Child Support

Jun 15, 2013
While watching the press conference of the female that slept with Chris Brown but did not get herpes, I started thinking, if this female has a legitimate case so do a lot of fathers out there.

Actually when putting things into perspective a lot of fathers have a better chance on suing females that tricked them into getting pregnant.

For example, if a married woman steps out of a relationship and lies about being single and gets pregnant by another Man, how is that not fraud? Why are the court penalizing the victim which in this case is the father? The woman clearly slept with intent on getting pregnant to collect a monthly paycheck for 18-21 years.

That's fraud and grand larceny....

All the woman that claimed to be on the pill, can't conceive, etc just to tide the man into a relationship or child support should be she. I don't think the man is relieve of their fatherly duties but the woman should be paying the person back.

What ya think?
Besides it's hard to prove that a woman "tricked" a man when you, as a man, made the decision to nut in her.....

In the scenario of the married woman, that's why every person should take a DNA test when the child is born.

If you didn't do that, then 5 years later, you're outchea taking care of the child...well that's a different story. Usually the court will tell the man to stop paying child support...However, its kind of like what I said earlier...take a DNA test when the child is born.
What if a dude had a kid young, and his kid had a kid young, would the granddad still have to pay child support for his son, who pays child support for his son???
Besides it's hard to prove that a woman "tricked" a man when you, as a man, made the decision to nut in her.....

In the scenario of the married woman, that's why every person should take a DNA test when the child is born.

If you didn't do that, then 5 years later, you're outchea taking care of the child...well that's a different story. Usually the court will tell the man to stop paying child support...However, its kind of like what I said earlier...take a DNA test when the child is born.
I understand what you are saying, but that goes back to when a person sleeps with a person that has an STD (usually incurable) ...

Having a kid is no different, parents that are force to pay child support have a lifelong commitment not only financially but morally. Those that can't afford to pay can find themselves incarcerated, suspended license, passport, can't find jobs at times, etc. A person's life can be ruin just because a person tricked the others.

In the situation I stated before the child is out of the affair the person did not know anything about ... that's still adultery and fraud.

Like we see people get sue for less and even went those suing are at fault, but they be winning cases. Why can't a person that has been tricked to have a child intentionally?
You can't be serious. "Tricked" into getting pregnant? As a man, if you're out here getting swindled by these chics, that's a reflection upon you. You're a full grown man. Either wear a condom, or face the consequences.

The woman isn't forcing you to penetrate her. Learn life, or face the perils. Women are pimps too and, some men get pimped due to only thinking with their penis or not reading between the lines.
You can't be serious. "Tricked" into getting pregnant? As a man, if you're out here getting swindled by these chics, that's a reflection upon you. You're a full grown man. Either wear a condom, or face the consequences.

The woman isn't forcing you to penetrate her. Learn life, or face the perils. Women are pimps too and, some men get pimped due to only thinking with their penis or not reading between the lines.
What are you even saying? There are plenty of occasions where people are swindled and willingly. That's my entire basis ...

These broads suing Usher are willingly sleeping with this Man, if they catches or didn't catch herpes, they have to own their responsibilities. However, they are suing and in other cases winning.

There are people taking large amounts of monies to send to people that are on the other side of the world because of a phone call and some accusations. This is called fraud.

Whether a man was a willing participant or not in a sexual act and if the woman lied, whether it was by saying she couldn't get pregnant , she was on a pill, whether it was not being single, etc. Why is that any different from thise other scenerios. The woman lied! There are plenty of cases that woman goes to the extreme to recover the jimmies and offloading the load into them and have conceived

Again, why can't a man sue for fraud or not have a legitimate case?
Women got the parenting /child support issue on lock...just something we as Men gotta deal with
Exactly my point. I'm not looking to hear the parties at hand are both consenting adults. We all know that; However, there are lots of cases when people are at fault still suing and winning. Why can this be any different?

Woman automatically are favorites to get custody And granted child support regardless of the circumstances and the devious deceptions some of these females do.
Not telling someone of your STD status is TAKING AWAY the choice of a person wanting sleeping with them knowing they have a STD. This is a matter of health.

Sleeping with someone and then get cheated on and you continue to sleep with is a CHOICE. This is a matter of infidelity...

