Chris Brown just lost it (again)

Originally Posted by TonyReali

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by PoloLax

Lot of people are judging my thoughts and opinions on this subject. Many have said things of this nature:

Rihanna hasn't forgotten about it, just because you relax a restraning order doesn't mean you forgive the person for what  they did
Over the weekend, and almost three weeks after Chris Brown allegedly attacked girlfriend Rihanna after an altercation over a text message, the two young singers got back together to work on their problems. Rihanna has forgiven Brown and is willing to give the relationship another go, People magazine and TMZ have both confirmed.

On February 8, Brown got so infuriated when Rihanna reportedly took the car keys out of the ignition and threw them out the window, that he repeatedly hit and bit her until a concerned passerby heard her screams and called the police. An investigation has been underway ever since to determine whether the DA could charge Brown with making criminal threats, domestic violence and even attempted murder. However, Rihanna seems to have accepted Chris’ apology and is now with him at Diddy’s Miami mansion, working out their problems.

“They’re together again. They care for each other. While Chris is reflective and saddened about what happened, he is really happy to be with the woman he loves. He called to wish her happy birthday. They’ve reached out to each other. It’s been mutual.â€
ForeverDecember21 wrote:
Originally Posted by LDJ

ForeverDecember21 wrote:

You didnt have to. You implied it by basically dodging and not addressing the root of the problem. The antagonizer of this whole situation. None of this would have happen if it was not for her actions and her childish and inappropriate behavior. You seem to completely leave that vital fact out of the argument.

Thats like if someone breaks in my house and i shoot them. Sure i could fight them possibly come up with an alternative to shooting them. But the burgular wouldnt have gotten shot had they never broke into my house.

What are you talking about? Shup up. Argument? I simply said what i wanted to say and you questioned it. for what? implying? the foh. How you gonna tell me that im implying. When im clearly not. And didnt side with either. 
Root of the problem? I dont give a flying #%%% about who started the fight between chris & ri... that +@!% doesnt affect me. Are you seriously that caught up over another mans problems that ur getting so worked up for?

My point is she made a conscious decision and purposely put herself in a position for something like this to happen. Do i applaud what he did no. But she should have some accountability for the role she played in thsi situation. And it seems like alot of you guys thats cb bashing refuse to see that.

Im not saying what he did is right, but i am also not saying she is the victim. They both should have conducted themselves like civilied adults.

WHO THE @#$* ARE YOU ARGUING WITH!? Are you debating with yourself? Cause i agree with this.

But like i said i could never bring myself to beat a woman. Was that implying that i give Rihanna a pass for you? .... Stop it 5. 

You dont so call give a f, yet you drove halfway across town to grab your cape out the cleaners to go save her. If you would let a women treat you like a bia, beat you hell stab and shoot you and you sit there and say oh well its all good then thats you.

How are you not siding with her when your whole rant is composed of you saying he is a wimp a chump, he is a loser. Which is weird considering the fact chances are you never met him, hell never even seen him before, and probably would tuck tail and run if you did see him. All of your comments have basically said look i am timid of women, i will allow myself to be disrespected, degraded, treated subpar because someone has different genitalia.
You dont so call give a f, yet you drove halfway across town to grab your cape out the cleaners to go save her. If you would let a women treat you like a bia, beat you hell stab and shoot you and you sit there and say oh well its all good then thats you.


No offense my man, but if a women is treating you like a bia, either you didn't lay down the appropriate rules when the relationship first started or you ain't doing something right in the relationship.

A girl would never have the nerve to swing on me because she knows from the start that I'd leave her the minute she got up in arms like that. I wouldn't  go around beating her, that's not what you do, that's a @*#%% move to beat a female. Any dude could beat a female, it ain't a hard thing to do, you ain't proven no toughness beating a female.

And if she did start swining at me, I'd walk away, don't let me emotions run wild like CB did that night and did at GMA the other day too.

I was told to never hit a female in any circumstance but I was also told to never let a women think she can have the nerve to do that. You let her know who's boss, not by hitting her, but by showing her that if she get's out of line, you're outta there.

