Clintons push a Hillary/Obama ticket..... with HILLARY as the president..... [article inside]

May 25, 2003
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Hillary and Bill Clinton are again teaming up on Barack Obama -- this time saying the first-term U.S. lawmaker, whom they have derided asinexperienced, would be a strong running mate on a Democratic presidential ticket headed by the former first lady.

In talking up a joint ticket, the Clintons may be seeking the upper hand, attempting to put her in consideration for the top of the ticket when she so farhas failed to win the votes necessary to assure that she would face Republican presidential candidate John McCain in the Novemberelection.

The maneuver may also be aimed at countering an image in voters' minds of Obama as presidential material and at helping restore an aura of inevitabilityas the party's nominee that Clinton had early in the campaign but lost.

"The Clintons are in a difficult position," said Dennis Goldford, a political science professor at Drake University in Iowa, who has tracked thepresidential race.

"If she wins the Democratic presidential nomination, she would need Obama's supporters. But she needs to be careful. If this talk of him on theticket is seen as a cynical maneuver, it could backfire and hurt her," Goldford said.

Former Senate Democratic leader Tom Daschle of South Dakota, an Obama backer, mocked the idea.

"It may be the first time in history that the person who is running number two would offer the person running number one the number two position,"Daschle told "Meet the Press."

Obama leads Clinton, a fellow Democratic senator, in a bruising race for their party's presidential nomination, but neither is likely to reach the 2,025delegates needed to become the nominee in the remaining state-by-state contests.

As Democratic leaders worry about the damage that could be done if neither has a clear lead by the August nominating convention, the party is also trying todecide what to do about election results from Michigan and Florida that do not count because of a dispute over when they were held.

The Clintons have charged that Obama, a charismatic lawmaker from Illinois, lacks the experience to handle an international crisis aspresident.

But since Clinton, a two-term senator from New York, won primary elections in Ohio and Texas, she and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, havetouted Obama as a possible running mate.

When asked about the possibility last week, Obama said he was focused on winning the nomination. "I think it is very premature to start talking about ajoint ticket," Obama said.


Sen. John Kerry, a Massachusetts Democrat who has endorsed Obama, derided the suggestion. "The first threshold question about a vice president is, areyou prepared to be president?" Kerry told CBS's "Face the Nation" on Sunday.

"So on the one end, they are saying he's not prepared to be president. On the other hand, they're saying maybe he ought to be vicepresident," Kerry said.

Campaigning on Saturday, in Mississippi, the former president was quoted as saying his wife and Obama would be a dynamic duo, "an almost unstoppableforce."

The candidate implied last week she and Obama may end up on the same ticket, with her on top.
Pennsylvania Gov. EdwardRendell, a Democratic who has sought to rally support for Clinton in his state's April 22 primary, backed the idea of Clinton and Obama teaming up."It would be a great ticket," Rendell told NBC's "Meet the Press."

The Clinton campaign are on their last of any straws. This is the last stop.

Number 1 Obama is winning and will win the nomination so who are they to tell Obama to get VP.

Number 2 Obama has said that he will not be a VP.
sounds like a slap in the face to obama, but i would definitely like to see them together with obama as pres.

there goes the camel's back.
Originally Posted by Toy Collector123


The Clinton campaign are on their last of any straws. This is the last stop.

Number 1 Obama is winning and will win the nomination so who are they to tell Obama to get VP.

Number 2 Obama has said that he will not be a VP.

sums it up...

barack/edwards ftw
How can she pretend to be calling the shots like this when she is getting killed. Its over for her. Shes just has the media acting like its not but it is.
Originally Posted by Mr Anleu

sounds like a slap in the face to obama, but i would definitely like to see them together with obama as pres.
I think Obama is going to pick Edwards. We'll see though.

Originally Posted by chris boshs neck

How can she pretend to be calling the shots like this when she is getting killed. Its over for her. Shes just has the media acting like its not but it is.
She is not getting "killed" & she will continue to win more states as the primaries go along.

More evidence that she is not getting "killed" by any means....

Obama =
Clinton = 48.84%

2.3% difference isn't exactly "killing"

and if you want to look at delegates so far since those are what matter...

Obama =
Clinton = 48.32%

also relatively close....

so granted Obama SHOULD win this all.... it's not like Obama is DESTROYING her
Originally Posted by The Jordan Massacre

Originally Posted by Toy Collector123


The Clinton campaign are on their last of any straws. This is the last stop.

Number 1 Obama is winning and will win the nomination so who are they to tell Obama to get VP.

Number 2 Obama has said that he will not be a VP.

sums it up...

barack/edwards ftw
up 100 delegates is being killed. Face it, Hillary is tearing the party apart, how can YOU ENDORSE SOMEONE WHO YOU ARE RUNNING AGAIST while tearing downsomeone in your own party. She is selfish and does everything for herself. If you think she still has a chance your delusional. And if she someone wins she has0.1% of winning the whole thing, 75% of the country hates her
Originally Posted by chris boshs neck

up 100 delegates is being killed. Face it, Hillary is tearing the party apart, how can YOU ENDORSE SOMEONE WHO YOU ARE RUNNING AGAIST while tearing down someone in your own party. She is selfish and does everything for herself. If you think she still has a chance your delusional. And if she someone wins she has 0.1% of winning the whole thing, 75% of the country hates her
1. It is NOT being killed.
2. 75% of the country does not hate her.... quit making up statistics

Like I said.... Obama SHOULD win but this is democracy and she is just letting things play out.... and IF it were over... Obama WOULD have won Ohio &Texas.... but he didn't......
Seems like she's trying to give the public the perception that she's in control, that she's got the momentum, etc.
Will it work? I doubt it with all the talking heads and bloggers that will pounce on this.
Lol I don't even know what to make of this. Somebody should tell her that she is losing. And if you are to follow the logic of camp Clinton a 51% to 48%winning margin is very big.
1. 75% does hate here. All republicans hate her pretty much. And most obama supporters cant stand her either. We both know she has no shot in november.

2. How is she not tearing the party apart. She lies so much, uses scare tactics, made up that whole canada nafta thing when it was her who actually did it. Theonly thing she can do now is make stuff up about obama to get votes. I think the country has had enough of this pre scripted campaign she is running. Oh andshe has NO EXPERIENCE. Just because you sat down at dinners with leaders of the world is not experience. Hell I guess Chelsea Clinton has experience too.
History will always repeat itself. Black men were allowed to vote before white women. We will see a black president before a female president.
Don't get me wrong, I want to see a women president in my lifetime (and latino, asian, athiest, ******, and any other minority you can think of) but Hilaryis not the one. If she wins the primary than loses in november, she will ruin the chances of more deserving female candidates in the future.

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by chris boshs neck

up 100 delegates is being killed. Face it, Hillary is tearing the party apart, how can YOU ENDORSE SOMEONE WHO YOU ARE RUNNING AGAIST while tearing down someone in your own party. She is selfish and does everything for herself. If you think she still has a chance your delusional. And if she someone wins she has 0.1% of winning the whole thing, 75% of the country hates her
1. It is NOT being killed.
2. 75% of the country does not hate her.... quit making up statistics

Like I said.... Obama SHOULD win but this is democracy and she is just letting things play out.... and IF it were over... Obama WOULD have won Ohio & Texas.... but he didn't......

HAHAHAHA I dont know why I found that so funny
I hope neither get enough delegates. That way the super delegates could nominate Al Gore as the Democratic candidate.
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