make it seem like she is trying to run for presidentand she doesnt wanna waste tax payer money. The reality is, Sarah Palin is not a serious canidate for president and CNN at least said that. Reality has abias, nothing is unbiased, fox just spins everything, no matter what.
Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

Originally Posted by Craftsy21

The power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them....To tell deliberate lies while genuinely believing in them, to forget any fact that has become inconvenient, and then, when it becomes necessary again, to draw it back from oblivion for just so long as it is needed, to deny the existence of objective reality and all the while to take account of the reality which one denies - all this is indispensably necessary. Even in using the word doublethink it is necessary to exercise doublethink. For by using the word one admits that one is tampering with reality; by a fresh act of doublethink one erases this knowledge; and so on indefinitely, with the lie always one leap ahead of the truth
do you even know where that comes from? and do you realize that it has absolutely 0 bearing on what we are talking about? if anything YOUR people have this ability, not fox news ...

Believe it or not, I know exactly where it comes from - I don't just spout off about things I don't know, despite what you may believe about me orpractice yourself.

Secondly - I find it hilarious that you think it has no relevancy to this conversation. It has EVERYTHING to do with this conversation, and the fact that sucha point escapes you is proving the point itself... making all of this hilariously ironic.

Lastly - don't call liberals MY people. I have liberal and conservative sides of me, and I don't fit well into any political affiliation currently. Ijust so happen to think that the modern-day conservative and fox news viewer is largely to blame for many of the issues preventing progress in this world. While their liberal equivalents are certainly bothersome to some degree, their endgame isn't nearly as dangerous or selfish as that of the right-wingapologists such as yourself.

i agree 100% ... but the reality is, most people dont even know why they are liberal or conservative or dem or rep they just do what the media or their parents tell them to do ... but specifically, i was referring to where his quote comes from and the context of that quote ... in order for his quote to even make sense, the people controlling the truth would have to be in power to dictate it, therefore it makes no sense applying it to fox news ...
Oh fox news has no power eh?
another irony here...speaking of doublespeak....
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

if anything YOUR people have this ability, not fox news ...
I think this is the root of the problem. The whole left vs right/conservative vs liberal/republican vs democrat thing. I don't see why it's so hard for some people to hold their own opinions while still respecting dissenting opinions as valid (not a shot at anyone in this thread). It's like, instead of proving our point, we tend to try to discredit and tear down the opposing point.

It happens way too often, from both sides, and it's so elementary and immature.

*steps off soapbox*
i agree 100% ... but the reality is, most people dont even know why they are liberal or conservative or dem or rep they just do what the media ortheir parents tell them to do ... but specifically, i was referring to where his quote comes from and the context of that quote ... in order for his quote toeven make sense, the people controlling the truth would have to be in power to dictate it, therefore it makes no sense applying it to fox news ...

btw, i didnt miss that !+@!, +!!# the giants
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

if anything YOUR people have this ability, not fox news ...
I think this is the root of the problem. The whole left vs right/conservative vs liberal/republican vs democrat thing. I don't see why it's so hard for some people to hold their own opinions while still respecting dissenting opinions as valid (not a shot at anyone in this thread). It's like, instead of proving our point, we tend to try to discredit and tear down the opposing point.

It happens way too often, from both sides, and it's so elementary and immature.

*steps off soapbox*
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