CNN’s Don Lemon on Gun Control: Should We Start Profiling White Men?

the one thing I've learned is that when white people get frustrated with the system, they tend to get organized and push for reform / change . . . us minorities just get angry and vent 8)

It's due to most minority groups being unorganized, borderline lazy and sporadic in support of reform.
Look at you trying to turn the argument against me when I have clearly showed my distaste for any profiling.
That's fine. But why is it only police state, when White people begin to be profiled?

It's a police state for people of color, right now all over the country.
I don't know about profiling, but this is clearly a socio-racial thing. I read a great article post-Aurora digging into white, suburban, MC, male thoughts on public dominance.
That's fine. But why is it only police state, when White people begin to be profiled?

It's a police state for people of color, right now all over the country.
I never said that. Profile everyone = taking a step toward a police state.

This argument is stupid anyways, as we're all already being profiled. The Patriot Act has allowed profiling at a national level for more than a decade now.
I never said that. Profile everyone = taking a step toward a police state.
This argument is stupid anyways, as we're all already being profiled. The Patriot Act has allowed profiling at a national level for more than a decade now.
Nobody cared until is began to upset white people, and this is the problem.

There wasn't an issue with drugs in this country, until White people began to have a problem.

There wasn't a problem with segregation in this country, until White people began to have a problem with it.

As with many of the ills in this society, nothing gets done until White people are prepared to deal with it.
It's funny on this board when the mirror gets held in front of white people...ya'll start with the whole "the media is trying to turn us against each other " diatribe.

As if you yourselves haven't played a huge hand in that already...

the one thing I've learned is that when white people get frustrated with the system, they tend to get organized and push for reform / change . . . us minorities just get angry and vent 8)


the one thing I've learned is that when white people get frustrated with the system, they tend to get organized and push for reform / change . . . us minorities just get angry and vent 8)

It's due to most minority groups being unorganized, borderline lazy and sporadic in support of reform.

That behavior is by design my man.

I never said that. Profile everyone = taking a step toward a police state.

This argument is stupid anyways, as we're all already being profiled. The Patriot Act has allowed profiling at a national level for more than a decade now.
Nobody cared until is began to upset white people, and this is the problem.

There wasn't an issue with drugs in this country, until White people began to have a problem.

There wasn't a problem with segregation in this country, until White people began to have a problem with it.

As with many of the ills in this society, nothing gets done until White people are prepared to deal with it.

^ You see this, on point. here is another example. Lindsay Lohan F's up all the time, they try to save her. Bobbi Christina has issues, and it's not on the morning news every damn day. But that's another topic for another day.
Why does race always have to play an issue? Everybody should be profiled regardless of skin color.
I usually ignore responce's like this because I look at them as something said when someone doesn't know how to responde or care to go into a certain direction .I beleive it's the latter,because it's safe,it keeps alot of people from addressing reality's other than their own,which is ok to do but your not helping yourself or anyone else by doing so.Race in America is as American as apple pie,it started out wrong,they continued to do wrong for centurys and sadly still to this day thing's happen because of race.In all fairness,everything doesn't involve race,sometimes people bring race into simple thing's where it has no business,I'm sure you will agree with me on that,but,there is a 'but',that as long as no one knows everyone's true intent or motives there will always be a question-mark,not only for race but sexism,religious bias,classism and whatever else you can think of.
I'll just ignore "Everybody should be profiled regardless of skin color",comment because do you really want to be stopped and frisked down by a police officer whose telling you,"This is just our protocol..." for doing absolutely nothing? I didn't think so.

How do some of you propose we do a better job of tracking these white people? The stupid ones are already getting caught. The smart ones are executing their plans with ease. How was the collective community supposed to catch Lanza before he killed? I haven't seen anything suggesting that anyone knew of his plans. How were you going to stop what he did by profiling him?

Profiling is a total waste of time and money and a threat to our basic rights. It's sad to see some of you advocating for it out of spite.
Ok.better tracking?when did we started tracking white people in the first place?and in what year?when more white's went west as settler's?during the great depression?the birth of the ku klux klan?the civil-war?during the civil-rights movement?during the 1970's being a serial-killer was popular?.I'm joking but I'm also seriously wondering as to when because I seriously doubt anyone has been tracking anyone white,other than studies,surveys and worrying about the population and decline of their race.Remember a few years ago and still to this day when a good number of American's worked themselve up over the thought of being a minority to Mexican's or anyone who spoke spanish?I laughed,

"The stupid ones are already getting caught. The smart ones are executing their plans with ease"-Bingo,the smart ones are executing their plans with ease,THAT'S THE PROBLEM! we'er having is that the smart ones are shooting people in mall's,killing school aged kid's,blowning structure's up with people in them,traveling to foreign place's coming back to America as devoted terrorist with devices in the soles of their shoe's.THE SMART ONES!.