Huge difference
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For example, if a married woman steps out of a relationship and lies about being single and gets pregnant by another Man, how is that not fraud? Why are the court penalizing the victim which in this case is the father? The woman clearly slept with intent on getting pregnant to collect a monthly paycheck for 18-21 years.
But you can only say that because its the scenario you created. It's up to the court to decide if that was her "intent" right? Say the situation you described is exactly what happened for both people involved then yeah I think it should be some kind of fraud, but the whole point of going to court is proving whether or not that's the case.

I do get what you're saying OP, the justice system in regard to child support/alimony is f'ed up.
But you can only say that because its the scenario you created. It's up to the court to decide if that was her "intent" right? Say the situation you described is exactly what happened for both people involved then yeah I think it should be some kind of fraud, but the whole point of going to court is proving whether or not that's the case.

I do get what you're saying OP, the justice system in regard to child support/alimony is f'ed up.

I've seen cases where guy was taking care of a child for 12 years, until they final decided to get a DNA test.

The court still made that person pay child support...Why? Is it really the child fault? You went this long assuming the responsibility, nobody told you to skip the test...You stood tall and took care of a child that isn't yours...So why stop?
Not telling someone of your STD status is TAKING AWAY the choice of sleeping with them. This is a matter of health.

Sleeping with someone and they cheat and you continue to sleep with is a CHOICE. This is a matter of infidelity...

Huge difference
How is there a huge difference?

Let's break this down ...

In both cases you have consenting adults.

In both cases one person is lying to the other.

In both cases the person that didn't know had a choice. 1. By having a STD test and/or strapping up (although that doesn't prevent all type of STDs) and the other 2. Strapping up or not sleeping with them.

So how is that different? Because one is a disease and the other is a life long commitment? Same **** if you ask me.

I mean let's put another scenario... a woman intentionally poke holes to get pregnant. If that was a HIV/AIDS she can be charge but if her intention where to get prego then the man has to pay child support? Don't be close minded my dude.

Woman riding a dude Johnson comes out and before she goes to put it back she take the Jimmy off ... lots of stuff can happen.

In addition, once the woman gets pregnant whether intentionally or not, the father has no right what so ever. So ...

Again my point is wouldn't the man have a legitimate case to sue for fraud and if proven he was right recoup money long term.
Child support when it goes to what it's supposed to go to and serve its intended purpose is one thing.

There's a lot of cases where it's a broke females hustle though. Some dudes gotta smarten up with who they knock up though.
Child support when it goes to what it's supposed to go to and serve its intended purpose is one thing.

There's a lot of cases where it's a broke females hustle though. Some dudes gotta smarten up with who they knock up though.
You know that the system is so ducked up that this is not the case . What newborn needs 1500+ to survive? Some one the numbers I be seeing are crazy.
Pregnancy is not equivalent to transmitting sexual diseases so no a lot of dudes wouldn't have a case against women purposely getting pregnant.

So no fraud or entrapment. A chick would have to collect your sperm and implant her seed to even get to that point.
Pregnancy is not equivalent to transmitting sexual diseases so no a lot of dudes wouldn't have a case against women purposely getting pregnant.

So no fraud or entrapment. A chick would have to collect your sperm and implant her seed to even get to that point.
And that does happen ....but leave it to you to have an absolute ...
And that does happen ....but leave it to you to have an absolute ...
Yeah and that's the only time you probably could sue.

Not on some shoot up the club and she has the kid anyway and you try to sue for fraud.

With judges in America even if a chick did that, got sued successfully, and convicted for fraud she probably still come after the dad for child support :lol:
Yeah and that's the only time you probably could sue.

Not on some shoot up the club and she has the kid anyway and you try to sue for fraud.

With judges in America even if a chick did that, got sued successfully, and convicted for fraud she probably still come after the dad for child support :lol:
Of course not ... I'm not talking about a dude willfully nutting in a female.

To different cases ...

Just because a person kills another is not 100% murder ....

Like I said a case has to be made and proven ...

That's why I gave some specific examples ....
I know what you Mean, but by your statement you also think that is not right.

I wonder who will be the first male to set a precedence and sue ....

It'll be hard for any man to even get a shot at a trial date for something like that. Men are assumed to be domineering during sex and women submissive. There isn't gonna be a way to convince any judge that you got a woman pregnant and you weren't the maestro of the conception.
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