Cleveland Police Slay 12 yo boy in playground..VIDEO

Racism doesnt exist they said
Its all in your imagination they said
Talking about race relations is trolling they said
We all we got.
How is this still happening so frequently? Do these cops learn anything at all in the police academy?
Throughout my entire life I've never personally known anyone who has experienced police brutality here in Belgium and I can only recall one major case that was on the news in the last few years. Special forces beat a white person to death.

It's really just baffling how frequent this happens in the US and how often they get away with it. :smh:
Those cops are the real thugs, not the innocent minorities that lose their life due to severe police misconduct.
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if you have any ounce of soul in your body that want to justify what happened to Tamir Rice you are without a doubt a racist. So whomever is going to come in here and say "Its sad that Tamir was killed, but..."

please just dont bother

i know exactly where you coming from bruh.

I just read a statement from one of the police officers lawyers about the no indictment and they spell it out "so well".

It made me feel so defeated just reading it and seeing how everything was laid it. How can we win!??!? How can we $^&$#^ win man?

All they gotta do is say they feared for their life. i mean thats it. how do we even get pass point a. to even argue?:smh:
There is literally zero justification for this. None.
This statement is from dec 1st, they updated it today but it pretty much remained the same.

When these are the "facts" that we are dealing with how can it combated? It aint enough for me to say nobody should justify it. They can and they will justify it... they just freaking did. i hate them man.

View media item 1846263
if you have any ounce of soul in your body that want to justify what happened to Tamir Rice you are without a doubt a racist. So whomever is going to come in here and say "Its sad that Tamir was killed, but..."

please just dont bother

Man, I shared an article on Facebook and basically asked how this is even possible and how police officers can be so horribly trained and get away with murder consistently. Then of course right away some racist I used to work with chimes in...

"well we don't know the whole story" ****
Man, I shared an article on Facebook and basically asked how this is even possible and how police officers can be so horribly trained and get away with murder consistently. Then of course right away some racist I used to work with chimes in...

"well we don't know the whole story" ****
SMH...That's why I stay away from hot topic articles posted on FB...The comments you read are ridiculous and was clearly posted without thinking thoroughly.
How is this still happening so frequently? Do these cops learn anything at all in the police academy?
Throughout my entire life I've never personally known anyone who has experienced police brutality here in Belgium and I can only recall one major case that was on the news in the last few years. Special forces beat a white person to death.

It's really just baffling how frequent this happens in the US and how often they get away with it. :smh:
Those cops are the real thugs, not the innocent minorities that lose their life due to severe police misconduct.

This has nothing to do with training, this is a demonic cultural situation. No laws can change this stuff when the system in general is rooted from a demonic culture.
I try to stay away from it because it just makes me mad, but damn, I can't believe anyone who really defends this cop. People are getting deleted off Facebook today lol
I try to stay away from it because it just makes me mad, but damn, I can't believe anyone who really defends this cop. People are getting deleted off Facebook today lol
good move to delete them. I've found myself deleting folks I went to high school with who be saying foul ****. Makes me wonder how I survived a high school with so much racial ignorance
How is this still happening so frequently? Do these cops learn anything at all in the police academy?
Throughout my entire life I've never personally known anyone who has experienced police brutality here in Belgium and I can only recall one major case that was on the news in the last few years. Special forces beat a white person to death.

It's really just baffling how frequent this happens in the US and how often they get away with it.

Those cops are the real thugs, not the innocent minorities that lose their life due to severe police misconduct.
This has nothing to do with training, this is a demonic cultural situation. No laws can change this stuff when the system in general is rooted from a demonic culture.
Yep. They've been doing demonic things to black folks from the beginning. The devil title might change by the decade or century but the game has ALWAYS been the same in America.
Injustice, especially the way the prosecutor did everything in his power to sway the jury to ignore this murder.

At least they can win in civil court, not that it will bring their boy back.
It's so frustrating when people think the police are infallible. The cops came up on dude and shot without hesitation. But Fox News commenters say **** like "Well the mom should have raised him right and taught him not to wave guns at cops" :rolleyes

I mean let's forget the fact that cops aren't vigilantes for Christ's sakes. This is the problem you get when people allow cops to go unchecked. How ANYONE can justify it is beyond me.
As Lucky said we are legit dealing with demons here. They seriously justified the slaying of a 12 year old. A ******* 12 year old. Just sit on that for a moment.
As Lucky said we are legit dealing with demons here. They seriously justified the slaying of a 12 year old. A ******* 12 year old. Just sit on that for a moment.

thats why I said it isn't anything a law can do or training, that is just some political BS to get dumb voters. This has nothing to do with Police training or gun reform. The people cheering on these Devils walking are not police officers, this is in their nature to be demonic. There was literally an article posted this week of a white woman pointing a bb gun at cops begging them to shoot her, once again this has nothing to do with bad cops.
I swear to god if I hear one more liberal preach bs about having cops wear cameras as if that is going to stop anything....Who is going to control these cameras? Who's going to make sure they are used? The issue isn't just the police, ****, they doing what their bosses tell them.....

Another black body discarded like trash and the officer not only let go, but will probably receive a promotion. Hard to blame police at this point, they keep being told essentially outright that killing black people is ok, hell, I have a hard time believing if the boy was just injured the cop would still have his job. Think about that for a second, if you kill a black person you get promoted, if you just harm a black person you lose your job. 
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As Lucky said we are legit dealing with demons here. They seriously justified the slaying of a 12 year old. A ******* 12 year old. Just sit on that for a moment.

Anybody that justifies this is sick.

Injustice, especially the way the prosecutor did everything in his power to sway the jury to ignore this murder.

At least they can win in civil court, not that it will bring their boy back.

The dirty Prosecutor just highlights that this way bigger than just cops. The racism is at the top and trickles down. Until those people in powerful positions are gone this **** is gonna continue. They're killing black men, women and children. It's open season cuz the cops know their racist bosses are gonna get 'em off. White Supremacy is a b****.

I haven't even watched the video. After watching Eric Garner get choked out I can't even look at this **** no more. All it's gonna do is piss me off even more.
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The city of Cleveland filed a $500 claim against Rice's family for the ambulance ride. :smh:

Some people are too ******* disgusting.
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