How some of you were raised, I don't know..
PoloLax wrote:
You dont so call give a f, yet you drove halfway across town to grab your cape out the cleaners to go save her. If you would let a women treat you like a bia, beat you hell stab and shoot you and you sit there and say oh well its all good then thats you.


No offense my man, but if a women is treating you like a bia, either you didn't lay down the appropriate rules when the relationship first started or you ain't doing something right in the relationship.

A girl would never have the nerve to swing on me because she knows from the start that I'd leave her the minute she got up in arms like that. I wouldn't  go around beating her, that's not what you do, that's a @*#%% move to beat a female. Any dude could beat a female, it ain't a hard thing to do, you ain't proven no toughness beating a female.

And if she did start swining at me, I'd walk away, don't let me emotions run wild like CB did that night and did at GMA the other day too.

I was told to never hit a female in any circumstance but I was also told to never let a women think she can have the nerve to do that. You let her know who's boss, not by hitting her, but by showing her that if she get's out of line, you're outta there.

How some of you were raised, I don't know..

Not neccesary true im for certain lala ali could take a good amount of nters out. Plus it isnt about approval or proven to yourself or other whether or not your tough. If some one attacks me I dont think oh i gotta beat them of to prove my machoness/toughness, I do it as a mechanism to protect myself.

As far as the raised comment it doesnt seem no offense as it was something you was raised on moreso conditioned by what society deems as wrong and it was passed on to you. Your internal instincts tell you to defend yourself whether man woman child etc. It is one of many societies stereotypes etc that conditions you to think the way you do.

Its the same with being racist and several other society driven learned behaviors. Another aspect id like to interject, Do you believe in spanking kids? Please dont tell me that an adult women is more helpless then a child. If defending yourself against a woman becuase generally men are physically dominant then woman, then wouldnt the same logic work with kids. Matter fact it is moreso seeing as i cant recall ever seeing a small child who is physically superior then an adult. Not to mention kids often times when being spanked reprimanded it isnt because they attacked you.
Who #%*$+$% cares about this celebrity !#!+. Really!? Anybody who gives attention to this kind of stuff is fueling bull !#!+. We have better things to talk about. If I was Chris I'd be stormin off TV sets to cause people are asleep in fantasy land.

He hit Rhianna. We get it! Its over...America has no problem showing chauvinistic, nasty, content in the media any other time. Reap what you sew with hypocrisy. We don't have to put up with manipulative media anymore.

When is the blame game gonna aim at the socially-obsessive girls who consciously choose abusive, patriarchal men over the "nice guy" ?
Dudes are looking way to much into this.

People give their hearts, time, money, etc to these stars and celebs and get heart broken and crushed like they know them in real life and/or like they share some special unbreakable bond..

Forgetting the fact that they are humans like everyone else... Everyone makes mistakes, to not realize that or accept that is dumb and ignorant.

I hate when people get surprise or hurt when they find out their idol cheated, abused, or caused some other illegal or other act against their morals.. Like they are human just like everyone else.. They bleed just like us.

"the people highest up have the lowest self-esteem.. The prettiest people do the ugliest things..."

Chris Brown is taking the right steps to become a better person, it doesn't happen over night.. Things take time.
Stop riding his back.

I mean dang, even the victim is over it.. Her fans aren't?!

He's just trying to move on and show growth..

Dudes are straight acting like he hit they girl or took they girl from them.

I swear, let that would've Kat Stacks or some girl just trying to get on.. Ya'll would be laughing, making threads, gifs, and everything else.
But since it's a perso your a fan of, you feel some type of way and caught feelings.

Like that gif of Jay-Z hitting that girl with the two-three piece.. I've never heard anyone say anything about that... Never.. Only laughs and smiley faces.. It's that abuse?!!?

And the whole imagine if it was your sister or mom, it wasn't.. It was a person y'all do not know.
It's bad that it happened.. But come on.. Stop it
This stuff happens everyday! Won't y'all start a "stop hitting women" awareness day, thread, etc.. Make tshirts and whatnot

And the dudes saying they'd beat Chris up, please.
Most of y'all hypebeast would be asking for him to sign y'all Jordans!
Originally Posted by NotoriousMJ23

Dudes are looking way to much into this.