Now, as far as the Newtown school shooter goes( I did use him as an example),it's always funny how after something happens the people that have been around that individual step forward to speak out about his behavior in school ,in the community and how secluded he was.No one could have actually foreseen his action's but alot of times there are sign's of when someone is in distress,espacially when their suffering from some type of mental-illness.If that individual doesn't seek out the help ,then it's the people that are closest to that individual's duty to seek out that help for them,even if it mean's that nothing comes of it,no actions are taken,it's just the fact that something was done and it's documented.From that point,possibly they could keep tab's on this one individual,for his or her wellbeing and the communities in which they live.Sorta of how we do sex-offender's,Felon's,Muslim's with the last name that appear on the terrorist watch list at every airport in this nation and abroad, I could go on and on and on where profiling is being done with no complaint's from the average American.

And you'er absolutely right,'Profiling is a total waste of time and money and a threat to our basic rights' but where do think that opinion stand's in 2012 about to be 2013?it has no ******g leg's to stand on because 'Profiling' is now a standard vice used in our society and it's as solid as a rock for some because this is what they want,they don't want terrorism,they don't want to be violated by some criminal,they don't wan't certain group's of people in their communities,they.....,they.....,they......and when I say they I'm not talking about only white people,American's.

I personally,wish that every American could live amongst each other in peace,where race,nationality,religion,sex has no barring on us as a nation.But sadly that isn't the case,we can,like I address earlier, pretend that what's happening in the world doesn't exist but we will be doing ourselve's and the people who are suffering a disservice.I'm not advocating for anything out of "spite" because I don't make the rule's,I just live in a country where I know things are unbalanced,I speak out on it, and what you may see it as being "spiteful",I call it being fair,unless you'er insinuating that we continue as we are doing and just forget about " Profiling White Men?"?.I know you'er not saying that,you wan't to end profiling altogether but like I've said before we are past that stage,that conversation is out the window like a caged bird that's been let out of its cage.The only thing we can do now is make right what has been done wrong or continue to play the game as it is,just make sure it's FAIR!.
Ok.better tracking?when did we started tracking white people in the first place?and in what year?when more white's went west as settler's?during the great depression?the birth of the ku klux klan?the civil-war?during the civil-rights movement?during the 1970's being a serial-killer was popular?.I'm joking but I'm also seriously wondering as to when because I seriously doubt anyone has been tracking anyone white
I wasn't referring to just any old white person. Sorry if it came off that way.

I was referring to potential mass murderers as a collective. On the day of the Newtown shooting, a high school kid in Oklahoma was arrested for plotting an attack on his school. These people get caught before the act all the time. Most often because they blab about it to a friend or post something on the internet and get tracked down.
View media item 190109

ON APRIL 7th 2009 a unit of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) charged with monitoring domestic, non-Islamic terrorism released a paper warning that the economic downturn and the election of the first black president “present unique drivers for right-wing radicalisation and recruitment.” Other causes included fears over illegal immigration and the possibility of more restrictive gun laws, and the challenges faced by returning military veterans. It compared the economic and political climate of 2009 to that of the early 1990s, “when right-wing extremism experienced a resurgence fuelled largely by an economic recession, criticism about the outsourcing of jobs and the perceived threat to U.S. power”; that period culminated in the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah building in Oklahoma City by Timothy McVeigh, a disgruntled veteran who found a home in America’s right-wing fringe movements.

The Department of Homeland Security is warning law enforcement officials about a rise in “rightwing extremist activity,” saying the economic recession, the election of America's first black president and the return of a few disgruntled war veterans could swell the ranks of white-power militias.

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Skip to 2:00. Maybe there is this type of profiling going on already and we're just not aware of it.

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It's funny on this board when the mirror gets held in front of white people...ya'll start with the whole "the media is trying to turn us against each other " diatribe.

As if you yourselves haven't played a huge hand in that already...
The problem is that it's hypocritical to say that it's wrong to profile minorities but acceptable to profile whites. Profiling is wrong. 
Of course profiling is wrong, but recently I think that people have realized that white people are the real terrorists in America, so I could understand why someone would pose this question.

I've been stopped multiple times for no reason driving from point A to point B... But we got white guys running up on cats with full body armor :x
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