People give their hearts, time, money, etc to these stars and celebs and get heart broken and crushed like they know them in real life and/or like they share some special unbreakable bond..

Forgetting the fact that they are humans like everyone else... Everyone makes mistakes, to not realize that or accept that is dumb and ignorant.

I hate when people get surprise or hurt when they find out their idol cheated, abused, or caused some other illegal or other act against their morals.. Like they are human just like everyone else.. They bleed just like us.

"the people highest up have the lowest self-esteem.. The prettiest people do the ugliest things..."

Chris Brown is taking the right steps to become a better person, it doesn't happen over night.. Things take time.
Stop riding his back.

I mean dang, even the victim is over it.. Her fans aren't?!

He's just trying to move on and show growth..

Dudes are straight acting like he hit they girl or took they girl from them.

I swear, let that would've Kat Stacks or some girl just trying to get on.. Ya'll would be laughing, making threads, gifs, and everything else.
But since it's a perso your a fan of, you feel some type of way and caught feelings.

Like that gif of Jay-Z hitting that girl with the two-three piece.. I've never heard anyone say anything about that... Never.. Only laughs and smiley faces.. It's that abuse?!!?

And the whole imagine if it was your sister or mom, it wasn't.. It was a person y'all do not know.
It's bad that it happened.. But come on.. Stop it
This stuff happens everyday! Won't y'all start a "stop hitting women" awareness day, thread, etc.. Make tshirts and whatnot

And the dudes saying they'd beat Chris up, please.
Most of y'all hypebeast would be asking for him to sign y'all Jordans!
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Who #%*$+$% cares about this celebrity !#!+. Really!? Anybody who gives attention to this kind of stuff is fueling bull !#!+. We have better things to talk about. If I was Chris I'd be stormin off TV sets to cause people are asleep in fantasy land.

He hit Rhianna. We get it! Its over...America has no problem showing chauvinistic, nasty, content in the media any other time. Reap what you sew with hypocrisy. We don't have to put up with manipulative media anymore.

When is the blame game gonna aim at the socially-obsessive girls who consciously choose abusive, patriarchal men over the "nice guy" ?
You know that the only reason most people read your posts is to laugh at them, right? I allllmost blocked you, but you're far too unintentionally funny.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by TonyReali

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Over the weekend, and almost three weeks after Chris Brown allegedly attacked girlfriend Rihanna after an altercation over a text message, the two young singers got back together to work on their problems. Rihanna has forgiven Brown and is willing to give the relationship another go, People magazine and TMZ have both confirmed.

On February 8, Brown got so infuriated when Rihanna reportedly took the car keys out of the ignition and threw them out the window, that he repeatedly hit and bit her until a concerned passerby heard her screams and called the police. An investigation has been underway ever since to determine whether the DA could charge Brown with making criminal threats, domestic violence and even attempted murder. However, Rihanna seems to have accepted Chris’ apology and is now with him at Diddy’s Miami mansion, working out their problems.

“They’re together again. They care for each other. While Chris is reflective and saddened about what happened, he is really happy to be with the woman he loves. He called to wish her happy birthday. They’ve reached out to each other. It’s been mutual.
Originally Posted by Krazyrodzilla

Originally Posted by NotoriousMJ23

Dudes are looking way to much into this.

People give their hearts, time, money, etc to these stars and celebs and get heart broken and crushed like they know them in real life and/or like they share some special unbreakable bond..

Forgetting the fact that they are humans like everyone else... Everyone makes mistakes, to not realize that or accept that is dumb and ignorant.

I hate when people get surprise or hurt when they find out their idol cheated, abused, or caused some other illegal or other act against their morals.. Like they are human just like everyone else.. They bleed just like us.

"the people highest up have the lowest self-esteem.. The prettiest people do the ugliest things..."

Chris Brown is taking the right steps to become a better person, it doesn't happen over night.. Things take time.
Stop riding his back.

I mean dang, even the victim is over it.. Her fans aren't?!

He's just trying to move on and show growth..

Dudes are straight acting like he hit they girl or took they girl from them.

I swear, let that would've Kat Stacks or some girl just trying to get on.. Ya'll would be laughing, making threads, gifs, and everything else.
But since it's a perso your a fan of, you feel some type of way and caught feelings.

Like that gif of Jay-Z hitting that girl with the two-three piece.. I've never heard anyone say anything about that... Never.. Only laughs and smiley faces.. It's that abuse?!!?

And the whole imagine if it was your sister or mom, it wasn't.. It was a person y'all do not know.
It's bad that it happened.. But come on.. Stop it
This stuff happens everyday! Won't y'all start a "stop hitting women" awareness day, thread, etc.. Make tshirts and whatnot

And the dudes saying they'd beat Chris up, please.
Most of y'all hypebeast would be asking for him to sign y'all Jordans!

Stop riding his back.

I've yet to read a good reason for this.
why should they?

Why shouldn't they? Not only has dude apologized so many times, but he has been trying to better himself as a person. What else does he need to do so people will forgive him? Hell if Rihanna can forgive him, I don't see how anyone else can't. Y'all dudes act like y'all have never made a mistake before. Yes he hit a female, but get over it. He hasn't done it since.
Originally Posted by ILLIONAIRE
i agree with everything dude said, but the way he speaks almost gave me a headache.

my problem with c brown is not what he did to rihanna.....bc people make mistakes....albeit big or small, $$% happens

but the way dude has carried himself since is just plain dumb....

-partying, hamming it up for cameras shortly after the incident
-calling radio stations complaining bc they not playing his songs
-losing his cool on photogs
-boo-hooing every chance he gets on twitter
-getting fully tatted up to look more threatening
-getting mad during interviews and storming out

he should have the common sense to know what shouldnt be done, but whoever's handling dude def doesnt have his best interest at heart if they ok with all this.
letsgetit22 wrote:
Why shouldn't they? Not only has dude apologized so many times, but he has been trying to better himself as a person. What else does he need to do so people will forgive him? Hell if Rihanna can forgive him, I don't see how anyone else can't. Y'all dudes act like y'all have never made a mistake before. Yes he hit a female, but get over it. He hasn't done it since.

the thing is...i'm guessing your career doesn't rest on people buying into your image and the person you present yourself to go to work and as long as you don't get out of pocket they let you clock out and come back the next day or you work for yourself and do you...

Chris' whole career rests on people buying into the person he presents himself to be. Most of his fans are female.  If people don't wan to forgive him and buy his music or attend his concerts they have every right to do so.  Its not like he works at Petco so once he serves his time he just fades back into society. As a celeb you already put yourself out there to be scrutinized (right or wrong you do) so he needs to learn that this will follow him the rest of his career and learn to deal with the questions. Even when he gets married I promise he will be asked how his relationship with Rihanna has effected his marriage and what he learned from that incident to help make his marriage work.
Lets face it. Chris just isn't that bright. I think all the crumping in his teen years got to his brain. Ive defended him on that GMA thing they shouldnt have asked him about that, thats in his past. But dude shouldn't have acted that way throwing and breaking ###*. Dude just doesn't get it.
lets think logically felllow nt'ers

this is a publicity stunt done right before his albulm release to boost sales, has been done before by various artists....


now...lets bash on his sisqo lookin hurrdoo LOL
Originally Posted by LDJ

ForeverDecember21 wrote:
Originally Posted by LDJ

You dont so call give a f, yet you drove halfway across town to grab your cape out the cleaners to go save her. If you would let a women treat you like a bia, beat you hell stab and shoot you and you sit there and say oh well its all good then thats you.

How are you not siding with her when your whole rant is composed of you saying he is a wimp a chump, he is a loser. Which is weird considering the fact chances are you never met him, hell never even seen him before, and probably would tuck tail and run if you did see him. All of your comments have basically said look i am timid of women, i will allow myself to be disrespected, degraded, treated subpar because someone has different genitalia.

Are you kidding me!? 
 Yo b fall back, sand out your vagina. Cause its not that serious. At least to me anyway. U pushin real hard for a e-debate! FoH uSAD 

Stop while youre behind.  You talking mad outlandish trying to convince that i myself am saying these things
 and coming off as a lame.
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